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sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 17:41
by stronglove
is anyone here into sidereal astrology?
i am a complete newbie, never had any interest in astrology, mainly because i could not identify with any of my astrological sign’s qualities, so i never really felt the urge to dive in deeper.
until, very recently, someone intoduced me to sidereal astrology. and i found out that my zodiacal sign is not cancer but gemini. and i read up on gemini’s personality and characteristics. and was completely stunned, the descriptions were so accurate.....
so that really got me going. i now follow athen chimenti’s youtube channel, mastering the zodiac and use his astrological year planner. but it gets really confusing when dealing with the tarot, because in the tarot community almost everyone uses ‘tropical’ astrology. this means that tomorrow the ‘tropical’ full moon is in pisces, while my sidereal full moon is in aquarius...... this leads to significantly different moon-related tarot spreads.....
would love to further explore sidereal astrology from a tarot/ divination perspective

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 18:51
by shadowrose
that sounds very interesting.

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 16:42
by Tomatosauce
I haven’t had a lot of patience for learning astrology, but I follow The People’s Oracle on Twitter and she’s a huge sidereal booster. I’m sidereal-curious...

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 17:23
by stronglove
i am not on twitter, does she have a youtube channel or fb page or website? she sounds interesting!

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 20:30
by Nemia
I'm a star gazer, so as a matter of fact, my heart beats for sidereal astrology. I showed my daughter, a Virgo, tonight the constellation Virgo. The mere fact that you can SEE Virgo now means that the sun CANNOT be in Virgo. We don't see a star constellation while the sun passes it - becauset that's in the daylight. So it's enough to look at the sky to see that our traditional astrology is simply not true any longer and that the wobbling axis of our earth has moved since in Babylon the zodiac and calendar were observed and codified.

I still follow the old system because otherwise, nothing would make sense. Since in a couple of thousands of years, oh probably longer, MUCH longer... but someday, it will all make sense again... and i see the star signs as symbolic. I'm very much a text book Taurus (albeit without money sense) so when I started with astrology, it really struck me how well I felt described.

The Chaldean order is based on real planets but there is no real reason, except for a system, why they should influence the decans somehow. There are some places where the system doesn't go smoothly.

For me, this is a traditional system of metaphors based on reality but not totally in tune with the skies as they look now. I wish I could switch to sidereal astrology but then nothing would "fit" anymore.

I solve that imperfectly by building my personal relationship with the big stars and all constellations, not only the zodiac constellations. I watch them every night and they give character to each season. I try not to mix my personal little star cult with astrology ;-) which I see more as spiritual tradition.

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 20:38
by Tomatosauce
stronglove wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 17:23 i am not on twitter, does she have a youtube channel or fb page or website? she sounds interesting!

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018, 15:28
by Joan Marie
Nemia wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 20:30 I solve that imperfectly by building my personal relationship with the big stars and all constellations, not only the zodiac constellations. I watch them every night and they give character to each season. I try not to mix my personal little star cult with astrology ;-) which I see more as spiritual tradition.
I would join your little star cult. 🌠

You are so lucky to live where you can see the stars so well. There is so much light pollution where I am I feel lucky to see the moon. That's a slight exaggeration but not by much.

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 06 Sep 2018, 17:00
by shadowrose
Joan Marie wrote: 05 Sep 2018, 15:28 You are so lucky to live where you can see the stars so well. There is so much light pollution where I am I feel lucky to see the moon. That's a slight exaggeration but not by much.

I know what you mean! We live in the suburbs and everyone has dusk to dawn lights in their yards. We used to have one until my mother got impatient for my husband to replace the burnt out bulb and went and bought one and had my brother put it in, however they got the wrong bulb and when it tried to come on that night it arched and smoked and hubby had to pull it out. That fried the fixture and we have no idea where it is wired into the box so we can't turn off the power and replace it. Right now we don't have one (and really don't have plans to change that, lol) and it has helped us see more stars at night. When the temperatures allow we like to sit out at night and watch the moon come up, the stars come out, etc. We've been learning more about the night sky and it's been really interesting.

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 07 Jun 2019, 07:25
by Eva4
Hi, I began following sidereal astrology almost 20 years ago and, to me, this has been the most accurate approach. I discovered it through vedic astrology. Now, when I hear someone tell me their birthday, I say, "Oh, you're an Aries!" And they just go, "Oh, no I'm a Taurus!" It's annoying at first, but kind of funny when they don't understand the look on your face. Sometimes, if you explain why they are an Aries and not a Taurus, they'll just argue the case with you... like my mother. That's an Aries for you!

I would also recommend Joni Patry's Youtube channel. She's a vedic astrologer. If you're into general monthly readings for the public, then she knows her stuff. I will say that her school is not cheap. But, a matter of opinion if you decide to stick around. Good luck to you!

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Posted: 25 Jul 2019, 17:13
by fire cat pickles
I like the sidereal method because "what you see is what you get" when you look up in the sky. I can't wrap my mind around the tropical.

In my sidereal chart, the sun is smack dab in the middle of Cancer and Gemini in the sidereal, and if you look at a planetarium app, clearly, that 's where the sun was on my birthday. The tropical system has my Cancer Sun directly in the middle of the sign. I identify more closely to the Gemini-Cancer cusp type than a pure Cancer as well.

With the tropical I get no planets in a rulership, exaltation, debility, or fall, which isn't too descriptive. I have no triplicities: equally useless! With the sidereal I get very apt Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, and Jupiter in Virgo. All of these are what you'd actually see when you look up on my birthday. Tropical seems contrived to me.

In this part of the country it's called "mountain astrology". My grandmother used to always say "I'm a Pisces!" (to which we'd reply, "You're an Aries, Granny!") but of course she was going by the "old" sidereal method that was still in use when she was a child in the 1920's. This also has had a great influence on why I've ventured away from the tropical method.