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Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

A card-by-card study and discussion of this most enigmatic deck.
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Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Lucifall »

Postumio, number II is very rich in symbolism,
The shield with eight spoked star above shows the name of the card, a palmtree on a grave with the visible word FATIS echoing the motto "TRAHOR FATIS. Also a golden skull, a bow and arrows with leaves appear on this Trumph.
Postumio's face is not visible. He is dressed in the unique green which he shares with Panfilio and wears a red cap with one feather. Only his backside is visible as it looks like he is looking to the skull. Postumio is the first one whose legs are not naked and the only one whose name is mentioned on a shield.


Skull symbolism:

The most common symbolic use of the skull is representation of death and mortality. Often death was depicted as a process of alchemical arts. Common emblems on such iconografy are the tomb, the skull and the crow which are associated with the necessary death of the Ego.

Celtic Skull Symbolism:

The skull was a vessel of sacred power of divine origin. It protects the possessor against all kinds of peril an gives health, wealth and victory. Sometimes these skulls were glazed with a thin layer of gold. The skull served as sared vessel for human blood libations to Teutates, and as cups strictly reserved for the use by the druids and the chiefs. (Source: ; head symbolism and ritual use)

POSTUMIO SKULL.png (279.41 KiB) Viewed 3552 times

Roman Skull Symbolism:

For Romans the skull had a different meaning. The skull signified absence where there had been presence, not continuing presence. It was Lucretius who argued for this soul's mortality. He observed dying soldiers who continued to fight, not aware if their feet or arms are missing. Even the head when cut off from the warm and living trunk retains on the ground the expression of life with open eyes unitil it has delivered up all the remnants of soul. The head emptied of soul is also empty of trancendent meaning. Yet Romans brought back the heads of their dead for burial. The head was the person.
(source: Losing Our Heads: Beheadings in Literature and Culture/ Regina Janes)

The skull on Postumio is Postumio himself

Andrea Vitali describes Panfolio as Lucius Postumius Albinus (234 BC) a praetor(magistrate). His troops were defeated by the Boii, a Gallic tribe and allies of Hannibal. Postumio's head was emptied and decorated with gold in order to be used as a sacrificial chalice. The Boii brought the head to one of their temples.


On the card the skull is portraited in gold what might connect it with the Sun.
Albinus was also a member of the patrician gens Postumia, An ancient and noble Patrician family of Rome. Members of this family frequently occupied the chief magistracies of the Roman State.
Albinus must have been a very important man which was very beloved. When the news of Albinus death reached Rome it caused such an alarm that shops were closed and hardly the people ventured out of their homes. An onofficial public mourning stopped public life in Rome. Reason for the Senate to order the aediles to go around the city and order the citizens to re-open their shops. It seems that Postumius was also famous and beloved in other countries. This picture of the Roman General Postumius at the hands of the Boii is a miniature from a manuscript of the Romuléon (Les Faits des Romains) in French translation by Jean Miélot (Langres, France 1480-1485)

Food for thought: No Triumph for Posthumius and the palm tree on the grave

Postumius Albinus never was granted for a triumph to celebrate his victory although he commanded the land forces and gained many significant victories. He was granted a pro-consular extension to his command Postumius was not granted a triumph unlike his comrade.

postumio skull tree head.JPG
postumio skull tree head.JPG (37.87 KiB) Viewed 3552 times

The "Liber Platonis quartorium" recommends the use of the occiput (Part of the skull) as the vessel of transformation as it is the container of intellect and thought.

On this picture we see the same elements as on Postumio. A tree is growing out of the head of the lady which connects with the tree on the grave on his shield. The skull is present on both pictures. The artist of the SB put all the alchemical element on the shield and kept the skull separated.
According to Jung : what was to be extracted from matter was called cogitatio.

For me it is clear the artist has used the alchemical pictures Of the Secreta Secretorum for inspiration.


Postumio is granted Postume on the shield.

Never he got the triumph so important for Roman VIP's.
Posthumously he got his triumph in the Sola Busca, firstly in the triumph card itself but also hidden in the shield bearing his name. On the grave pictured on the shield is growing a Palm tree. Palm branches were used as symbol for victory, peace and eternal life and is originated in the Ancient Near-East and Mediterranean world.
In ancient Greence the palm branch was awarded to victorious athletes and a palm frond or the three itself is one of the most common atrributes of Victory personified in Ancient Rome.
It is very interesting the palm tree is related with Phoenix as it is said the palm tree was named after the Phoenix (Which nested in the highest branches of a palm tree. Like the Phoenix, the palm rises up again if it is burnt down.

Postumio's death shocked all people of Rome so they started an onofficial mourning. This man was meaningfull for the people and so important that Postumio got his triumph, at last.. posthumously ; after death; in the wonderfull tarot of Salo Busca. For his honour his name is mentioned on a shield in a vertical arrangement which is unique for all the triumphs. (as it is drawn in destiny)

Postumio as High priestess; some considerations

-The cross of the bow and arrows echoes with 2ofSw RWS and the High Priestess. II Duality.
-You only see the back of Postumio. (whose name is mentioned on a shield as exception of placing the names); this might vibrate with the veil of the High Priestess ; She does not need eyes; her third eye is enough.
-The connection with the alchemical picure of the lady with the tree growing out of her head. Doesn't reflect this with f.e. the RWS Highpriestess? She is in front of the veil with the pomgranate tree; she is in fact part of the veil and the tree of knowledge and is producing fruit of perfection!
-RFATIS which is marked on the shield is an anagram for FRATIS. In the Mithras cult members called each other brother. The Isis cult was also very present and Hathor is in the anagram which start to unveil at II Postumio.
-Connecting the High Priestess with the skull. On the tree of life The High Priestess passes Daath; the portal. Death of the Ego.

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Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Parzival »

Regarding Postumio : I appreciate your bringing attention to the symbols on the shield. It seems to me to be a three part design: the star above, the tree, the platform below. This could refer to the Spirit above, shining out, the Soul between, in a process of unfolding, and the platform below, as the foundation of Matter/Body. This is consistent with Neoplatonic philosophy and certainly repudiates the Sola Busca as some sort of dark, even evil work of sorcery (advocated as conclusive by a scholar). It looks like a miniature sun to the immediate right of the tree-column, obviously symbolic of the Soul/Ego. The coloration is also an important element in the whole picture: the emerald green of the clothed torso is prominent, an alchemical call to transformation, just above the lower left skull. (Incidentally, I am using the Lo Scarabeo version of the deck, in my collection).
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Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Lucifall »

Regarding Postumio : I appreciate your bringing attention to the symbols on the shield. It seems to me to be a three part design: the star above, the tree, the platform below. This could refer to the Spirit above, shining out, the Soul between, in a process of unfolding, and the platform below, as the foundation of Matter/Body.
Thanks Parzival
I completely missed the three part design which is obvious for me now.
Your interpretation is really lovely.

This is consistent with Neoplatonic philosophy and certainly repudiates the Sola Busca as some sort of dark, even evil work of sorcery (advocated as conclusive by a scholar). It looks like a miniature sun to the immediate right of the tree-column, obviously symbolic of the Soul/Ego. The coloration is also an important element in the whole picture: the emerald green of the clothed torso is prominent, an alchemical call to transformation, just above the lower left skull. (Incidentally, I am using the Lo Scarabeo version of the deck, in my collection).
There is so much to discover in the Sola Busca,.. it feels there is a lot of dark in this cards; with lots of alchemical elements, wordgames, anagrams, Roman (war) history and so on.

This sun soul/ego) reappears on two other cards (with the Trehor Fatis text) but on those other cards this same miniature sun has a kind of starrain.
Do you have any idea how to fit in this within the Soul/ Ego?
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Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Parzival »

I know that in Neoplatonism the soul has three levels: the rational Soul, the imaginative Soul, and the sensory Soul or soul of sensation. The Soul is in between the invisible Spirit above, often associated with pure light, and the material realm below, often associated with shadow. The Soul can overcome Fate by reaching to the light above, or fall into Fate by descending into identification with the material realm-- it can self-reflect, consider its memory, its ideas, the arts, music, or it can deny its own higher nature and be subject to astrological influences. Notice that the tree form on the shield has top branches shooting out under the star, as if to be reaching towards the star or receiving the star's light. The little sun to the right of the tree is at the middle by the tree trunk, halfway up, like the human Soul looking up to the Light and down to the realm of Fate. So, if the Sola Busca is a Neoplatonically based series of symbolic paintings, it would make sense that some imagery is earth-based, subject to Fate, even horrific in the way time and sensation dominates, while other imaginative and symbolic references point to the imaginative Arts and higher philosophical truths. But this warrants further research and consideration-- I just don't think Alchemy without Neoplatonism is the sole/soul key to this deck. What do you think?
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Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Lucifall »

I know that in Neoplatonism the soul has three levels: the rational Soul, the imaginative Soul, and the sensory Soul or soul of sensation. The Soul is in between the invisible Spirit above, often associated with pure light, and the material realm below, often associated with shadow. The Soul can overcome Fate by reaching to the light above, or fall into Fate by descending into identification with the material realm-- it can self-reflect, consider its memory, its ideas, the arts, music, or it can deny its own higher nature and be subject to astrological influences. Notice that the tree form on the shield has top branches shooting out under the star, as if to be reaching towards the star or receiving the star's light. The little sun to the right of the tree is at the middle by the tree trunk, halfway up, like the human Soul looking up to the Light and down to the realm of Fate. So, if the Sola Busca is a Neoplatonically based series of symbolic paintings, it would make sense that some imagery is earth-based, subject to Fate, even horrific in the way time and sensation dominates, while other imaginative and symbolic references point to the imaginative Arts and higher philosophical truths. But this warrants further research and consideration-- I just don't think Alchemy without Neoplatonism is the sole/soul key to this deck. What do you think?
The top of the palm tree is also the place for the Phoenix (connection palm – Phoenix) to build her nest which also make a nice connection with the light above from the star / sun and which connect to the Alchemical theme in the Sola Busca..

The self reflection and memory you mention made me think on how a tree grows.
Which grows above also grows below.
When vizualizing this.. The tree below is growing through the Corpus, descending through the dead fysical body into the darkness of the material world. The tree really connects the 'worlds'.
The skull reminds us to another very old tradition which is used world wide. Skull preparation in all kind of ways for honouring the Ancestors and keep their memory alive.
This tree growing to the star also may connect with the story we tell children when someone has died. The deceased person is a star now. 'Born from Star dust and return as Star dust'

The key for this deck. It is funny don't you think. Very educated people are already studying the Sola Busca for decades. They made certainly certain discoveries, but nothing seems to connect properly. With all the tools we have nowadays on the www. Anagram generators, searching for similar icongraphy, world wide library of old books.
In the days the deck was created one had to travel and be allowed to have a look into books to get in touch with this info.

And than the story of the Sola Busca family... The family disappeared and the cards did. (And the instruction book? ) So very Da Vinci code 3.0 : “the lost key of the Sola Busca”

For me Sola Busca is one big intreging mystery. Or better call it fascinating.. to stay in tune with the
deck, with Lenpio in this case.
In my opinion these cards also point clearly to the believe in the evil eye during those days. (Still excisting in Italy Now) On the following card this power is warded of by Mario. The Romans even had war-gear against the evil eye.

There is a lot of the Mithras cult, Kaballah; even Arich Apin is it. (Twice) , Isis and Venus Cult and other Pagan believes. And don't forget there is tarot in it :-)

The titles of the cards? Make word games with it. Anagrams. Most of them are easily to connect with stars or planets, Gods/ Goddesses or atrributes of them.
There are at least six stories.. In the majors (tarot) , the 4 suits (1 alchemical/ 1 Alexander /?/? ) of the minors and the courts (Which might be 4 different 'stories' also)

A key? I am sure it (if there is one) will be found someday..
But maybe there is no key and is the meaning of the Sola Busca an overview of Roman history, tradition, (pre) religion and so on in 78 cards.. containing the history , myths and legends of 1000 of books.
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Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Post by Samoht »

Hi, I recently got hold of a Sola Busca deck, and I would like to ask if anyone knows how to find the images of the Secreta Secretorum, if there is a book with the original iconography or if they can be found in some particular site. thank you
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