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A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable Walk into a bar...

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Joan Marie
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A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable Walk into a bar...

Post by Joan Marie »

As you may or may not know, every sign of the Zodiac is deemed as being either Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable.

The Cardinal signs, (Capricorn, Aires, Cancer, and Libra) each signal the turning point to a new season (Winter, Spring, Summer Fall).
Cardinals are ambitious, self-motivated, ready for a challenge.

The Fixed signs, ( Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) are the signs deep into their season, feeling the full weight of it.
Fixed signs are very stable and concentrated and dig deep to understand and sort out problems.

The Mutable signs, (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) are the signs of transition to the next new season.
Mutables are ready to move on and like to solve problems fast to get to the next thing.

I heard a little story that helps you remember these traits. It was told by Susan T. Chang on the podcast she does with Mel Meleen, Fortune's Wheelhouse in the episode about the Lovers card.

It goes like this:

A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable are walking when suddenly there is a gigantic boulder in their path.

The Cardinal looks at the obstacle and says, "I got this!" and proceeds to get out the climbing equipment, pitons, gloves and grappling hook and heaves their way up and over the boulder like a champ.

The Fixed looks at the obstacle and after careful assessment of the situation organises the drilling of the boulder creating a tunnel through it. It takes years, but the obstacle is cleared.

The Mutable looks at the boulder and just walks around it.
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Joan Marie
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Re: A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable Walk into a bar...

Post by Joan Marie »

Classic Mutable:

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Charlie Brown
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Re: A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable Walk into a bar...

Post by Charlie Brown »

I was both impressed and horrified when my little sweetheart discovered that trick. I was pleased with her ability to solve the problem but despaired that she'd never be able to recognize a square. It seems to have worked itself out, however. She's such a little Taurus though.

Her latest attempt to make me feel like derelict failure happened yesterday evening, around 5 o' clock perhaps not coincidentally. She fished out several empty wine and mineral water bottles from the recycling, lined them all up in front of her, and loudly proclaimed "I've got all the cheers!" She then turns to me and says "Daddy, what you having? I'm pouring. I'm pouring."
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Re: A Cardinal, a Fixed and a Mutable Walk into a bar...

Post by Diana »

LOL!!!!! 🤣

I swear the more I examine these types, I think I'm a Mutable who for some reason behaves often like a Cardinal. I think I have a confusion of identity. Or confusion of signs rather.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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