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Vintage Occult Magazines

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Vintage Occult Magazines

Post by BreathingSince72 »

The opposite of truth is falsehood but the opposite of one profound truth may well be another profound truth.
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Re: Vintage Occult Magazines

Post by BlueStar »

What a great find! Thanks for sharing the link. It's wonderful what you can find on the internet.
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Joan Marie
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Re: Vintage Occult Magazines

Post by Joan Marie »

This is so cool.
In the 1920s there were hundreds and hundreds of periodicals focused on various occult themes and practices published all over the world. They ranged from the mystical to the everyday in the topics they covered. And so much rose out of them. It was the beginning of the time when esoteric practices were being seriously studied in terms of how these practices can help one live a good life, a happy life, a sane life in the face of the catastrophes of the early 20th century.

This led to a lot of developments in the nascent studies of psychology and therapy, (not to mention physics)

These early periodicals sowed the seeds for a fair amount of bullshit and chicanery, but also for a lot of what has become our modern understanding of the human experience, the need for connecting to life on something other than a purely materialist view that left so many at this time spiritually unsatisfied and adrift in the chaos of post-modern life.

It's where we see some of the first writings on the health eating, vegetarian life, and the "clothing reform" movement to take people out of the trappings of corsets and bustles and spats. All these things in addition to meditation and yoga (very new in the west) and many other common things we take for granted now. There was also a lot about communicating with the dead (a big issue after WW! and the following influenza outbreak) and on and on.

These old magazines are well worth looking into for a picture of life in those days from a very under-reported but widely used set of resources that started movements and influenced modern life up unto this very day.

And the cover art was just awesome.
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Re: Vintage Occult Magazines

Post by BreathingSince72 »

The opposite of truth is falsehood but the opposite of one profound truth may well be another profound truth.
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