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Tarot Certification Courses?

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One of the beautiful things about the tarot is that you never stop learning and discovering new and fascinating things.

This is the place to come to share tips and ideas for learning the craft of tarot. Approaching it from many angles and points of view broadens everyone's appreciation and understanding and aids in developing your technique.

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Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Desmond »

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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by JulianneVictoria »

I don't feel they are necessary to learn and read Tarot, but of course can be helpful for anyone wanting structured learning. Also there is not legal entity regulating Tarot Readers, so when a course uses "certification" you have to ask by whom or by whose standards.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Diana »

Ah, this brings back memories this discussion.

I can't stand the things. Who can claim the right to give someone a stamp of approval? Where does their legitimacy come from? And if one has to pay for these, it's even worse. Study all one wants with whomever one wants, but for god's sake, Tarot is in no need of certification.

Why would a Tarot reader need a certificate ? To put up on their wall like a doctor ?

I'm getting all annoyed here. The feelings related to the old memories seem to be still very much alive.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Libra »

If someone I admire or really enjoy the thoughts of offers a course, I'll be happy to pay to hear them go into more detail (I'm in Lindsay Mack's Inner Voice session right now). I'll take from those what suits me, sit with what challenges me and ultimately take it or leave it. I've not had any offer a certificate after and if they did, tbh they aren't likely to be someone that I hold that level of admiration for in the first place and I'd not likely have been in it in the first place.

I've seen SO MANY "certified tarot readers" (and "generational tarot readers" tbh...) give readings that are just junk or contain actively harmful advice. I dunno, to me, if someone is flaunting that they are a "certified" reader, my assumptions about them aren't good. There's a vast difference in my mind between someone who took a course, learned a lot, enjoyed it, whatever, and someone who relies on a certificate from a questionable source to speak for them.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Charlie Brown »

What in the world is a
Libra wrote: 29 Jan 2020, 16:33 generational tarot reader
I believe in Crystal Light.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Joan Marie »

We all have to find our way to learn Tarot and if taking a structured course is for you then why not? The certificate would just prove you've taken this training. Period. The corporate world gives these out all the time for completing management training classes and such. These are little more than "participation trophies." The most they can indicate is some level of dedication to the "job."

So what value does that certificate have? I have no idea, although I am sure that some people looking for a Tarot Reader might be impressed with it when they see it on a web page. So it could bring in business.

But does it really mean anything? Does it mean more than saying "I've read these 10 books on Tarot"? I don't really think so because as far as I know there is no central Tarot Licensing Board who have identified and enforce standards. That would be weird.

Some people really like to learn that way and evaluations and certificates provide a kind of encouragement and motivation.

But buyer beware for sure.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Libra »

Charlie Brown wrote: 29 Jan 2020, 16:46 What in the world is a
Libra wrote: 29 Jan 2020, 16:33 generational tarot reader
Oh there are people out there who lord about how they are more legit because their mother was a tarot reader and their grandmother and her mother before her and this lineage means they are a True Diviner blahblahblah
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by stronglove »

here’s what benebell wen had to say about certification
in 2013 (about the tcba, no longer offering certification)

in 2017 (with specific info on biddy tarot and the tarot readers academy) ... ion-redux/

i myself am not into certification, because what does that certificate mean anyway, what is it good for, who needs it? but i really loved susannah conway’s 78 mirrors and daily guidance classes. taking a tarot class or joining an online study group can be a great opportunity to communicate with other tarot fans and my 78 mirrors facebook group stayed alive and active long after the classes finished.

but if you take time to search online there are so many ways to get tarot courses for free!
just recently i found a short youtube course on the tarot if the spirit, one of my oldest and best loved decks

so i would really advise you to do a thorough search before spending your money, make sure it’s really worth it.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by Joan Marie »

stronglove wrote: 29 Jan 2020, 19:36 here’s what benebell wen had to say about certification
in 2013 (about the tcba, no longer offering certification)
This is really interesting from Benebell.
This link takes you to some of her blog entry titles, the one about certification is the third one down I think.
I accidentally read the first one about a course she's offering in astrology and I just skimmed through it but I think anyone can see she's put a massive amount of work and expertise into creating a real course. The person taking this would have a very clear idea of what to expect, and also not waste their time or money if they aren't ready to work their ass off.
BTW- I didn't see any mention of "certification" for this course. I think it's just a course.

But the article stronglove was referring to about TCBA certification is really interesting, especially since it comes from someone, Benebell, who clearly knows how to study and learn and what a real course actually is.

I really recommend reading it. She has very mixed feelings about the whole thing but overall thinks it's a very positive experience for reasons other than the certificate which I think she saw no real use for. her reasons for liking it are very interesting and surprising. But she did have some doubts about how the certification was put together. There were things she thought were senseless but then ended up being very helpful. Other things she simply didn't get the point of. She also questioned the costs. But overall despite all that she found the concept a very positive one.

But this is just my quick summary. What she wrote I think would be extremely eye-opening to anyone who wonders about this. Also for anyone who is considering putting together any kind of Tarot Learning program.
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by stronglove »

yes, that’s why i provided the link, even though tcba doesn’t exist anymore. she clearly shows how it can be an experimental journey, providing you with benefits where you don’t expect them and making you hesitate or confusing you where you thought you understood....
thanks for pointing out benebell’s own classes, they are fabulous, well thought out, very well organized and most of them are free! and she asks very little for the other ones. i thoroughly enjoyed her ‘sightsee the tarot’ series

especially the ones that focus on historical methods of reading the tarot (gébelin, papus, foster case)
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Re: Tarot Certification Courses?

Post by PamelaSteele »

Depending on what your focus is regarding reading the cards, courses can be helpful when learning and/or furthering your knowledge. But I don't consider them mandatory.
There are multiple tarot paths available. Choose the one(s) that resonate with you and follow them. But IMHO the answer is "no", you do not need to have a piece of paper certifying your talents and abilities.
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