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05 Feb 2020 -Judgement, Light Seer's Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Light Seer's Tarot

Our brain can sometimes tell us that we need something before we can find closure - an apology, maybe, or a goodbye. Today's card is a gentle invitation into the idea that you may not need that as much as you think you do. You can release a situation's hold on you, at any time, no matter how unfinished it may feel.

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06 Feb 2020 -Archeon Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Archeon Tarot

Today's card is one of vulnerability and openness. Let your chalice be empty and drink deep of what is offered to you to fill it. Choose deep presence with whomever is with you instead of falling into habits that may distract you from the present moment and see where that takes you.

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07 Feb 2020 -6 of Wands Light Seers tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

6 of Wands
Light Seers tarot
"We're people who got into this line of work because we wanted people to like us, 'cause we were intrinsically insecure, because we liked the sound of people clapping 'cause it made us forget how much we feel like we're not good enough." Taylor Swift, Miss Americana.

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08 Feb 2020 -6 of Swords Prisma Visions

Post by Joan Marie »

6 of Swords
Prisma Visions

Be wary of this path you're on, it seems full of tricks. You've crossed this hurdle safely, but the next might not be so suited to your strengths.

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From Libra

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10 Feb 2020 -The Star, Practical Magic Starter Deck

Post by Joan Marie »

The Star
Practical Magic Starter Deck

There is some kind of order to the universe. Quiet yourself and you'll find your way into it. Today is not the day to push against the wind. Try and feel where it wants to take you and you'll be guided gently.


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12 Feb 2020 -The Devas of Creation

Post by Joan Marie »

The Devas of Creation

What you have acquired in life my not fit the commonly prescribed "mold" for happiness or success but that is because you seek out the strange and the beautiful. In the things you surround yourself with, in the knowledge you seek and the people in your life. Look around yourself and see the strange and beautiful world you have created for yourself.


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13 Feb 2020 - 2 of Pentacles The Line Defined

Post by Joan Marie »

2 of Pentacles
The Line Defined

The turn of every wheel, every circle, affects the turn of every other. All things, all movements, all decisions are connected. Every choice we make sets off a string of other choices.

Instead of only concentrating on the choice at hand, look past it to the wheels that would be set in motion by it.


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14 Feb 2020 - Ace of Cups, Cult of Weimar Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Ace of Cups
Cult of Weimar Tarot

What's in your cup of dreams?

Do you believe in them or were you taught that dreams were for other people, that you need to be "practical?" Were you made to feel guilty or selfish for pursuing them?

It's time you reclaim and validate your dreams and not allow anyone, especially yourself, to denigrate or belittle you for working toward them.


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15 Feb 2020 - Deck of the Enchanted Soul

Post by Joan Marie »

Deck of the Enchanted Soul

Instead of happiness as a goal, consider freedom. Think about what that means for you. Close your eyes and just feel whatever you are feeling. if you are tired, be tired. If you have pain, be in pain. If you are anxious, just be anxious. If you are relaxed, be relaxed. Just let whatever is happening right now happen. After a few minutes, open your eyes and you will know a little bit what freedom feels like.


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Re: 15 Feb 2020 - Deck of the Enchanted Soul

Post by Joan Marie »

Page of Disks
The Intuitive Tarot

Take a step back today and think about your plans. Not so much in specifics, but in your general motivation. The idea is to bring "you" back into your plans. Reinstate your authenticity so that your approach to things truly reflects who you are. Besides being a lot more fun, you have a much better chance at success than you do emulating others and how they do things.


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17 Feb 2020 - l' Oracle Indigo

Post by Joan Marie »

l' Oracle Indigo

The spirit of the night would like you to take notice. It offers special gifts that are too often overlooked when compared to the glare of the day. Refocus your mind to appreciate the special feelings and beauty that are only found in the night. (Hint: It's more than just the moon)


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18 Feb 2020 -The Aeon, Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Aeon
Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot

There is a big change either on the horizon or it's possible we are in the midst of it and maybe not noticing because it is so gradual. But it is a tectonic shift, an end of a complacency that had set in. Try and tune into it. You don't want to miss any of this.


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20 Feb 2020 -The Hanged One, The Pen Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Hanged One
The Pen Tarot

Feeling a bit stuck? It'll pass. In the meanwhile, have a cup of tea and see if that helps. Or an espresso shot. But do something to fight it before it takes hold.

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21 Feb 2020 - Page of Pentacles, Stretch Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Page of Pentacles
Stretch Tarot

Sometimes it's difficult to keep with a project. Grinding at it can often just make it worse. Sometimes diligence means finding a new angle to come at the problem. Take your nose off the grindstone for a while and look up. You may find an inspiring new direction.


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23 Feb 2020 - 4 of Pentacles, Next World Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

4 of Pentacles
Next World Tarot

There are so many ways to enjoy things. Try not to get so attached to your own ideas that you exclude yourself from other possibilities or inadvertently discourage others from pursuing and experiencing their pleasure, their ideas. An open mind is a free mind.


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24 Feb 2020 - Death, The Subliminal Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Subliminal Tarot

Are you running away from the light? Craving a little darkness maybe? We tend to look for (what we think is) happiness and sunshine all the time, but sometimes a little trip to other side of things can be really enriching. Don't be afraid to explore. There is always something to learn.

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25 Feb 2020 - Knight of Disks, Oriental Tarot 1845

Post by Joan Marie »

Knight of Disks
Oriental Tarot 1845

Time to dig deep and show us what you've got. Not that surface stuff, the real deal. You might have to work a little harder but the reward will be great because people will respond to you, will connect with you. You'll wonder why you waited so long.


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26 Feb 2020 - Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle

In the 1800's in industrial England there was a very quick evolution in a certain breed of moth. The majority were white and were well camouflaged by the beech trees they lived among. The rare one was black and those were quickly seen sitting on the white-barked trees, and eaten by birds.

Then came industry and in a very short time the beech trees became covered in black soot and then it was the white moths that became the feast for the birds and the black ones that flourished in number.

There is something similar afoot now. Things are changing quickly, shifting, and the people and ideas that were once pushed to the margins are now coming to the fore. Take note of the changes happening around you and in the world. And then dig deep within yourself and root out what no longer serves you or anyone else.

This change is not simply a reaction to events, it is a fundamental shift of priorities and motivations. How lucky we are to see this.

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27 Feb 2020 - High Priestess, The Crow Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

High Priestess
The Crow Tarot

It's not easy being the High Priestess. Everyone always looking to you for guidance and answers. All the while, trying just to keep your own self going. It's hard to maintain the deep spiritual state required. A good High Priestess knows exactly when it's time to take a walk, or a nap, or a hot bath or go out for lunch. She can also, without any guilt, close the door and read a book, paint her toenails, or do anything that is just for herself. This is how she recovers and is able to return to her state of grace and beauty.


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28 Feb 2020 - 5 of Pentacles HeARTful Spirits Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

5 of Pentacles
HeARTful Spirits Tarot

Life is tricky and often difficult. There isn't much we can do about that other than be kind and understanding to each other. Remember that your words and actions stick with the people they are directed at long after you've forgotten them. You don't want to be that negative voice in someone's head telling them they are doing everything wrong. Be the voice of interest and awe in their possibilities. Encourage their individuality and strengths. be that force.


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29 Feb: l’Oracle Egyptien

Post by Joan Marie »

l’Oracle Egyptien

You think you are looking for love? Well, love is looking for you. Lower your shield, look up and feel the warmth of the sun's love shine upon you. Allow this to happen and it will.


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01 Mar: Sola Busca Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Sola Busca Tarot

An attractive image, no? No. 😉

But this is how we sometimes look (metaphorically) when we are so focused on one thing that we forget to notice how we appear to others. Remember that whatever you pursue you will be much more effective if you consider the whole of your presentation.


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02 Mar: Hanged Man, Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Hanged Man
Button Soup Tarot

Find some balance today. Something is about to crystallise and you will be best served by a level-head and a calm spirit. Think about what has been missing lately and use it balance yourself out.

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03 Mar: Hanged Man, Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Fool
Button Soup Tarot
Artist: AstralPasta

excerpted from the "l'il white book"

"So with the idea we are in the realm of the spirit, everything here is all symbols, metaphor, and simply and peacefully co-existing. ... There is not in this scenery, any anxiety. We're sovereign but connected and intertwined with our environment, and everything is experiential and the feeling is one of presence."

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04 Mar: Hanged Man, Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

6 of Swords
by surrealzm
Button Soup Tarot

Change. Leaving strife and conflict behind, moving on to a better situation. The understanding and objectivity you have developed will give you the insights you need to get through the transition and the emotional turmoil, and grow.

excerpted from the "lil white book"

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