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Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Various meanings and interpretations Sola Busca cards Triumphs, Majors, Court Cards, Minors and numbered cards.
Major Arcana – Triumph cards
a. 0: strangeness, infantilism, holiday, detachment from worries, madness.
b. 0. MATO: upright: Foolishness. reversed: Insanity.
c. 0. The Fool (Mato): It doesn't matter if you are misunderstood, as long as you are true to yourself.
There is a holy innocence within each of us. Strive to keep it pure.
d. 0. Mato: A lone musician: “a strange meeting can generate sublime ideas.”
Dreams. Extravagance. Delusions. Revelation. Discovery. Invention.
a. I: astuteness, diplomacy, ability in all areas, autonomy, spirit of initiative.
b. I. PANFILIO: upright: Grace, Dignity. Painters. reversed: Small-mindedness, snobbery.
c. I. The Magician (Panfilio): Well- equippped in earthly tools and spiritual confidence, the
Magician strides forth to accomplish his will. You have the powers to manifest whatever you
d. I. Panfilio: A man walks briskly: “hurry to reach the goal.”
Movement- Search. Resolute action to achieve a goal.
a. II: study, comprehension, charity, intuition.
b. II. POSTUMIO: upright: Military or physical prowess. reversed: Loss due to betrayal.
c. II. The High Priestess (Postumio): Trust your intuition and take you own counsel. You hold
within you the gathered wisdom of all our ancestors. Do not disappoint them.
d. II. Postumius: A club blossomed in front of a grave: “death and life always coexist.”
Forethought. Clear vision of your limits. Fatalism.
a. III: intelligence, sensitiveness, fertility, dialogue.
b. III. LENPIO: upright: Arrogance. Hubris. reversed: Narrow-mindedness. Ineptitude.
c. III. The Empress (Lenpio): Wisely use the gifts of the earth. Receive the gratitude of those whose
lives you have touched with tyour kindness. Give birth to beauty.
d. III. Lenpio: A warrior in front of a bowl of blood: “regretting the wrong actions.”
Suffering. Unexpected deprivations. Unrealizable projects. Remorse.
a. IIII: authority, will, protection.
b. IIII. MARIO: upright: Versatility. Adaptability. reversed: Indecision, uncertainty. Waffling.
c. IIII. The Emperor (Mario): Power can be used for good, not for its own attainment. Consider how
you protect and support the well-being of others. Do not be a bully or a tyrant.
d. IIII. Mario: A warrior looks at the sky: a serious conflict is looming.”
Self-defense. Controlled aggression. Battle against temptations.
a. V: clemency, pity, faith, relief, patience, tolerance.
b. V. CATULO: upright: Poetic words. reversed: Political ravings.
c. V. The Hierophant (Catulo): Religion has moral justice as its foundation, the laws that guide
human behavior and spiritual righteousness. Examine your faith. Question authority,
respectfully and with an open mind.
d. V. Catulus: A soldier with garland, wounded, holding a balance: “victory won dearly.”
Analysis of its capabilities. Loss of energy. Need to heal themselves.
a. VI: love, ties, choice, examination, attempt.
b. VI. SESTO: upright: Rape, violence, murder. reversed: Dynasty. Posterity.
c. VI. The lovers (Sesto): making a choice removes possibilities, just as marriage limits lovers to
their union, forsaking all others. And yet, that limitation may give the greatest bliss. Commit
to your passion.
d. VI. Sixth: A soldier with a torch and winged foot: “clarify one’s own objectives."
Survey. Moment of reflection. Delayed decision.
a. VII: success, recognized merit, evolution.
b. VII. DEOTAURO: upright: Victory through might. reversed: Historical obscurity.
c. VII The Chariot (Deo Tauro): Victory and public aclaim are assured. The only thing that can
prevent your succes now is hesitation on your part. You must drive your own chariot into
battle and back again.
d. VII. Deo Tauro: A warrior in triumph over a throne: “ Public honors and awards.”
Taget achieved. Triumph. Conciliatory action. Contrast solution.
a. VIII: equilibrium, harmony, justice, natural law.
b. VIII. NERONE: upright: Malicious neglect. reversed: Mistreatment of the weak.
c. VIII. Justice (Nerone): Divine justice or karma will inevitably come to those who are seperated
from heart and lacking in basic human compassion.
d. VIII. Nero: A man throws a baby in the flames: “great injustice: great sorrow.”
Irascibility. Vengeful spirit. Blind violence. Aberrant thoughts or actions.
a. VIIII: wisdom, meditation, loneliness, prudence.
b. VIIII. FALCO: upright: Epic heroicism. reversed: Things lost, now found.
c. VIIII. The Hermit (Falco): Withdraw from the world to get a clearer perspective. Society, politics,
interpersonal difficulties, news both trivial and tragic – the soul needs some space from it all.
d. VIII. Falco : A kneeling king observes the sky: “pride is cancelled.”
Thanksgiving. Recognition of its limits. Voluntary submission.
a. X: improvement, favourable but unstable phase.
b. X. VENTURIO: upright: Incomparable skill. reversed: Art for the love of art.
C. X. Fortune (Venturio): things are out of your control at the moment. If you can't see a positive
way forward. Wit a while. The cycles of luck always turn toward more favorable vistas.
d. X. Venturio: A soldier with wings at the foot raises his hand: “start of a business venture.”
Move aimed at social rlations. Search for professional contacts.
a. XI: energy, work, moral strength, courage.
b. XI. TULIO: upright: A skillful defender. reversed: A secondary life.
c. XI. Strength (Tulio): Use your strength to increase your merit and usefulness in society. Wisely
applying your natural gifts will lead to esteem among your peers and acclaim from future generatios.
d. XI. Tulio: A man meditates on the night: “must face the fears.”
Anxieties. Uncertainties. Disturbing thoughts. Disorders of the psyche.
a. XII: idealism, sacrifice, regret, punishment.
b. XII. CARBONE: upright: Flight. Running away. reversed: Capture. Facing the music.
c. XII. The hanged man (Carbone): A fall awaits you if you do not alter your present path. You may
have a pattern of denying you are at fault. Listen to hard truths from people you trust, before
it is too late.
d. XII. Coal: An old man walks under the waning Moon: “look for light in the darkness.”
Self-anaysis. Search for hidden truths. Interpretation of dreams.
a. XIII: rapid change, impediment, misfortunes.
b. XIII. CATONE: upright: Tradition. Morals. reversed: Censorship.
c. XIII Death (Catone): All life is finite. Work now to leave the world a better place than you found
it. What ever our eartly might, from dust we came and to dust we shall return.
d. XIII. Cato: A soldier in front of the enemy killed: “inevitable violence.”
Accident immediately or procured. Violence to others or to themselves.
a. XIIII: moderation, recovery, adaptation.
b. XIIII. BACHO: upright: Shifting alliances. reversed: Side-jumping.
c. XIIII. Temperance (Bocho): In challeging times finding a comprimise and making peace with it is
sometimes the best solution. The choices you make contribute to our soul's well-being.
d. XIIII. Bocho: A warrior to his knees behind a shield: “ defend against accusations.”
Humiliation. Shame. Mortification set by a force majeure.
a. XV: magnetism, sensuality, magic, perversion, agitations, hate.
b. XV. METELO: upright: Internal struggles. Fighting between friendly parties. reversed: Fealty.
c. XV. The Devil (Metelo): The exaltation of earthly pursuits can bring ruin. What are you bondage
to? What demonic energies do you serve? What powe holds you in thrall? Break free and
d. XV. Metelo: A man controls the lamp fire: “to control passions.”
Vital energy. Self-control. Concentration. Domination of feelings.
a. XVI: arrogance, pride, catastrophe, chaos.
b. XVI. OLIVO: upright: Parenthood. reversed: Disastrous relationships.
c. The Tower (Olivo): An unexpected change is coming that will reshuffle the circumstances of your life. Prepare by gathering recources and gathering your own courage.
d. XVI. Olivio: A king under the sun in front of a monster: “reason defeats fears.”
Serenity. harmony with the neighbor. Victory of intelligence. Healing.
a. XVII: favourable omens, new ideas, peace.
b. XVII. IPEO: upright: Jack of All Trades. One who can provide himself with anything he needs.
reversed: One who knows how to best use the talents of others. A maven.
c. XVII. The Star (Ipeo): Contemplating the wondrous magnitude of the cosmos puts things in
perspective. In communion with the celestial and the sacred, we understand our place
under heaven.
d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.”
Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship.
a. XVIII: visions, adventures, illusions, strange meetings, trips.
b. XVIII. LENTULO: upright: Genuine apologies. reversed: Repeated transgressions.
c. XVIII. The Moon (Lentulo): Intuition in combination with study is symbolized by the lamp of
knowledge the man is contemplating. Circumstances may wax and wane, but the seeking
spirit is eternal.
d. XVIII. Lentulus: An officiating is preparing for prayer: “going back to traditions gives health.”
Faith. Trust in the divine or human law. Rituals. Consolidated habits.
a. XVIIII: friendship, harmony, honour, joy, love.
b. XVIIII. SABINO: upright: Extreme actions taken in response to an extreme circumstance.
reversed: Failure to take advantage of honor or reputation fairly won.
c. XVIIII. The Sun (Sabino): Strong and sure in character, yet open to the lessons of divine
teachings, the mortal goes forth in glory. Wealth, health, happiness, spiritual fulfillment,
and all good things are yours. Open you heart to receive them.
d. XVIIII. Sabino: A knight scans the sky: “must look for a superior hint.”
Foresight. Waiting for the moment. Knowledge of secrets.
a. XX: renewal, birth, energies recovery, conscience examination.
b. XX. NENBROTO: upright: Tyranny. Jealous rulers. reversed: Innocence lost
c. XX. Judgment (Nenbroto): something has been judged as an error, maybe even an abomination.
Divine powers now act to destroy it. It's time to set your affairs in order. Make it your goal to
have a guilt-free heart.
d. XX. Nenbroto: A man struck by lightning: “excessive conceit brings disgrace.”
Failure. Failure due to pride. Exile. Escape. Free-Kick.
a. XXI: completion of an enterprise, full result, promotion, reward, inheritance.
b. XXI. NABUCHODENASOR: upright: Construction. Landscaping. Design.
reversed: Apostasy. Turning away from God.
c. XXI. The World (nabuchodenasor): The powers of darkness have been defeated, and wholeness
has been archieved. You can safely rest now and contemplate your earthly journey.
Meanings and interpretations court cards and minors.
d. XXI. Nabuchodenasor: A king is set in the ground, threatened by a dragon: “Sense of imprisonment.”
Loss of freedom or consent. Criticism of their work. The end of a cycle.
Suit of Cups/ Amphorae
a. Business or law man, favourable. Readiness to converse, generosity.
b. Upright: One who supports the arts. reversed: An individual who craves media.
c. A king rises from his throne: “it’s time to show one’s strength.”
Maturity. Sense of responsibility. Coldness in judging. Pragmatism.
a. Woman friend, wife or faithful fiancee. Romanticism, sensuality.
b. Upright: An inventive or creative woman. An artist. reversed: Tolerance. Acceptance of the ideas of others
c. A jar full of snakes: “one must be very cautious.”
Charm. Sensuality. Attraction. Risky bid. Dangerous knowledge.
a. Young lover, intimate friend. Amusements, relaxations, holidays
b. upright: The desire to create. A man with a strong work ethic. reversed: Creative block. Inability to work.
c. A winged knight offers a helmet: “precious help must be reciprocated.”
Protection. Support. Spiritual or material aid. Gift. Message.
a. love messenger, newness. Jealousy, excessive attachment.
b. upright: A creative or artistic youth. reversed: Delusions. Inappropriate introspection.
c. A youth observes a jar: “desire for knowledge.”
Reflection. Application to study or work. Exciting discovery.
10: affliction, pain, sadness, exhaustion.
TEN: upright: Creative success. Completion of desires. reversed: Materialism. Greed.
TEN: A face surrounded by vases: “needing a deep reflection.”
Very complex situation. Tangle of problems of various kinds. Perplexity.
9: failure, loss, wellgrounded fear.
NINE: upright: A Svengali or Basilisk. A muse. reversed: One who leads by charisma
NINE: Nine vases rise from the seafloor: “surfacing secrets.”
Healing. rebirth. Renewal. Inheritance. The past resurfaces.
8: bad news, crisis, fatality, treason.
EIGHT: upright: Recreation; fun. reversed: Wasted time; disarray. Neglect.
EIGHT: Children lay jugs on the floor: “moment of joyful distraction.”
Cheer. Entertainment in the company. Sensuality.
7: hope, confidence, attempt, reveries.
SEVEN: upright: Physical or material perfection. Artistic ideals. Aesthetics. reversed: Narcissism; undue pride. Vanity.
SEVEN: A man standing on a glass: “need to show off.
Pride. Vanities. Exhibitionism. Desire for conquest. Ephemeral advantage.
6: trip, displacement, planning, holiday.
SIX: upright: Beginner's luck. Achievement in the face of unlikely odds. reversed: Hubris. Disaster.
SIX: A child climbs a cup: “difficult realization without aid.”
Solitude. Restlessness. Embarrassment. Looking for help or affection.
5: degradation, loss. Lost hopes.
FIVE: upright: Plagiarism. Fake performances. reversed: Cacophony. Difficulty concentrating.
FIVE: A man carries five vases watching the sky: “risk of stumbling.”
Distraction. Inefficiency. Lack of lucidity. Need to rest.
4: vigilance, retreat, loneliness, meditation.
FOUR: upright: Artistic preparations. Gathering ideas. reversed: Spendthrift behavior. Foolish waste of effort.
FOUR: Place a jar in a sac: “hiding the pantry.”
Afraid to show what it is you have. Deception. Scam. Artifice.
3: absence, loss, confusion.
THREE: upright: Obfuscation. Unnecessary abstraction. Inconvenience. reversed: Being hushed or told to keep quiet.
THREE: Two cups hanging from branches: “one reaps what one has sown.”
Harmonius growth. Fertility. Nourishment. Healing. Relief from pain.
2: tenderness, equilibrium, favourable ambient.
TWO: upright: Artistic partnership. Constructive social relationships. reversed: Codependency.
TWO: A bowl balanced on a vase: “ happiness is a fleeting feeling.”
Meditation on the arts or about beauty. Detachment from material thoughts.
ACE: triumph, exhalation of strength, conquest. Creation, conception.
ACE: upright: Artistic expression; the desire to create. Maker spirit. Creative Genius. reversed: Depression. Intoxication. Numbness.
Ace: Angels dancing on a cup: “the time of full abundance nears.”
Love. feast. Material or spiritual growth. Positive development.
Suit of Wands / Batons
a. Good relations with a mature man, council to follow, austerity.
b. Upright: A patron of education. A mentor, teacher, or professor. reversed: A corrupt individual. Suppression of knowledge or truth.
c. A King is a place: “follow the instructions of a powerful man.”
Courage to face difficult choices. Rejection of any meanness.
a. Friendship with a mature, confiding woman. Search of a durable relation.
b. Upright: An intellectual or academic woman. reversed: A shrew; a harpy. A woman who browbeats men.
c. A blessing: “seek protection from a powerful woman.”
Benevolence. providential encounter with a person of great power.
a. An enterprising, fiery man. Departure, emigration, separation.
b. Upright: Chivalry. An attractive male. reversed: Chauvenism. An arrogant male.
c. A knight point at a far place: “one goal is going to be achieved.”
Deliberation. Trip. Change of residence. Move.
a. Young friend. Messenger. New cooperations and new ideas. Little rivalries.
b. Upright: A youth of serious or intellectual nature. A young seeker. reversed: Journalists, paparazzi. Unwanted attention.
c. Test the soil with a stick: “caution in moving.”
Search for independence. Desire for autonomy. Love of freedom.
10: earnings, favourable placement.
TEN: upright: Academic achievement or accolades. Completion of intellectual or professional goals. reversed: Recognition lost. Obscurity.
TEN: A portrait on a cippus with sticks: “pride for one’s achievments.”
Award, but also ostentatious. Desire to emerge.
9: prudence, discernment, realization.
NINE: upright: The unknowable; the other. reversed: An understanding of the other. Sexual comfortability.
NINE: Cross a river: “a border is about to be crossed, auspiciousness.”
Overcoming obstacles or exams. Beginning a new life.
8: manual and commercial ability.
EIGHT: upright: Renewal of interest. reversed: Wine colored glasses.
EIGHT: A flower vase filled with sticks: “ great satisfaction.”
Success in every respect. Personal satisfaction. Wellbeing.
7: recovery, exchange, beginning of business.
SEVEN: upright: Social or Professional Grace. Humility of Thought. reversed: Asceticism. Fasting. Excessive self-deprecation.
SEVEN: Lay sticks on the ground: “temporary end of labors.”
Rest. Time to break from work or emotional routine.
6: gifts, rewards, bonus.
SIX: upright: Incomplete understanding. Foolishness. Sophomoricism. reversed: Humor as a learning tool. Teaching by example.
SIX: Lose your panties: “the last of the riches is being depleted.”
Errors of the senses. Dazzle the imagination. Escape from reality.
5: obstacles, financial difficulties.
FIVE: upright: Confusion, disarray. Absent-mindedness. reversed: Charmed endeavors. Serendipity.
FIVE: Five clubs and a pumpkin: “wasted effort.”
Meanness. Excessive materialism. Lack of imagination. Avarice.
4: small gift, delay, uncertainties.
FOUR: upright: Focus, determination. Attitude adjustment. reversed: Bizarre behavior. Emotional vertigo.
FOUR: Sticks tied to his head: “fierce defense of one’s beliefs.”
Distinctive personality. Assertiveness. Egocentrism. Narcissism. Selfishness.
3: celebrity, support of powerful persons.
THREE: upright: Cognitive problems; mental difficulty; academic failure. Opportunities lost. reversed: Mental scaffolding; academic structures. Epistimology.
THREE: A pierced head and mouth shut: “ observe, think and be silent.”
Secrecy. Confidentiality. Obligation to remain silent to obtain the result.
2: embarrassing news, difficulties, agitation.
TWO: upright: Intellectual partnership; assistance. reversed: Stupidity; crude behavior; mental crutches.
TWO: Two crossed hammers: “stop when faced by one’s own limits.”
Loss. Inability to continue what one started.
ACE: big commercial success, happiness, earnings, intelligence for business.
ACE: upright: Curiosity; the desire to learn. reversed: Complacency. Self-satisfaction.
ACE: Two angels hold up a cudgel: “be strong of one’s own innocence.”
Growth in every area. Moral force. Material or spiritual elevation.
Suit of Coins / Pentacles
a. Well disposed speculator. Economic power, ability to forecast.
b. Upright: One who has attained financial peace and certitude. Completion of monetary goals. reversed: One who pays for peace. Mirages and false hopes
c. A king with peace signs: “ act with restraint to hold onto power.
Stability in the intellectual field, emotional or economic. Diplomacy.
a. Severe but generous woman. Economic security, freedom
b. Upright: A woman of shrewd financial ability. A commercially or financially brilliant woman. reversed: A selfish or greedy woman. A golddigger.
c. A woman performs a magic ritual: “seek help in the invisible world.”
Seduction. Self-confidence. Power of attraction. Hypnotic force.
a. Useful, obliging, strange person. Propitious occasions
b. Upright: Financial salvation. Money that produces itself. reversed: Overhead, expense, bills.
c. A man tries to tame a horse: “ in control of one’s actions.”
Detained instincts. Restraint due to feelings of guilt. Impatience.
a. Study, reflection, news brought by a child.
b. Upright: A wealthy youth, or one whose mind is on financial matters. reversed: Gambling, or wasting time on foolish pursuits. Unnecessary risk.
c. A young man hold a bird: “afraid to show one’s feelings.”
Shyness. Fear of confrontation wit oneself or others. Excessive prudence.
10: happiness, rest, recognition.
TEN: upright: Financial preparedness. Savings. reversed: Commercial or professional timidity..
Ten: An angel opens a crate full of dishes: open secrets.”
Discovery. Revelation. Deciphering. Mystery unveiled. Enigma solved.
9: victory, prosperity, satisfaction.
NINE: upright: Money or advantage taken from others. Careers built on the backs of workers. reversed: The beginnings of financial freedom.
NINE: A man among the flames under a boiler: “ stinging defeat.”
Failure. Awareness of unpleasant reality. Great pain.
8: moderation, festivities, love.
EIGHT: upright: Financial desert. Funds tied up. reversed: Treasure waiting to be found.
EIGHT: A skull beneath a basket: “severe loss, but faith survives.”
Inertia. Sense of helplessness. Closing in on themselves. Fatigue. Disease.
7: reveries, improbable projects.
SEVEN: upright: Financial success. The beginnings of wealth. reversed: A nest egg.
SEVEN: A man working on a stove: “prepare for profound changes.”
Purification. Inner transformation. Physical balance.
6: selfanalysis, renewal, happy future.
SIX: upright: Craftsmanship. Skill. reversed: Hard Labor. Loss of recognition.
SIX: A man beats a slab on the anvil: “pursuit of perfection.”
Physical or intellectual discipline. Love for the order and precision.
5: inheritance, patrimony to protect.
FIVE: upright: Financial security. Professional or commercial robustness. reversed: Sleeping on the job. Inattention to detail.
FIVE: A man in disguise makes strange actions: “ mysterious intentions.”
Creative tension. Scientific research. Activities that require secrecy.
4: disgust, aversions, troublesome relations.
FOUR: upright: Financial hardship. reversed: Unexpected assistance
FOUR: A naked woman wearing a heavy basin: “other people’s problems to be solved.”
Pedagogical studies. Psychological skills. Generosity. Philanthropy.
3: relief, recovery, happy conclusion.
THREE: upright: Financial responsibility. Working for a living. reversed: Inheritance. Old Money.
THREE: A child holding a basket: “ great toil brings great honor.”
The hard work of preparation. Hardly able to carry off handsomely.
2: love, passion, friendship, affinity.
TWO: upright: Commercial partnership. Financial cooperation. reversed: Taxes, or what is due to the authorities.
TWO: Two combined medals: “destiny is tied to a powerful man.”
Search for protection or material help. Study preceding the action.
ACE: happiness, abundance, positive change. Sentimental satisfaction. Birth.
ACE: upright: The beginning of a financial endeavor. Success obtained through service and perserverance. reversed: Passivity. Being pulled along by fate or the will of others.
Ace: An angel holding a gold disc: “time of great fortune”
Success due to its capabilities, both a benevolent fate.
Suit of Swords
a. Magistrate, power, authority, legal actions, difficulties, bad intentions, perversion.
b. upright: One who cannot be interfered with physically. reversed: One who believes himself invincible.
c. A king with the symbol of power: “submission to a will.”
Impositions. Relationship with a judge, an administrator or someone powerful.
a. Widowhood, sadness, separation. Malice, misfortune.
b. upright: A strong, physically dominating woman. reversed: A woman who turns to violence to solve her problems.
c. Woman with sword and pen: “justice in action.”
Court security. Impartiality. Discipline. Good administration.
a. Ability, courage, hot temperament, anger, imprudence.
b. upright: One who lives by the sword. reversed: One who brings disaster upon himself.
c. A knight striking with the sword: “is going to be a violent confrontation.”
Adversity. Prevarication. Wicked action. No holds barred fights.
a. Espionage, secrecy, vigilance, attention, difficult preparation.
b. upright: A passionate youth. reversed: A violent youth
c. Playing in front of a sword: “time to rest and recreation.”
Falling in love. Sentimentality. Passion for art. Hedonism. Frivolity.
10: uncertainties, oppressions, over-active.
TEN: upright: Violent deeds. reversed: Shame.
TEN: Put weapons in the bag: “abandon the fight, closing in oneself.”
Refuse of the fight. Solitude. Isolation. Chastity. Celibacy. Austerity.
9: strength in adversities. Calamities, obstacles.
NINE: upright: Working together toward a common goal. reversed: Apprenticeship.
NINE: Remove swords from a well: “resolved issues, prepare for action.”
Solution of a problem. Applying technical, scientific, or artistic.
8: creative tension, hopes, self-analysis.
EIGHT: upright: Treachery by others. Someone wants your lunch. reversed: Paranoia.
EIGHT: Weapons in a flower vase: “displaying the results of a great victory.”
Sense of initiative. Ideal grain. Favourable circumstances.
7: success, completion of the enterprise.
SEVEN: upright: Balance. reversed: Rationalized violence.
SEVEN: Leapfrog a shield with arms in hand: “a landslide win can bring misfortune.”
Boast. Useless and dangerous challenge. Damage to one’s image.
6: failure, insurmountable obstacles, unfairness.
SIX: upright: Organizational confusion. Unpreparedness. reversed: Courage, bravery. Standing up for what you believe in.
SIX: Heavy weapons on their shoulders: “great effort without merit.”
Subalternity. Frustrations. Dispersion of one’s talents.
5: overcoming of obstacles, contradictions.
FIVE: upright: Organization. Readiness. reversed: Threat of violence.
FIVE: Swords tied in a jar: “bright ideas are about to give good results.”
Recepticvity. Stimuli to creativity. Creativity in the arts or in the sciences.
4: unexpected occasion, small reward.
FOUR: upright: Restraint of physical passions. reversed: Death of passion.
FOUR: Garland pierced over a skull: “great patience brings great success.”
Sacrifice constructive. Merits recognized. Win success with fatigue.
3: initiative, end of adversities.
THREE: upright: Passionate conflict. Disruption in matters fo the heart. reversed: Romantic security. Unconditional love.
THREE: Pierced heart on a garland: “facing sacrifices serenely.”
Altruism. Suffering for a noble cause. Voluntary expiation.
2: suffering, illness, sadness.
TWO: upright: Standing up for someone. Helping out a friend in need. reversed: Abandonment. Lack of support.
TWO: A young man hears an old man: “treasuring experiences brings health.”
Teaching or learning. Dialogue. Comparison of different opinions.
ACE: creation, invention, beginning of a difficult enterprise. Beginning of discussions.
ACE: upright: The beginnings of physical strength. reversed: The beginnings of violence.
ACE: A sword held by two people: “alliance leads to victory.”
Balance. collaboration. Harmony between opposites. Lucky encounter.
Meanings and interpretations are from:
b. Queen of Tarot site
c. Lo Scarabeo Museum Q Sola Busca Book
d. Sola-Busca Tarot, Secret Code of Alchemy (LWB w Meyer edition)
Major Arcana – Triumph cards
a. 0: strangeness, infantilism, holiday, detachment from worries, madness.
b. 0. MATO: upright: Foolishness. reversed: Insanity.
c. 0. The Fool (Mato): It doesn't matter if you are misunderstood, as long as you are true to yourself.
There is a holy innocence within each of us. Strive to keep it pure.
d. 0. Mato: A lone musician: “a strange meeting can generate sublime ideas.”
Dreams. Extravagance. Delusions. Revelation. Discovery. Invention.
a. I: astuteness, diplomacy, ability in all areas, autonomy, spirit of initiative.
b. I. PANFILIO: upright: Grace, Dignity. Painters. reversed: Small-mindedness, snobbery.
c. I. The Magician (Panfilio): Well- equippped in earthly tools and spiritual confidence, the
Magician strides forth to accomplish his will. You have the powers to manifest whatever you
d. I. Panfilio: A man walks briskly: “hurry to reach the goal.”
Movement- Search. Resolute action to achieve a goal.
a. II: study, comprehension, charity, intuition.
b. II. POSTUMIO: upright: Military or physical prowess. reversed: Loss due to betrayal.
c. II. The High Priestess (Postumio): Trust your intuition and take you own counsel. You hold
within you the gathered wisdom of all our ancestors. Do not disappoint them.
d. II. Postumius: A club blossomed in front of a grave: “death and life always coexist.”
Forethought. Clear vision of your limits. Fatalism.
a. III: intelligence, sensitiveness, fertility, dialogue.
b. III. LENPIO: upright: Arrogance. Hubris. reversed: Narrow-mindedness. Ineptitude.
c. III. The Empress (Lenpio): Wisely use the gifts of the earth. Receive the gratitude of those whose
lives you have touched with tyour kindness. Give birth to beauty.
d. III. Lenpio: A warrior in front of a bowl of blood: “regretting the wrong actions.”
Suffering. Unexpected deprivations. Unrealizable projects. Remorse.
a. IIII: authority, will, protection.
b. IIII. MARIO: upright: Versatility. Adaptability. reversed: Indecision, uncertainty. Waffling.
c. IIII. The Emperor (Mario): Power can be used for good, not for its own attainment. Consider how
you protect and support the well-being of others. Do not be a bully or a tyrant.
d. IIII. Mario: A warrior looks at the sky: a serious conflict is looming.”
Self-defense. Controlled aggression. Battle against temptations.
a. V: clemency, pity, faith, relief, patience, tolerance.
b. V. CATULO: upright: Poetic words. reversed: Political ravings.
c. V. The Hierophant (Catulo): Religion has moral justice as its foundation, the laws that guide
human behavior and spiritual righteousness. Examine your faith. Question authority,
respectfully and with an open mind.
d. V. Catulus: A soldier with garland, wounded, holding a balance: “victory won dearly.”
Analysis of its capabilities. Loss of energy. Need to heal themselves.
a. VI: love, ties, choice, examination, attempt.
b. VI. SESTO: upright: Rape, violence, murder. reversed: Dynasty. Posterity.
c. VI. The lovers (Sesto): making a choice removes possibilities, just as marriage limits lovers to
their union, forsaking all others. And yet, that limitation may give the greatest bliss. Commit
to your passion.
d. VI. Sixth: A soldier with a torch and winged foot: “clarify one’s own objectives."
Survey. Moment of reflection. Delayed decision.
a. VII: success, recognized merit, evolution.
b. VII. DEOTAURO: upright: Victory through might. reversed: Historical obscurity.
c. VII The Chariot (Deo Tauro): Victory and public aclaim are assured. The only thing that can
prevent your succes now is hesitation on your part. You must drive your own chariot into
battle and back again.
d. VII. Deo Tauro: A warrior in triumph over a throne: “ Public honors and awards.”
Taget achieved. Triumph. Conciliatory action. Contrast solution.
a. VIII: equilibrium, harmony, justice, natural law.
b. VIII. NERONE: upright: Malicious neglect. reversed: Mistreatment of the weak.
c. VIII. Justice (Nerone): Divine justice or karma will inevitably come to those who are seperated
from heart and lacking in basic human compassion.
d. VIII. Nero: A man throws a baby in the flames: “great injustice: great sorrow.”
Irascibility. Vengeful spirit. Blind violence. Aberrant thoughts or actions.
a. VIIII: wisdom, meditation, loneliness, prudence.
b. VIIII. FALCO: upright: Epic heroicism. reversed: Things lost, now found.
c. VIIII. The Hermit (Falco): Withdraw from the world to get a clearer perspective. Society, politics,
interpersonal difficulties, news both trivial and tragic – the soul needs some space from it all.
d. VIII. Falco : A kneeling king observes the sky: “pride is cancelled.”
Thanksgiving. Recognition of its limits. Voluntary submission.
a. X: improvement, favourable but unstable phase.
b. X. VENTURIO: upright: Incomparable skill. reversed: Art for the love of art.
C. X. Fortune (Venturio): things are out of your control at the moment. If you can't see a positive
way forward. Wit a while. The cycles of luck always turn toward more favorable vistas.
d. X. Venturio: A soldier with wings at the foot raises his hand: “start of a business venture.”
Move aimed at social rlations. Search for professional contacts.
a. XI: energy, work, moral strength, courage.
b. XI. TULIO: upright: A skillful defender. reversed: A secondary life.
c. XI. Strength (Tulio): Use your strength to increase your merit and usefulness in society. Wisely
applying your natural gifts will lead to esteem among your peers and acclaim from future generatios.
d. XI. Tulio: A man meditates on the night: “must face the fears.”
Anxieties. Uncertainties. Disturbing thoughts. Disorders of the psyche.
a. XII: idealism, sacrifice, regret, punishment.
b. XII. CARBONE: upright: Flight. Running away. reversed: Capture. Facing the music.
c. XII. The hanged man (Carbone): A fall awaits you if you do not alter your present path. You may
have a pattern of denying you are at fault. Listen to hard truths from people you trust, before
it is too late.
d. XII. Coal: An old man walks under the waning Moon: “look for light in the darkness.”
Self-anaysis. Search for hidden truths. Interpretation of dreams.
a. XIII: rapid change, impediment, misfortunes.
b. XIII. CATONE: upright: Tradition. Morals. reversed: Censorship.
c. XIII Death (Catone): All life is finite. Work now to leave the world a better place than you found
it. What ever our eartly might, from dust we came and to dust we shall return.
d. XIII. Cato: A soldier in front of the enemy killed: “inevitable violence.”
Accident immediately or procured. Violence to others or to themselves.
a. XIIII: moderation, recovery, adaptation.
b. XIIII. BACHO: upright: Shifting alliances. reversed: Side-jumping.
c. XIIII. Temperance (Bocho): In challeging times finding a comprimise and making peace with it is
sometimes the best solution. The choices you make contribute to our soul's well-being.
d. XIIII. Bocho: A warrior to his knees behind a shield: “ defend against accusations.”
Humiliation. Shame. Mortification set by a force majeure.
a. XV: magnetism, sensuality, magic, perversion, agitations, hate.
b. XV. METELO: upright: Internal struggles. Fighting between friendly parties. reversed: Fealty.
c. XV. The Devil (Metelo): The exaltation of earthly pursuits can bring ruin. What are you bondage
to? What demonic energies do you serve? What powe holds you in thrall? Break free and
d. XV. Metelo: A man controls the lamp fire: “to control passions.”
Vital energy. Self-control. Concentration. Domination of feelings.
a. XVI: arrogance, pride, catastrophe, chaos.
b. XVI. OLIVO: upright: Parenthood. reversed: Disastrous relationships.
c. The Tower (Olivo): An unexpected change is coming that will reshuffle the circumstances of your life. Prepare by gathering recources and gathering your own courage.
d. XVI. Olivio: A king under the sun in front of a monster: “reason defeats fears.”
Serenity. harmony with the neighbor. Victory of intelligence. Healing.
a. XVII: favourable omens, new ideas, peace.
b. XVII. IPEO: upright: Jack of All Trades. One who can provide himself with anything he needs.
reversed: One who knows how to best use the talents of others. A maven.
c. XVII. The Star (Ipeo): Contemplating the wondrous magnitude of the cosmos puts things in
perspective. In communion with the celestial and the sacred, we understand our place
under heaven.
d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.”
Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship.
a. XVIII: visions, adventures, illusions, strange meetings, trips.
b. XVIII. LENTULO: upright: Genuine apologies. reversed: Repeated transgressions.
c. XVIII. The Moon (Lentulo): Intuition in combination with study is symbolized by the lamp of
knowledge the man is contemplating. Circumstances may wax and wane, but the seeking
spirit is eternal.
d. XVIII. Lentulus: An officiating is preparing for prayer: “going back to traditions gives health.”
Faith. Trust in the divine or human law. Rituals. Consolidated habits.
a. XVIIII: friendship, harmony, honour, joy, love.
b. XVIIII. SABINO: upright: Extreme actions taken in response to an extreme circumstance.
reversed: Failure to take advantage of honor or reputation fairly won.
c. XVIIII. The Sun (Sabino): Strong and sure in character, yet open to the lessons of divine
teachings, the mortal goes forth in glory. Wealth, health, happiness, spiritual fulfillment,
and all good things are yours. Open you heart to receive them.
d. XVIIII. Sabino: A knight scans the sky: “must look for a superior hint.”
Foresight. Waiting for the moment. Knowledge of secrets.
a. XX: renewal, birth, energies recovery, conscience examination.
b. XX. NENBROTO: upright: Tyranny. Jealous rulers. reversed: Innocence lost
c. XX. Judgment (Nenbroto): something has been judged as an error, maybe even an abomination.
Divine powers now act to destroy it. It's time to set your affairs in order. Make it your goal to
have a guilt-free heart.
d. XX. Nenbroto: A man struck by lightning: “excessive conceit brings disgrace.”
Failure. Failure due to pride. Exile. Escape. Free-Kick.
a. XXI: completion of an enterprise, full result, promotion, reward, inheritance.
b. XXI. NABUCHODENASOR: upright: Construction. Landscaping. Design.
reversed: Apostasy. Turning away from God.
c. XXI. The World (nabuchodenasor): The powers of darkness have been defeated, and wholeness
has been archieved. You can safely rest now and contemplate your earthly journey.
Meanings and interpretations court cards and minors.
d. XXI. Nabuchodenasor: A king is set in the ground, threatened by a dragon: “Sense of imprisonment.”
Loss of freedom or consent. Criticism of their work. The end of a cycle.
Suit of Cups/ Amphorae
a. Business or law man, favourable. Readiness to converse, generosity.
b. Upright: One who supports the arts. reversed: An individual who craves media.
c. A king rises from his throne: “it’s time to show one’s strength.”
Maturity. Sense of responsibility. Coldness in judging. Pragmatism.
a. Woman friend, wife or faithful fiancee. Romanticism, sensuality.
b. Upright: An inventive or creative woman. An artist. reversed: Tolerance. Acceptance of the ideas of others
c. A jar full of snakes: “one must be very cautious.”
Charm. Sensuality. Attraction. Risky bid. Dangerous knowledge.
a. Young lover, intimate friend. Amusements, relaxations, holidays
b. upright: The desire to create. A man with a strong work ethic. reversed: Creative block. Inability to work.
c. A winged knight offers a helmet: “precious help must be reciprocated.”
Protection. Support. Spiritual or material aid. Gift. Message.
a. love messenger, newness. Jealousy, excessive attachment.
b. upright: A creative or artistic youth. reversed: Delusions. Inappropriate introspection.
c. A youth observes a jar: “desire for knowledge.”
Reflection. Application to study or work. Exciting discovery.
10: affliction, pain, sadness, exhaustion.
TEN: upright: Creative success. Completion of desires. reversed: Materialism. Greed.
TEN: A face surrounded by vases: “needing a deep reflection.”
Very complex situation. Tangle of problems of various kinds. Perplexity.
9: failure, loss, wellgrounded fear.
NINE: upright: A Svengali or Basilisk. A muse. reversed: One who leads by charisma
NINE: Nine vases rise from the seafloor: “surfacing secrets.”
Healing. rebirth. Renewal. Inheritance. The past resurfaces.
8: bad news, crisis, fatality, treason.
EIGHT: upright: Recreation; fun. reversed: Wasted time; disarray. Neglect.
EIGHT: Children lay jugs on the floor: “moment of joyful distraction.”
Cheer. Entertainment in the company. Sensuality.
7: hope, confidence, attempt, reveries.
SEVEN: upright: Physical or material perfection. Artistic ideals. Aesthetics. reversed: Narcissism; undue pride. Vanity.
SEVEN: A man standing on a glass: “need to show off.
Pride. Vanities. Exhibitionism. Desire for conquest. Ephemeral advantage.
6: trip, displacement, planning, holiday.
SIX: upright: Beginner's luck. Achievement in the face of unlikely odds. reversed: Hubris. Disaster.
SIX: A child climbs a cup: “difficult realization without aid.”
Solitude. Restlessness. Embarrassment. Looking for help or affection.
5: degradation, loss. Lost hopes.
FIVE: upright: Plagiarism. Fake performances. reversed: Cacophony. Difficulty concentrating.
FIVE: A man carries five vases watching the sky: “risk of stumbling.”
Distraction. Inefficiency. Lack of lucidity. Need to rest.
4: vigilance, retreat, loneliness, meditation.
FOUR: upright: Artistic preparations. Gathering ideas. reversed: Spendthrift behavior. Foolish waste of effort.
FOUR: Place a jar in a sac: “hiding the pantry.”
Afraid to show what it is you have. Deception. Scam. Artifice.
3: absence, loss, confusion.
THREE: upright: Obfuscation. Unnecessary abstraction. Inconvenience. reversed: Being hushed or told to keep quiet.
THREE: Two cups hanging from branches: “one reaps what one has sown.”
Harmonius growth. Fertility. Nourishment. Healing. Relief from pain.
2: tenderness, equilibrium, favourable ambient.
TWO: upright: Artistic partnership. Constructive social relationships. reversed: Codependency.
TWO: A bowl balanced on a vase: “ happiness is a fleeting feeling.”
Meditation on the arts or about beauty. Detachment from material thoughts.
ACE: triumph, exhalation of strength, conquest. Creation, conception.
ACE: upright: Artistic expression; the desire to create. Maker spirit. Creative Genius. reversed: Depression. Intoxication. Numbness.
Ace: Angels dancing on a cup: “the time of full abundance nears.”
Love. feast. Material or spiritual growth. Positive development.
Suit of Wands / Batons
a. Good relations with a mature man, council to follow, austerity.
b. Upright: A patron of education. A mentor, teacher, or professor. reversed: A corrupt individual. Suppression of knowledge or truth.
c. A King is a place: “follow the instructions of a powerful man.”
Courage to face difficult choices. Rejection of any meanness.
a. Friendship with a mature, confiding woman. Search of a durable relation.
b. Upright: An intellectual or academic woman. reversed: A shrew; a harpy. A woman who browbeats men.
c. A blessing: “seek protection from a powerful woman.”
Benevolence. providential encounter with a person of great power.
a. An enterprising, fiery man. Departure, emigration, separation.
b. Upright: Chivalry. An attractive male. reversed: Chauvenism. An arrogant male.
c. A knight point at a far place: “one goal is going to be achieved.”
Deliberation. Trip. Change of residence. Move.
a. Young friend. Messenger. New cooperations and new ideas. Little rivalries.
b. Upright: A youth of serious or intellectual nature. A young seeker. reversed: Journalists, paparazzi. Unwanted attention.
c. Test the soil with a stick: “caution in moving.”
Search for independence. Desire for autonomy. Love of freedom.
10: earnings, favourable placement.
TEN: upright: Academic achievement or accolades. Completion of intellectual or professional goals. reversed: Recognition lost. Obscurity.
TEN: A portrait on a cippus with sticks: “pride for one’s achievments.”
Award, but also ostentatious. Desire to emerge.
9: prudence, discernment, realization.
NINE: upright: The unknowable; the other. reversed: An understanding of the other. Sexual comfortability.
NINE: Cross a river: “a border is about to be crossed, auspiciousness.”
Overcoming obstacles or exams. Beginning a new life.
8: manual and commercial ability.
EIGHT: upright: Renewal of interest. reversed: Wine colored glasses.
EIGHT: A flower vase filled with sticks: “ great satisfaction.”
Success in every respect. Personal satisfaction. Wellbeing.
7: recovery, exchange, beginning of business.
SEVEN: upright: Social or Professional Grace. Humility of Thought. reversed: Asceticism. Fasting. Excessive self-deprecation.
SEVEN: Lay sticks on the ground: “temporary end of labors.”
Rest. Time to break from work or emotional routine.
6: gifts, rewards, bonus.
SIX: upright: Incomplete understanding. Foolishness. Sophomoricism. reversed: Humor as a learning tool. Teaching by example.
SIX: Lose your panties: “the last of the riches is being depleted.”
Errors of the senses. Dazzle the imagination. Escape from reality.
5: obstacles, financial difficulties.
FIVE: upright: Confusion, disarray. Absent-mindedness. reversed: Charmed endeavors. Serendipity.
FIVE: Five clubs and a pumpkin: “wasted effort.”
Meanness. Excessive materialism. Lack of imagination. Avarice.
4: small gift, delay, uncertainties.
FOUR: upright: Focus, determination. Attitude adjustment. reversed: Bizarre behavior. Emotional vertigo.
FOUR: Sticks tied to his head: “fierce defense of one’s beliefs.”
Distinctive personality. Assertiveness. Egocentrism. Narcissism. Selfishness.
3: celebrity, support of powerful persons.
THREE: upright: Cognitive problems; mental difficulty; academic failure. Opportunities lost. reversed: Mental scaffolding; academic structures. Epistimology.
THREE: A pierced head and mouth shut: “ observe, think and be silent.”
Secrecy. Confidentiality. Obligation to remain silent to obtain the result.
2: embarrassing news, difficulties, agitation.
TWO: upright: Intellectual partnership; assistance. reversed: Stupidity; crude behavior; mental crutches.
TWO: Two crossed hammers: “stop when faced by one’s own limits.”
Loss. Inability to continue what one started.
ACE: big commercial success, happiness, earnings, intelligence for business.
ACE: upright: Curiosity; the desire to learn. reversed: Complacency. Self-satisfaction.
ACE: Two angels hold up a cudgel: “be strong of one’s own innocence.”
Growth in every area. Moral force. Material or spiritual elevation.
Suit of Coins / Pentacles
a. Well disposed speculator. Economic power, ability to forecast.
b. Upright: One who has attained financial peace and certitude. Completion of monetary goals. reversed: One who pays for peace. Mirages and false hopes
c. A king with peace signs: “ act with restraint to hold onto power.
Stability in the intellectual field, emotional or economic. Diplomacy.
a. Severe but generous woman. Economic security, freedom
b. Upright: A woman of shrewd financial ability. A commercially or financially brilliant woman. reversed: A selfish or greedy woman. A golddigger.
c. A woman performs a magic ritual: “seek help in the invisible world.”
Seduction. Self-confidence. Power of attraction. Hypnotic force.
a. Useful, obliging, strange person. Propitious occasions
b. Upright: Financial salvation. Money that produces itself. reversed: Overhead, expense, bills.
c. A man tries to tame a horse: “ in control of one’s actions.”
Detained instincts. Restraint due to feelings of guilt. Impatience.
a. Study, reflection, news brought by a child.
b. Upright: A wealthy youth, or one whose mind is on financial matters. reversed: Gambling, or wasting time on foolish pursuits. Unnecessary risk.
c. A young man hold a bird: “afraid to show one’s feelings.”
Shyness. Fear of confrontation wit oneself or others. Excessive prudence.
10: happiness, rest, recognition.
TEN: upright: Financial preparedness. Savings. reversed: Commercial or professional timidity..
Ten: An angel opens a crate full of dishes: open secrets.”
Discovery. Revelation. Deciphering. Mystery unveiled. Enigma solved.
9: victory, prosperity, satisfaction.
NINE: upright: Money or advantage taken from others. Careers built on the backs of workers. reversed: The beginnings of financial freedom.
NINE: A man among the flames under a boiler: “ stinging defeat.”
Failure. Awareness of unpleasant reality. Great pain.
8: moderation, festivities, love.
EIGHT: upright: Financial desert. Funds tied up. reversed: Treasure waiting to be found.
EIGHT: A skull beneath a basket: “severe loss, but faith survives.”
Inertia. Sense of helplessness. Closing in on themselves. Fatigue. Disease.
7: reveries, improbable projects.
SEVEN: upright: Financial success. The beginnings of wealth. reversed: A nest egg.
SEVEN: A man working on a stove: “prepare for profound changes.”
Purification. Inner transformation. Physical balance.
6: selfanalysis, renewal, happy future.
SIX: upright: Craftsmanship. Skill. reversed: Hard Labor. Loss of recognition.
SIX: A man beats a slab on the anvil: “pursuit of perfection.”
Physical or intellectual discipline. Love for the order and precision.
5: inheritance, patrimony to protect.
FIVE: upright: Financial security. Professional or commercial robustness. reversed: Sleeping on the job. Inattention to detail.
FIVE: A man in disguise makes strange actions: “ mysterious intentions.”
Creative tension. Scientific research. Activities that require secrecy.
4: disgust, aversions, troublesome relations.
FOUR: upright: Financial hardship. reversed: Unexpected assistance
FOUR: A naked woman wearing a heavy basin: “other people’s problems to be solved.”
Pedagogical studies. Psychological skills. Generosity. Philanthropy.
3: relief, recovery, happy conclusion.
THREE: upright: Financial responsibility. Working for a living. reversed: Inheritance. Old Money.
THREE: A child holding a basket: “ great toil brings great honor.”
The hard work of preparation. Hardly able to carry off handsomely.
2: love, passion, friendship, affinity.
TWO: upright: Commercial partnership. Financial cooperation. reversed: Taxes, or what is due to the authorities.
TWO: Two combined medals: “destiny is tied to a powerful man.”
Search for protection or material help. Study preceding the action.
ACE: happiness, abundance, positive change. Sentimental satisfaction. Birth.
ACE: upright: The beginning of a financial endeavor. Success obtained through service and perserverance. reversed: Passivity. Being pulled along by fate or the will of others.
Ace: An angel holding a gold disc: “time of great fortune”
Success due to its capabilities, both a benevolent fate.
Suit of Swords
a. Magistrate, power, authority, legal actions, difficulties, bad intentions, perversion.
b. upright: One who cannot be interfered with physically. reversed: One who believes himself invincible.
c. A king with the symbol of power: “submission to a will.”
Impositions. Relationship with a judge, an administrator or someone powerful.
a. Widowhood, sadness, separation. Malice, misfortune.
b. upright: A strong, physically dominating woman. reversed: A woman who turns to violence to solve her problems.
c. Woman with sword and pen: “justice in action.”
Court security. Impartiality. Discipline. Good administration.
a. Ability, courage, hot temperament, anger, imprudence.
b. upright: One who lives by the sword. reversed: One who brings disaster upon himself.
c. A knight striking with the sword: “is going to be a violent confrontation.”
Adversity. Prevarication. Wicked action. No holds barred fights.
a. Espionage, secrecy, vigilance, attention, difficult preparation.
b. upright: A passionate youth. reversed: A violent youth
c. Playing in front of a sword: “time to rest and recreation.”
Falling in love. Sentimentality. Passion for art. Hedonism. Frivolity.
10: uncertainties, oppressions, over-active.
TEN: upright: Violent deeds. reversed: Shame.
TEN: Put weapons in the bag: “abandon the fight, closing in oneself.”
Refuse of the fight. Solitude. Isolation. Chastity. Celibacy. Austerity.
9: strength in adversities. Calamities, obstacles.
NINE: upright: Working together toward a common goal. reversed: Apprenticeship.
NINE: Remove swords from a well: “resolved issues, prepare for action.”
Solution of a problem. Applying technical, scientific, or artistic.
8: creative tension, hopes, self-analysis.
EIGHT: upright: Treachery by others. Someone wants your lunch. reversed: Paranoia.
EIGHT: Weapons in a flower vase: “displaying the results of a great victory.”
Sense of initiative. Ideal grain. Favourable circumstances.
7: success, completion of the enterprise.
SEVEN: upright: Balance. reversed: Rationalized violence.
SEVEN: Leapfrog a shield with arms in hand: “a landslide win can bring misfortune.”
Boast. Useless and dangerous challenge. Damage to one’s image.
6: failure, insurmountable obstacles, unfairness.
SIX: upright: Organizational confusion. Unpreparedness. reversed: Courage, bravery. Standing up for what you believe in.
SIX: Heavy weapons on their shoulders: “great effort without merit.”
Subalternity. Frustrations. Dispersion of one’s talents.
5: overcoming of obstacles, contradictions.
FIVE: upright: Organization. Readiness. reversed: Threat of violence.
FIVE: Swords tied in a jar: “bright ideas are about to give good results.”
Recepticvity. Stimuli to creativity. Creativity in the arts or in the sciences.
4: unexpected occasion, small reward.
FOUR: upright: Restraint of physical passions. reversed: Death of passion.
FOUR: Garland pierced over a skull: “great patience brings great success.”
Sacrifice constructive. Merits recognized. Win success with fatigue.
3: initiative, end of adversities.
THREE: upright: Passionate conflict. Disruption in matters fo the heart. reversed: Romantic security. Unconditional love.
THREE: Pierced heart on a garland: “facing sacrifices serenely.”
Altruism. Suffering for a noble cause. Voluntary expiation.
2: suffering, illness, sadness.
TWO: upright: Standing up for someone. Helping out a friend in need. reversed: Abandonment. Lack of support.
TWO: A young man hears an old man: “treasuring experiences brings health.”
Teaching or learning. Dialogue. Comparison of different opinions.
ACE: creation, invention, beginning of a difficult enterprise. Beginning of discussions.
ACE: upright: The beginnings of physical strength. reversed: The beginnings of violence.
ACE: A sword held by two people: “alliance leads to victory.”
Balance. collaboration. Harmony between opposites. Lucky encounter.
Meanings and interpretations are from:
b. Queen of Tarot site
c. Lo Scarabeo Museum Q Sola Busca Book
d. Sola-Busca Tarot, Secret Code of Alchemy (LWB w Meyer edition)
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Really impressive and useful research well arranged for referencing. I will need some time to look over this. The "World" image has been a riddle for me, so I looked at the interpretations for it, including "The powers of darkness have been defeated." The soft blue with soft purple could agree with that, a harmonious tone and mood, but the dark dragon above and the melancholic expression below might convey that "The powers of darkness need to be defeated." To be continued...
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Thanks Parzival.Parzival wrote: ↑27 Sep 2019, 16:13 Really impressive and useful research well arranged for referencing. I will need some time to look over this. The "World" image has been a riddle for me, so I looked at the interpretations for it, including "The powers of darkness have been defeated." The soft blue with soft purple could agree with that, a harmonious tone and mood, but the dark dragon above and the melancholic expression below might convey that "The powers of darkness need to be defeated." To be continued...
I also was wondering about this interpretation of the Lo Scarabeo book XXI and feel a lot for your suggestion that the power of darkness need to be defeated is a to be continued thing and is still a ticking clock.
I think this dragon might have to do with the lost star sign. The 13th sign, the onholy number (note the Queens are numbered 13) Ophiuchus / Serpentarius/ The snake bearer. (by changing calender from 13- 12 months)
The constallation is unique as it is in being split into two separate sections, Serpens Caput (the snake's head) to the west and Serpens Cauda (the tail) to the east. Between these two halves lies the constellation of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder. The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east. This constellation can be said to beat the center of both the divine cross in the heavens, formed by the galactic equator and the ecliptic, and the terrestrial mundane cross formed by the equinoxes.
Somehow i see this in the picture.
Ophichius was a kind of rediscovered in 2011 when public was made aware of this lost star sign (Which has been stolen by the Romans and made MALE by the Romans)
The lost book of Nostradamus tells a lot about this constellation. History channel did a program on it.
The place in Universe of this constallation seems to be a very bad Omen.
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
- Joan Marie
- Forum Designer
- Sage
- Posts: 5309
- Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
I have another source of interpretations in the form of the LWB I got with my Meyer deck I bought from Giordano Berti.
for example:
0 Mato
A lone musician: "a strange meeting can generate sublime ideas."
Dreams. Extravagance. delusions. Revalation. Discovery. invention.
I. Panfilio
A man walks briskly: "hurry to reach the goal."
Movement. Search. A resolute action to achieve the goal.
If it is okay with you, rather than making a separate post, would you mind if I added these meanings to your original post? That way they would not be disconnected.
Each meaning is in this 2-line format.All italics, punctuation etc are original.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Hi Joan Marie,I have another source of interpretations in the form of the LWB I got with my Meyer deck I bought from Giordano Berti.
for example:
0 Mato
A lone musician: "a strange meeting can generate sublime ideas."
Dreams. Extravagance. delusions. Revalation. Discovery. invention.
I. Panfilio
A man walks briskly: "hurry to reach the goal."
Movement. Search. A resolute action to achieve the goal.
If it is okay with you, rather than making a separate post, would you mind if I added these meanings to your original post? That way they would not be disconnected.
Each meaning is in this 2-line format.All italics, punctuation etc are original.
I love these interpretations
That really would be great to add so everything stays together!
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
- Joan Marie
- Forum Designer
- Sage
- Posts: 5309
- Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Cool, I will try and get to that this weekend.
They are really interesting, aren't they?
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Super!Cool, I will try and get to that this weekend.
They are really interesting, aren't they?
They really feel in tune with the cards.
Thank you so much!!
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
- Joan Marie
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- Sage
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Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
I just added all the card meanings from Sola-Busca Tarot, Secret Code of Alchemy (LWB w Meyer edition)
They are pretty interesting.
They are pretty interesting.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
They really are!Joan Marie wrote: ↑29 Sep 2019, 18:31 I just added all the card meanings from Sola-Busca Tarot, Secret Code of Alchemy (LWB w Meyer edition)
They are pretty interesting.
Thanks you so much for adding Joan Marie!
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
- Joan Marie
- Forum Designer
- Sage
- Posts: 5309
- Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
One of my favourites:
d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.”
Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship.
This one is just loaded, isn't it?
d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.”
Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship.
This one is just loaded, isn't it?
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
It s my favorite for the majors.Joan Marie wrote: ↑30 Sep 2019, 08:08 One of my favourites:
d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.”
Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship.
This one is just loaded, isn't it?
Beautifull meaning evokes spirit for support : i like it!
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Great material. Thank you for this Lucifall.
There is a book "Sola Busca tarot" Author: Sofia Di Vincenzo.
Is it possible to see an electronic version of this book, for study?
There is a book "Sola Busca tarot" Author: Sofia Di Vincenzo.
Is it possible to see an electronic version of this book, for study?