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11 Nov 2019 - The Fool, Deck of the Enchanted Soul

Post by Joan Marie »

The Fool
Deck of the Enchanted Soul

The truly foolish thing is to not take to the path at all. Just because you follow the butterflies out the door sometimes doesn't mean you're naive. And don't let anyone tell you that you are. Having wide-eyes, maybe you see more.


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12 Nov 2019 - Moon, Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Button Soup Tarot

Celebrate the strangeness of life today. All the surprises, good ones and not so good ones, that make us stronger, make us who we are and give us the wisdom to live and to encourage and stand up for each other.

18 Moon.png

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13 Nov 2019 - 3 of Pentacles, Lion's Gateway Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

3 of Pentacles
Lion's Gateway Tarot

No one ever really works alone. Learn to process the input of others to bring out your truth, your vision. Accept both praise and criticism with grace and you will always gain something valuable from it. And never forget that a perfect, smooth, rounded pearl is the result of irritation from a grain of sand.


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14 Nov 2019 - 6 of Swords Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

6 of Swords
Button Soup Tarot

You're onto to a new phase. You've closed a door and are now beginning to see all the open doors that were always there but just out of view. And remember, luck is just being able to see the opportunity when it presents itself.

6 of Swords.png

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15 Nov 2019 - 9 of Pentacles, Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

9 of Pentacles
Button Soup Tarot

Your hard work will pay off. Be assured that the spirit of the 9 of Pentacles is looking after you and making the way clear for your success. You just need to keep working and look after yourself and others well.

09 of Pentacles.png

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16 Nov 2019 - Hermit Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Button Soup Tarot

Today is a day for trying a fresh perspective. Keep this in mind as you go through your day: Observe the presence of the space between things rather than on the things themselves. Reflect on that space existing.

09 Hermit.png

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17 Nov 2019 - Oracle Atlantide

Post by Joan Marie »

Oracle Atlantide

Don't doubt today that your effort is worthwhile. It definitely is. The day is calling for it. And it doesn't have to be strenuous. Just bring some light to some places that need it.


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18 Nov 2019 - Magic Neko

Post by Joan Marie »

Magic Neko

Clearly the issue of the day is that octopus on your head. Where did it come from? Did someone put it there? Did you invite it? How do you get it to leave because although you have grown used to it and hardly even see it anymore, I think you might be more comfortable with it gone. take some time today and consider the nature of that octopus.

Octocat 2.jpg
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19 Nov 2019 - Oracle des Haikus

Post by Joan Marie »

Oracle des Haikus

Get out of your head for a while today. Let your senses take the lead and go where they take you.


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20 Nov 2019 - Celtic Tree Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Celtic Tree Oracle

Dig deep today and find your strength, softly burning and beautiful. Be steady and allow the people around you to feel the glow and take in the warmth and comfort of it.

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21 Nov 2019 - Ace of Pentacles Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Ace of Pentacles
Button Soup Tarot

The seeds have been planted. The structure is in place. A strong foundation has been established. You can trust that the results will be even better than hoped for. Be joyful as you wait.

01 Ace of Pentacles.png

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22 Nov 2019 - 7 of Cups The Chalice Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

7 of Cups
The Chalice Tarot

What is it that's holding you back? Have a long hard look at your intentions and make sure they really are what you have been telling yourself they are. It might be time for a little psychic or emotional tune-up. It's a good day for it!


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23 Nov 2019 - 2 of Pentacle Button Soup Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

2 of Pentacles
Button Soup Tarot

Have you been thinking about it for a while? Weighing the options? You are in a good spot now to make a choice today, something to nurture your spirit, connect you to the world around you. Take advantage of the balance you feel and take a little risk. It's what you need.

2 of Pentacles.png

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24 Nov 2019 - Ace of Wands Practical Magic Starter Deck

Post by Joan Marie »

Ace of Wands
Practical Magic Starter Deck

Knowledge has become wisdom and you you now realise that with nothing to prove or justify you can now infuse all your doings, all your works with the spark in your heart and the originality of your personal energy.


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25 Nov 2019 - 7 of Mystics AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

7 of Mystics
AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot

Strange days have found us. Face the times with courage. It will help others to do the same.


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26 Nov 2019 - Moon The Line Defined

Post by Joan Marie »

The Line Defined

The same light that cleanses and reveals also creates shadows. There are no shadows without light. Be thankful for the benevolence of the light and all that it shows you.


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28 Nov 2019 - Ace of Pentacles 78 Tarot Mythical

Post by Joan Marie »

Ace of Pentacles
78 Tarot Mythical

Keep the faith that the seeds you have planted will grow and bring fruit. The love and care you have given them will not go unrewarded.


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29 Nov 2019 - The Dreamer's Arcana

Post by Joan Marie »

The Dreamer's Arcana

Let the vividness of nature, of all your surroundings, of your dreams and imagination, show itself to you. There is life within life within life within life....

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30 Nov 2019 - Kamienie Wróżą Oracle

Post by Joan Marie »

Kamienie Wróżą Oracle

The natural state of things is to be in balance. As humans, we tend to upset balances without knowing it. And then over-correct. Take a step back today and see if you can find your way into the natural currents of life.


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01 Dec 2019 - The Sun Thoth Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Sun
Thoth Tarot

You lead with your heart and your heart is a Sun.


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02 Dec 2019 - Tinker’s Damn Mantegna

Post by Joan Marie »

Tinker’s Damn Mantegna

You will know if you are following your instincts if what you choose to focus on feels right and pleases you. Enjoy your day.


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03 Dec 2019 - Wheel of Fortune The Crow Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Wheel of Fortune
The Crow Tarot

I've often thought that rather than a Wheel of Fortune it should be a Roller Coaster of Fortune because that is more what life feels like. The wheel just fails to capture the terror (and sometimes thrill) of the drops or the excitement of the swirls or the anticipation of the climbs or those moments of calm when you just know things are about to change really quick but just can't know how.

At some point though the ride ends, so do your best to endure what you must and enjoy what you can. Roller coasters make us stronger than ferris wheels.


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05 Dec 2019 - Fortuna The Liminal Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

The Liminal Tarot

Thursday, the day of Jupiter, is the day to consider your fortunes, to appreciate where you have been lucky in life, where you've drawn the good cards. It's also a time to look around and see what is right with the world, to look at familiar sites with fresh eyes. That leaf falling from the tree? It will never happen again, and you were lucky enough to see it and appreciate that a few months ago it was a bud on a branch, then turned green and supple in the sunlight, turned gold in the frosty air and has now, in front of your eyes, fallen from its branch onto the street below. You've witnessed something profound and beautiful. Lucky you!


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06 Dec 2019 - Queen of Pentacles Marshmallow Marseille

Post by Joan Marie »

Queen of Penatcles
Marshmallow Marseille

This Queen reminds us, to paraphrase the late-great Casey Kasem, that to reach great heights we must remain grounded and connected to the earth. It will bring you great power.


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07 Dec 2019 - Empathic Tarot

Post by Joan Marie »

Empathic Tarot

You see what is not seen. You hear what is not heard. You sense what is not present. The seat of your third eye is strong.


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