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Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Starlight »

Monk wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 16:59

What you are referring to is quantum entanglement. By merely observing an electron or photon we influence it. For there has to be some form of information. This implies interaction and inevitably influencing back and forth.

I somehow have come to think that the same goes for our shadow side. When we get in contact with it we influence it.

I've been very interested in Focusing (Eugene Gendlin originally, and Ann Weiser Cornell more recently) and that's a method for interacting with parts of ourselves that require attention. And once we give those parts our attention, whatever the issue was that made those parts known to us usually subsides. It's amazing! It's like there's a two-way flow, or a dialogue. We learn something from the parts, and the parts no longer need to cause pain in the body or cause feelings to arise because they've been listened to, acnowledged and heard.
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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Starlight »

Joan Marie wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 18:00
Starlight wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 11:23 are there any good resources you would recommend?
I found this extremely helpful.
Thank you! I have watched some of her videos (I love the way she speaks...) but I must have missed this one!
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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Starlight »

Diana wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 08:32
I really enjoy your posts. They're always very well thought out and refreshing.
You are very kind! I hope my tone doesn't come across as dogmatic or close-minded because I enjoy learning from others and sharing what I believe to be true at any given time. And I quite understand that not everyone will see things the way I do. :)

Diana wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 08:32I think this article gives a nice breakdown of the stages of alchemy when applied to spiritual alchemy. ... l-alchemy/. ... l-alchemy/^

The formula “Solve Et Coagula" is also used to describe spagyry - a remarkable aid - and which was discovered and developed by the renowned 16th century alchemist, physician and astrologer Paracelsus. Spagyry is not well known I think in the English speaking world. In Switzerland where I live there is more interest, perhaps because Paracelsus was of Swiss origin. There are a number of pharmacies where one can obtain spagyric preparations and are used a lot by homeopaths as well (homeopathy is recognised in Switzerland and reimbursed by the health insurances).
Thank you for the link to the article - very interesting! He was a man ahead of his time!

There seems to be a lack of material in English about anything to do with spiritual alchemy - of course that was in order to fly under the radar of the Inquisition, I suppose, and threats of heresy. I have a couple of Jung's books on my 2020 reading list and that might lead on to other sources. We shall see!

I definitely think we're living in a time when being completely conscious of who we are and what we're about is important. Know Thyself, from the Oracle of Delphi, has never been more relevant.
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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Diana »

Starlight wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 14:30
You are very kind! I hope my tone doesn't come across as dogmatic or close-minded because I enjoy learning from others and sharing what I believe to be true at any given time. And I quite understand that not everyone will see things the way I do. :)
Goodness no ! Never dogmatic or close-minded! I for one always enjoy it when you post.

Thank you for the link to the article - very interesting! He was a man ahead of his time!

There seems to be a lack of material in English about anything to do with spiritual alchemy - of course that was in order to fly under the radar of the Inquisition, I suppose, and threats of heresy. I have a couple of Jung's books on my 2020 reading list and that might lead on to other sources. We shall see!

I definitely think we're living in a time when being completely conscious of who we are and what we're about is important. Know Thyself, from the Oracle of Delphi, has never been more relevant.
The Rosicrucians are still very much into spiritual alchemy. So if you google Rosicrucians + Spiritual Alchemy, you'll find resources from them. On youtube I see there are also some videos. A very short one that speaks of the 7 stages is here :

About the significance of time that you speak of, I'm reading at the moment Donald Walsch's last book in his Conversations with God series. This book came out only a few years ago after a 19 year's break of the "channellings" or whatever we call them. Here it is stressed over and over again that this is the Perfect Time for Awakening. Fortunately, it would seem according to Walsch's message that he received, we are not alone. There are highly evolved beings assisting us. If more people realise that it is the Perfect Time for Awakening, the quicker we'll maybe be able to fix this huge mess we've managed to create for our planet and our society and the human race. I picked up the book as I did all of his books, with a healthy dose of scepticism, but so far have found nothing that makes me shake my head and want to close the book (nor the others). It does startle though. In a good way.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Diana »

I listened earlier to this talk by the amazing and wonderful Alan Watts : Accepting your shadow side - Alan Watts celebrates Carl Jung.

It's a very strong talk. Makes some things very clear about what the shadow is and what is to be done with it. I highly recommend listening to it. And his soft speaking voice with that wonderful English accent is a bonus.

There are a couple of sentences even that will make us Tarot folk think of the Fool in the Tarot !
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Monk »

Starlight wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 14:08
Monk wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 16:59

What you are referring to is quantum entanglement. By merely observing an electron or photon we influence it. For there has to be some form of information. This implies interaction and inevitably influencing back and forth.

I somehow have come to think that the same goes for our shadow side. When we get in contact with it we influence it.

I've been very interested in Focusing (Eugene Gendlin originally, and Ann Weiser Cornell more recently) and that's a method for interacting with parts of ourselves that require attention. And once we give those parts our attention, whatever the issue was that made those parts known to us usually subsides. It's amazing! It's like there's a two-way flow, or a dialogue. We learn something from the parts, and the parts no longer need to cause pain in the body or cause feelings to arise because they've been listened to, acnowledged and heard.
This now is on my reading list! TY Starlight, very interesting train of thoughts.

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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Post by Charlie Brown »

I believe in Crystal Light.
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