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Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

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FORUM DESCRIPTION: Participants in the AUGUST Learning Lenormand Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Charlie Brown
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Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by Charlie Brown »

Hi Velvetina,

You're stuck me again. My apologies. What can I do for you?
I believe in Crystal Light.
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Re: Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by velvetina »

Hello Charlie Brown! I'm delighted to have you - you're a wonderful mentor.

My question is - should I get more involved with the hedgehog sanctuary?

By the way, I cancelled the flash mob - and not only had many people withdrawn anyways, it absolutely poured with rain that day, so it would've had to have been cancelled anyways!
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Charlie Brown
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Re: Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by Charlie Brown »

I'm on the road, so I don't have all of my comforts or a lot of time. I did want to say that I did your reading last night, and the answer is yes. I'll post a more detailed reading when I get the chance.
I believe in Crystal Light.
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Re: Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by velvetina »

There's absolutely no rush, no urgency :)
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Charlie Brown
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Re: Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by Charlie Brown »

So, upon hearing the words "hedgehog sanctuary," my immediate reaction was OF COURSE, DUH!!

The way you phrased your question was a yes/no. I always do yes/nos as a three card draw based on scoring the three cards' value on a positive-negative scale. it's the same as the one found in the Andy B. book. Only after determening if the answer is yes or no will I try to interpret the line, because I need to have that positive or negative context within which to interpret the cards. I thought about rephrasing your question, but it seemed like a good choice for a yes/no reading. Being as biased as I was in favor of the hedgehogs, I assumed that the cards would say "No!" and then I would follow up with "what would happen if she got more involved at the sanctuary as a follow-up. But, you got a yes.


As far as the line, I read the house as representing the sanctuary itself (a home for the hedgehogs). Book as knowledge and stork as improvements combine into improved knowledge = learning. So, you should get more involved because you'll learn things there.

I could have asked what you will learn there as a follow up, but I really don't trust myself to be able to get a very specific answer about what one might learn working with hedgehogs. Although perhaps one day I'll tell you the story of Louie the Goose.

Since I owed you two cards, I took out my tin-sized RWS and drew two cards on the question "What advice is there for Velvetina as she works to improve as a cartomant?" On the road, I don't have a good way to import pictures onto the hotel computer, but you got:


I think this is an exciting combination. In their own way, these are two of the most internaly oppossed cards in the deck. WIth the Fool, we have an image of newness and naivete. In the 9 of Wands we see battle hardened experience and perhaps even weariness. In combination, I see these as saying to continually treat yourself as a student and embrace new learning with enthusiasm but, at the same time, don't discount the things you have learned and the experience you have gained. The Fool says Don't get hardened and jaded and weary, keep things fresh. The Nine says Don't always chase after something new just out of insecurity. You know things. You can do things.
I believe in Crystal Light.
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Re: Charlie Brown reads for Velvetina

Post by velvetina »

Thank you so much Charlie.

My initial thought was "absolutely yes!" but there are a few logistical matters to deal with.
Nonetheless, there's a lot that I can do to support the sanctuary (fund-raising, collecting old towels etc) and when I get the opportunity to be more "hands on", I will take it.

Hedgehogs are delightful little creatures, but becoming a rarity in this country. It's absolutely tragic that they could be lost forever, so I'm glad to get an opportunity to help them.

And thank you for the extra piece of advice :) It was relevant and helpful :)
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