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Feeding ducks, the Impeachment and the importance of symbols

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Feeding ducks, the Impeachment and the importance of symbols

Post by Diana »

I did a short reading a couple of days ago about the impeachment business. Not to know the outcome of the formal judgement - that's already a foregone conclusion. But just to get a feel of what's going on. I did a Past/Present/Future spread using the Grimaud TdM. My question was "what's the buzz with this impeachment thing?"

This morning I was out for a walk and I saw the headlines of a newspaper "Le Canton de Vaud veut nourrir les canards", i.e. "The Canton of Vaud wants to feed the ducks". (The Canton of Vaud is the administrative region where I live). I thought that's odd - they're always telling us to stop feeding the ducks and the swans and now they're telling us that they want to feed them ? But then I realised very quickly that the "canards" - ducks - they were talking about were obviously newspapers, because "canard" is French slang for a newspaper. And I suppose they have some plan to support financially the local newspapers. It was just a play on words.

This reminded me of the reading that I did and the Ace of Cups. Canard is not a symbol per se, but reading it literally didn't make sense. There was something else behind the "symbol" of the canard.

Past : 7 Batons
Present : Ace of Cups
Past : 7 Swords

The 2 sevens are not very exciting. Nothing much will change. Perhaps a tiny shift of perception amongst the American voters and non-voters; perhaps a bit more war talk from Trump. I don't see his Wall being built, not with a 7 of Swords. But it'll all be the same kind of business going on. Business as usual as they say.

But that Ace of Cups stumps me a bit. It's a very powerful symbol. Especially the Ace of Cups of the Tarot of Marseilles.

As de Coupes.jpg

At first I thought it represented symbolically the Constitution of the United States. That somehow in spite of all this, some kind of dignity will be upheld.

Then I thought, no, it looks more like the White House itself. And then I thought this would be the confirmation that Trump is installing a Trump dynasty with the help of his cronies. His son, son-in-law, daughter - they've all got their eye on the power and are all Trumps through and through.

What do you think it represents ?

The other two cards are these :
7 Batons.jpg
7 Epées.jpg
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Feeding ducks, the Impeachment and the importance of symbols

Post by Diana »

I'm thinking now that the Ace of Cups represents the Senate and the Republican's strong hold on the future of the United States for the years to come under the leadership of the Trumps. And that the war talk may be stepped up a bit. He got away with his gamble in the eyes of the American general public when he ordered the assassination of the Iranian general or whatever rank he had. So even if he won the previous elections also due to his talk of withdrawing from the international scene a bit military wise, he will feel freer to go on a few reckless adventures with the bad advice of his rubbish and evil advisers.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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