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Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 16:07
by Rachelcat
Calling on all astrology buffs for help! And it might be fun for you? Way back when, a sweet person on Aeclectic knew I liked astrology cards, and sent me a deck of cards with upright and reversed German keywords. Thank you again, wherever you are! It looks like it was punched out of a magazine or something. I don’t have a name for it, so I call it “German astrological cards.”

The cards for the signs are obvious, but I’m having trouble with the planets. There are 12 planet cards (I’m assuming that’s what they are), so I’m thinking Sun, Moon, 8 planets, and 2 moon’s nodes. A few are obvious (“moon goddess”!), but others I really can’t figure out!

As a great favor to me, please post here with your mix and match of which planet you think goes with which keywords (translated with Google).

planet cards.jpg

Upright keyword, Reversed keyword
Angst, Courage
Chaos, Creation
Dependence, Dedication
Devil, Angel
Dream, Moon goddess
Enlightenment, Delusion
Light, Darkness
Love, Loneliness
Magic, Witchcraft
Memory, Forgetting
Transience, Ancestral strength
Victim, Atonement

North Node
South Node

Thank you for any suggestions!

Re: Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 19:48
by WaterPuppy
I changed a few translations, but some do not sound like reversed meanings to me:

Licht (light) - Dunkelheit (darkness)
Liebe (love) - Einsamkeit (loneliness)
Magie (magic) - Hexerei (witchcraft)
Erinnerung (memory) - Vergessen (oblivion)
Vergänglichkeit (impermanence) - Ahnenkraft (ancestral power)
Opfer (sacrifice) - Suhne (atonement, expiation)
Erleuchtung (realisation, enlightenment) - Verblendung (blindness)
Mondgöttin (Moon goddess) - Traum (dream)
Teufel (devil) - Engel (angel)
Abhängigkeit (dependency) - Hingabe (devotion)
Chaos (chaos) - Schopfung (creation)
Angst (fear) - Wut (fury)

It is difficult to univocally associate one card to one planet.

There are some good candidates, for instance:
Sun => light
Neptune => magic
Venus => love
Mercury => memory
Uranus => impermanence
Moon => Moon goddess

Other cards are open to debate:
Neptune => sacrifice
Uranus => enlightment
Saturn => devil
Saturn => fear
Pluto => chaos

I don't subscribe to all of these interpretations, but they are adopted by some schools

Please notice that there is a school of astrology that considers 12 planets. Planet X (which is equated to Proserpina) and planet Y. Look up Lisa Morpurgo if you're interested to know more.

Re: Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 22:00
by Rachelcat
Thanks for the translations. Yours do seem to make more sense! I'm with you on most of the planet attributions, but I'm always hazy on the outer planets, so you're a big help there.

I've heard of Planet X but only tangentially. My ex worked at a coffee shop named Planet X back in the 90s! But really, I've never heard of 12 planets. I'll have to check that out.

Thanks again for your input! I hope we get some more tries so we can compare notes!

Re: Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 11:18
by ZhanThay
Rachelcat wrote: 21 Nov 2021, 16:07 Calling on all astrology buffs for help! And it might be fun for you? Way back when, a sweet person on Aeclectic knew I liked astrology cards, and sent me a deck of cards with upright and reversed German keywords. Thank you again, wherever you are! It looks like it was punched out of a magazine or something. I don’t have a name for it, so I call it “German astrological cards.”
I searched "Deutsche astrologisch karten", "licht und dunkelheit" and did a Google image search on that card but got no hits. I don't suppose there is anything distinctive on the backs of the cards which might identify them? If we could get hold of the 'little white book' for the deck it would help immeasurably.
The cards for the signs are obvious, but I’m having trouble with the planets. There are 12 planet cards (I’m assuming that’s what they are), so I’m thinking Sun, Moon, 8 planets, and 2 moon’s nodes. A few are obvious (“moon goddess”!), but others I really can’t figure out!

As a great favor to me, please post here with your mix and match of which planet you think goes with which keywords (translated with Google).
Waterpuppy has done a great job of translating the card titles but, like her, I find it difficult, if not impossible, to match those binaries to the planets as regarded by most of the astrologers I have read. There are other asteroids eg Chiron, minor planets, and others not represented by an actual body in the solar system. Some astrologers may use them, I suspect a large majority would not. It would be a lengthy exercise for me to argue the pros and cons of each card in view of trying to match each of them to a specific planet and ultimately my opinion is that these cards do not relate directly to the planets anyway. Sorry I can't help you with that.

As for the identity of the deck, I have one last longshot: my ex's sister in Germany has an RW deck and may possibly have some knowledge of your cards. Could be worth a try if all else fails. Maybe enquiries of German and Austrian esoteric retailers may yield some answers too.

Re: Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 12:52
by Rachelcat
ZhanThay, Thanks for your reply! Yeah, maybe they aren't planets at all? But then we have sun and moon . . .

Oh, yes, the backs look very familiar, but I can't place the image exactly. I know someone here will recognize it! Another request for info!


And here are the signs, in case anyone is interested!


Re: Planets Quiz! (and help requested!)

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 13:45
by WaterPuppy
I have definitely seen the symbol with Sun, Moon, and the profile used on the back of the cards. Perhaps it was used as a logo by an astrologer or a publishing house.

The sign cards unfortunately do not depict any rulers. That would have helped to derive what school(s) of astrology they were based on and determine if we should think of 7, 10, or 12 planets.

I don't know if it helps but some Indian schools of astrology are based on 12 planets.