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Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Beginning this week and continuing for the next several weeks, our night skies will feature a cosmic guest, the constellation Ophiuchus - The Serpent Bearer.

Despite the fact that Ophiuchus occupies space on the very same band of sky (the ecliptic) that is the home for all the constellations of the zodiac, and who by all rights should be the "13th Sign", poor Ophiuchus is just politely acknowledged at best but has never graced the Horoscope page of your local newspaper. Maybe it was just too hard to pronounce.

I do not know why this is. It is part of the zodiac yet is not recognised as a Zodiac sign. Like Pluto, Ophiuchus is at the party but no one want to dance with it. They are the cosmic wallflowers.

If you were born between Nov. 30 and Dec. 18, you would be an Ophiuchus. Would this make you some sort of intensified form of Sagittarius?

For this week's My Celestial Week let's consider the fate of Ophiuchus. A zodiac constellation, just as good as all the other zodiac constellations, who we don't deserve but keeps showing up to the party anyway, proud, beautiful, just observing us and how we treat each other. The Jane Goodall of star clusters.

Keep Ophiuchus in mind as you draw each day.
Here are some suggestions (and they are only suggestions) to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Unseen task to make your home or space more welcoming
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – A personal challenge to accept
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – An important communication, maybe you need to make or respond to.
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Something very positive to focus on.
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus – Making or doing something just for the beauty of it.
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Making preparations or plans for improvements
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Shine a light on something that needs it
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.

So choose a deck for this week's exercise and begin when you are ready.


more info about Ophiuchus
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

I chose a pretty intense deck this week, the Sola Busca.
I just did, for another thing, my week's forecast and it looks really challenging. So I thought these guys would be in order.
The Sola Busca majors don't follow the standard Tarot Major by name, or number for that matter.

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Unseen task to make your home or space more welcoming


19 - Sabino

Sabino here has removed his war helmet and chooses to go with his crown. He looks to the heavens for some kind of sign or answer.

I'm taking this to mean, in regard to my home and work space, I need to perform some type of ritual. A prosperity ritual or cleansing. Both. My home needs a spiritual kick to make it more welcoming and wonderful.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – A personal challenge to accept


The 10 of Orbs: Dynasty

Well there's a light challenge. :lol: Build a dynasty.

I need to think about this more. Today is a day I'm just not feeling it. My mind wanders, there is a definite malaise. So any challenge at all is anathema.

This card contains ideas of caring for the tribe's future, the greater good.
All good stuff. I would love to live up to it.
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Oh My Goodness!

I just realised that I was so disconnected yesterday, that I drew a card from the wrong deck! :shock:

Today Wednesday, I will draw 2 cards. One for yesterday and one for today.

Back to my Sola Busca! I really need this strange deck this week.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – A personal challenge to accept


5 of Swords
Some ideas need to be brought to fruition.
I see the swords with the bow around them as ideas being brought together. And put in a pot to "cook."
I do have things rolling around in the back of my head. The challenge is to bring them into the light of day. Work on several things in parallel instead of waiting for one thing to succeed or fail.

OK. Challenge taken!

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – An important communication, maybe you need to make or respond to.


3 of Swords

Ouch. There is someone I need to call. Someone I haven't been good enough at keeping up with and who is probably sad about that and doesn't deserve to be neglected like that.

Will call right now.

Thank you cards.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Something very positive to focus on.

I chose the Sola Busca this week specifically for its weirdness. This felt like it was going to be a difficult and strange week, an emotional roller-coaster potentially.

With today's draw, this deck has really come through for me. For the question of something positive to focus on I got this:


This is the Knight of Swords. A rough take on that. His sword weighs a ton. he has no helmet, no armour, no SHOES even. Yet he's going into battle. His horse doesn't even look like its into this.

The Knight plods on though. Looking like he knows he's going to have his ass kicked.
I can relate. A lot.
So is THIS the positive thing to focus on?
Maybe yes. There is no shame in failure. Only in never trying. That's a tough lesson but a good one and it brings a lot of peace.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Friday - Ruled by Venus – Making or doing something just for the beauty of it.


The 9 of Amphorae

I love this deck.
I have a lot on my plate today to prepare for an event tomorrow and I kind of feel like this guy.

But he coming out from the depths of the sea, bringing treasures of the deep with him. I'm calling on some old skills of mine today that have not been used in a while. I am doing this for the love and beauty of the purpose. I'm proud for the opportunity.
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by qndynes »

I'm late in jumping in but here I go!
Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Unseen task to make your home or space more welcoming

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars – A personal challenge to accept

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury – An important communication, maybe you need to make or respond to.

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - Something very positive to focus on.

Friday - Ruled by Venus – Making or doing something just for the beauty of it.

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Making preparations or plans for improvements

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Shine a light on something that needs it

I almost laughed when Ibsaw all the cards that pooped up. Everything looks helter skelter!

Moonday, the fool welcomes more randomness and chaos, taking nothing to heart but letting problems slide by.

Tueaday, challenges me with the opposite of monday, recognizing where order and discipline are needed as opposed to the foolishness of the fool.

Wednesday, a reminder that who I need to communicate is myself, my sleep, goving my body the rest it needs. Ugh I'm tired.

Jupiter, greets me with the sword and armor firmly stating that I still have strength and vigor despite how tired I might be feeling. After some rest I will be back up and ready to forge ahead anew.

Friday, Lady Venus gets naughty here, whispering secrets about non duality, the body, pleasures, and movement.

Saturday, in Saturn's stern voice, "Reconcile and get back on track, don't let tensions stew too long.

Sunday, every the optimist, the Sun show me what I need to remember: You got the tools, you know the work. Keep going.

So it's all about straddling two worlds, duality, and reconciling both for the sake of movement and, dare I say, experience.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Consider Ophiuchus : Week 11

Post by Joan Marie »

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn – Making preparations or plans for improvements

7 of Swords
I've set a goal for the next 2 weeks to improve on a situation and this card tells me that's all well and good, but to proceed with caution, in the sense of making sure my intentions and priorities are well sorted first. There is a danger of going too hard the wrong direction and looking foolish.

I really appreciate this. I think it is always good advice to make sure your intentions are where they should be so that you are not working from a negative place.

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun – Shine a light on something that needs it


I - Panfilio
Striding with determination toward a goal. This fits well with the previous draw.
It can be accomplished but the heart must be pure.

I am spending today in preparation for the upcoming week and keeping these messages in mind.

So glad I chose The Sola Busca this week. It was a strange week with lots of ups and downs but it could have easily just been downs. This deck always reminds me that life is strange and full of surprises good and bad. And it's the same for everyone and always has been.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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