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08 Dec 2019 - The Priestess Tabula Mundi Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Priestess
Tabula Mundi Tarot

Your divine nature requires a bit of nurture today. Do what you need to do to support your spiritual foundation, recharge your powers. Seek to do this regardless of whatever social or familial obligations you may need to fulfil today. In fact use them to strengthen yourself, not drain you.


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Re: 09 Dec 2019 - The Emperor Raziel Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Emperor
Raziel Tarot

Find your strength. And don't be reticent to look for help to do that. You may find it by asking for advice. You may find it while taking a walk or in the act of creating something or in a ritual of some kind. But find it. You need it right now.


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Re: 10 Dec 2019 - The Animal Children Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

The Animal Children Oracle

Take a moment today to appreciate those around you and all the efforts they make. So many people combine to make our day better and run smoothly but we tend to only notice the ones who don't. Today let's put the emphasis on the quiet heroes of our day.


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11 Dec 2019 - 9 of Swords Arcanum Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

9 of Swords
Arcanum Tarot

Don't panic. Things look worse than they are. There are spirits (the little owl) standing by to help if you just open your eyes and see.


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12 Dec 2019 - 3 of Wands The Circo Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

3 of Wands
The Circo Tarot

The goal seems far off. Okay, so maybe it is. But the other side of it is waiting for you. You'll get there. And this feeling you have now, this doubt, will just be a memory.


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13 & 14 Dec 2019 - 4 of Sticks The Beatles Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

4 of Sticks
The Beatles Tarot

Welcome guests! Come in, sit down! What can I get you to drink?
Did you know the German word for "Host" is "Gastgeber"? Literally, Guest-giver.
If this is your role today, enjoy the honour of giving to guests. If you are a guest, bring your best self to the occasion and be worthy of the honour.
If you are neither, then treat yourself! Be your own guest and be a gracious host.


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15 Dec 2019 - The Magician Kokeshi Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Magician
Kokeshi Tarot

Dig deep. Your magic is needed and though you may not be feeling it, it's there so get yourself started and it will rise to the surface and aid you today.

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16 Dec 2019 - The Star Anieth Nature Deck

Post by Joan Marie »

The Star
Anieth Nature Deck

Have faith that all will be provided. You must still make your best effort, but do so with the knowledge that whatever you need will come to you.

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17 Dec 2019 - Oracle des Haikus

Post by Joan Marie »

Oracle des Haikus

Inspiration is just waiting for you to finally realise that what you have been calling "High Standards" are really just your limitations.


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18 Dec 2019 - Illuminated Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Illuminated Oracle

As we approach the Winter Solstice, it is a perfect time to reflect on the healing we have experienced this year. There may be a ways to go yet, but lets not forget how far we have come.


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19 Dec 2019 - 7 of Discs Sola Busca Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

7 of Discs
Sola Busca Tarot

It's important to reflect on one's life and actions. Meditation, long walks and such are all good for the spirit, the soul. But don't forget that one's work is also a path to purification and redemption. Work is a vehicle for us to express and share of ourselves. It reveals to us many things about the person we are as we observe how we go about our tasks. The richness (or squalid nature) of our worldview shows in how we work. Today be aware of how you go about your work and observe how your spirit is lifted, cleansed by it.


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20 Dec 2019 - The Emperor The Guardian Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Emperor
The Guardian Tarot

Your natural capacity for steadiness and wisdom are of great importance today. It may not appear obvious, but your influence is felt and honoured.


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21 Dec 2019 - The Fool Borderless Winter Waite Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Fool
Borderless Winter Waite Tarot

Follow your whim. Proceed without your normal caution, meaning without expectation, without fear of failure, without shyness. Trust yourself and your intentions. See what happens. Tomorrow will be another day.


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22 Dec 2019 - The Hanged man Lion's Gateway Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Hanged man
Lion's Gateway Tarot

Prepare yourself. There are many things requiring your attention in the upcoming week. Today you may want to make lists, prioritise, decide what needs to be done and what can be discarded. Find your focus. And do this in a relaxed manner. Don't stress yourself out. In fact, the point is to reduce your stress in the coming week by being well prepared in every way. That also means being rested and clear-minded. Today is a perfect day for working on those things.


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23Dec 2019 - l'Oracle des Runes

Post by Joan Marie »

l'Oracle des Runes

Get ready to dance and celebrate the light within you. You are here to shine and be a star. And so are all the people around you. When you show your light, they find their own. One-by-one the candles become lit. Everything becomes brighter and warmer.


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24-25 Dec 2019 - Aeon, Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot

At a time of year filled with traditions, think about breaking the mold a bit. Is it time to start some new traditions? Maybe discard some of the ones that no longer serve so well. Think about the meaning and symbolism you would like to see shared.

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26 Dec 2019 - Deck of the Enchanted Soul

Post by Joan Marie »

Deck of the Enchanted Soul

The soul need time to process the events of our lives and sometimes,(often) we rely too much on our mind to do all the processing. We go too fast for the soul. Nostalgia is how our soul gets us to slow down a little bit so it can catch up.


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27 Dec 2019 - Oracle Atlantide

Post by Joan Marie »

Oracle Atlantide

What is the source of colour and light for you? What or who fills you with brightness and hope? Seek that out today and soak it in. Replenish yourself for the days ahead.


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28 Dec 2019- 01 Jan 2020 - Old Bear Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Old Bear Oracle

Your life is worthy of an epic poem.

In these last days of 2019, have yourself ago at recording it. In words, in photos, any way you like, but have a go at it. You can toss the whole thing onto the fire at the end if you like, but don't be shy. Just start and see what happens. It may be funny. It may be sad. Probably both. But I can guarantee you it will surprise.

Make it as long or as short as want, but it's s good note to end the decade on. Make yourself a hero. At least on paper.


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02 Jan 2020 - The Labyrinth Oracle: Cards for the Spiritual Path

Post by Joan Marie »

The Labyrinth Oracle: Cards for the Spiritual Path

We all know the story of Icarus and how he was warned not to fly too high lest the sun would melt the wax that held his wings together.

What is often forgotten about that story is that Icarus was also warned not to fly too low lest the spray from the sea would weigh his wings down and cause him to crash. In fact, it was even more dangerous because it was deceptively safe-feeling.

Remember that aiming too low can be as fatal, at least to the spirit, as aiming too high.


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03 Jan 2020 - Strength Guided Hand Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Guided Hand Tarot

Weight lifting builds physical strength by making the muscles work against gravity. The weights provide resistance and the muscles grow stronger. Our mental and spiritual strength work the same way, by creating resistance with the pull of fear, laziness, habit, etc.
Today consider your resistance to the will of your spirit and really try to understand it. Then make your decision on giving into it (somethimes that is the wise thing) or to work against it and become the stronger for it.


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04 Jan 2020 - Four of Swords Black Lilly Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Four of Swords
Black Lilly Tarot

You may have had some administrative types of tasks on your mind today but this card urges you to forego those responsibilities for another day or so. Today you need to center yourself. Take the time for it. Engage in what is meditative and restorative today.

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05 Jan 2020 - Nocturna Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Nocturna Oracle

Your spirit guides are very nearby. Put down your guard and allow them to reach you, to speak to you.


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06 Jan 2020 - The Mystic Rubaiyat

Post by Joan Marie »

The Mystic Rubaiyat

When the winds of chaos are swirling 'round you, remember that this moment, this very one, is all we have.

There is always some beauty in it and you will find it.

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07 Jan 2020 - Ace of Pentacles Wise Fool Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Ace of Pentacles
Wise Fool Tarot

The potential for success today is high, but only if you exercise caution and care. Pay attention to what you are doing. Don't daydream.


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