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Mystery Crystal

Instagram and Tumblr are filled with photos of beautiful card spreads with gorgeous stones and bundles of herbs scattered about. Here we learn more about these power substances and how we use them.
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Joan Marie
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Mystery Crystal

Post by Joan Marie »

I know this pic is not too sharp. but I was asked to help identify what this is exactly.
2019-08-07 08.32.15 am.png
2019-08-07 08.32.15 am.png (49.27 KiB) Viewed 1686 times

It was found by someone who bought some DIY geodes outside of Las Vegas and when she cracked one open, this little round gem rolled out. It's about the size of a large pea. It was completely detached from the geode like a pearl in an oyster.

Does anyone know if there is a name for these? or anything else about it?
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Re: Mystery Crystal

Post by katrinka »

It's hard to tell from the photo. Is it milky, or more of a solid white?
It looks like it has points. Does it?

I have a girasol quartz (AKA moon quartz and some other monikers I can't recall at present) palm stone that's milky-clear due to tiny bits of water trapped inside. (ETA: Not sure what I did wrong - the actual image isn't that big!)

girasol.jpg (50.76 KiB) Viewed 1674 times

But other things can make quartz milky or white, of course.

Quartz does funny things. Just when you think you've seen it all, something new pops up. This crystal cluster is naturally frosted. ... e_38&frs=1

If you manage to get better photos, we'd love to see them!
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