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Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

This week let's consider this little bauble that was found in King tut's tomb and which he wore on his chest:


It's made of gold and turquoise and other pretty stones but the real feature is that scarab in the center.
And its centerpiece is a scarab beetle made of golden glass — a symbol of the Sun god, and of the cycle of life.
The glass formed in the Sahara Desert about 29 million years ago. And a recent study says it was the result of an impact by a big space rock. -StarDate
That "space rock" melted the desert sand and formed this golden coloured glass, this cosmic jewel.

Beautiful and magical things often result from great heat, great pressure.

For this week's My Celestial Week you're invited to choose a deck and consider each day what beautiful things in your life have resulted, or will result from intense conditions.

Here are some suggestions (and they are only suggestions) to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Home life, inner life
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Adventures, challenges
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury –Letters, messages, communications
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Advice, exploring, journeys.
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus – Love, relationships, Art.
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Work, discipline, training
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – The cycle of life, plans, advancement
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.

So choose a deck for this week's exercise and begin when you are ready.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

In keeping with the Desert/Egyptian part of this week's theme, I'm going with The Ethernal Sand of Time Tarot

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Home life, inner life


The Chariot
This is the spirit to create change. I've put a lot of effort into living my life the way I want to, building the home life I want, and to not let outside forces influence my decisions. I prefer my own pressure, which feels real and useful and helps me to sort out my paths. I have also outgrown any reason to be defiant about it.

I'm still troubled sometimes by other people's judgements, but less and less so.

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Adventures, challenges


5 of Pentacles
Troubled times, I've had a few. (Understatement) I can't say I recommend going through the things I have, some of the choices I made, predicaments I got in. I'm not going to say "it was all for the best." I don't know that. My life may have been "better"had I not been through some of that stuff. But I can say that none of those times has ever fully left me, (for good or or for ill) and that has made me a different person than I would have been because I understand a lot of things quite deeply that anyone (well most anyone) who hasn't been through those things simply can't. I know this because I hear thoughtless things people say all the time. Nice people, intelligent people, they just don't know what they are saying.

I have a unique view on life and I'm glad for that. It serves me well. Mostly.

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury –Letters, messages, communications


7 of Cups
The card of discouragement.
I've thought about this a lot. Things can go not as hoped and leave me thinking and looking for a way forward. That's my nature.
But then there are the discouragers. The people, often well-meaning (sometimes not) who really have tried to pull me down into some place for whatever reason to make me feel worthless, stupid, embarrassed for trying.
There are a surprising lot of people who tend to do this. I've done it to people. I think I know why. But that's for another post.
This one is about how this pressure made something beautiful like King Tut's glass scarab.

Every time I pull myself out of a low place after being discouraged, I'm stronger. Every.Single.Time.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Advice, exploring, journeys.


To be perfectly honest, I don't know what this card is. It's a Pentacle, A coin, but I don't know which one.

Doesn't matter. The picture tells me everything I need to know.

This guy can't reach the money because of a weight around his foot.
What is the weight? Advice or counsel he's been given? Limiting forces of things people tell him?

He, (I) have to break free of that. There are all new ways of doing things afoot and the old patterns hold no sway anymore. Don't believe me? Ask my niece who has 800,000 instagram followers and over 1 million on one of her youtube channels. And by the way, makes bank.

It's time to get and take advice from people who know what they are talking about. Who understand how things really work, as opposed to how I think think things should work. That's not the way it is and it's time to break free.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

What jewels have resulted from intense conditions?
Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Home life, inner life
The High Priestess. Isolation opens thew way for revelations and the divine, discolsing the power hidden in contemplation. Being able to know and see things from different perspectives.

My home and inner life has definitely felt constrained and limited. This card gives me hope that there are other ways of finding perspectives, of knowing, of being connected to the magic of living.

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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – Adventures, challenges
The two of coins. When faced with challenges, mediate the in between to find solutions. Often solutions are found when the situation or challenge is reordered. The capacity to look at the bigger picture and to weigh different possibilities is an asset when facing challenges.

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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury –Letters, messages, communications
What jewels have resulted from intense conditions?

The four of coins. This one is interesting. I think this about learning to appreciate what I have to offer, my talents? It's odd as this is the narcissus story but as I'm looking at the vewels in the thick of pressure applied to mercury's day, I have to see the value in appreciating and loving what I have and what I am. Something I don't do.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

Friday - Ruled by Venus – Love, relationships, Art.


Ace of Cups
I always think of that as the "Art" card. The source of creative spirit.

Can't say I am feeling that today, and maybe that is perfectly appropriate since this week is about beauty under pressure.

I was wondering if I should just push through it, or throw in the towel for the day and pursue something entirely different. of course it is already 6pm.
I already have a much needed day off planned for tomorrow. Maybe I should just start it early and enjoy it rather than feel guilty about it. Use it to rejuvenate.

So maybe that is the pressure I use today, escape the pressure of guilt and hope the vibe changes.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Advice, exploring, journeys.
What jewels have resulted from intense conditions?

4 of swords. A lady closes the curtain for privacy on another sleeping lady. The one sleeping looks exhausted as if sleeping with relief. Maybe she's been through a long ordeal and the one closing the curtain wants to afford her privacy and much needed rest without interruption. Perhaps the hard forged jewel here is that through my ordeal there is rest. There are spaces for rest. My focus should be on finding these spaces for rest instead of keeping the body going and pushing onward.

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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

Friday - Ruled by Venus – Love, relationships, Art.
5 of cups. This one speaks to me today on venus day. There is beauty all around me, life, movement, camaraderie, and love, if I just stop wallowing on the one frustration before me, that one which I drag everywhere I go.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Work, discipline, training

Well I can tell you before even drawing a single card, today is not a day for work, discipline and training, unless "work" means going to a movie, discipline means eating sushi and training means drinking Sake.

I've had my nose to the grindstone all week. Time to walk away from it for a few hours.

so now I draw a card: drumroll please.....


5 of Swords

This is card of defeat, but defeat of whom? I've always tended to assume it meant my defeat, but reading the Spirit keeper's lwb, it's about about defeat of your opponents, having an advantage.

I kind of like that and wonder why I always assumed it was my defeat it was talking about.

Well, the only thing getting defeated today is all those poor little fish I'm going to devour.
But we'll see.

I could use a win, that's for sure.

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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Myperception »

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Work, discipline, training

Page of pentacles

Saturday is not a working day for me. But it can also assume as a working/discipline/training day in gym. I had a great 3 hours workout in a new gym, suitable for me, and price is reasonable. I just set a physique target for myself to achieve by December this year. A path to work hard and be discipline till year end, i shall see my result !
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – The cycle of life, plans, advancement


2 of Wands
Planting seeds. That's what this guy is doing.
And that I am beginning to understand is the secret: keep planting seeds. They won't all germinate. They won't all be harvested. But some will. And it will be enough to keep me going.

The cycle of life is a messy thing. It constantly tests the will. But you can never stop planting seeds.
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Re: Cosmic Jewel : Week 12

Post by qndynes »

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Work, discipline, training

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – The cycle of life, plans, advancement
Saturday, 2 of swords. A culminating moment, the tension brought to its climax. The jewel here is in the deliberation. In living the moment of tension to let whatever is being processed undergo its process. Whether this be in work, a project or anything in between.


Sunday, 10 of swords. The cycle of life is here exemplified. Ending what needs ending and letting others tend when exhaustion overwhelms. The jewel is accepting help from others when I really need it and giving myself time to rest and recover befor starting again.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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