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Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 26 Oct 2018, 08:08
by Joan Marie
Today's Card is feature of the Cult of Tarot Forum.
It is a daily message for you using a different card from a different deck each day. These cards can all be found in our Library of Decks.

If you have any questions at all or comments about the cards, the message, the feature itself or anything regarding Today's Card, please post them here.

I welcome all your feedback and questions and hope you are enjoying Today's Card. ❤️

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 17:33
by RivkahSmith
Thoughts on 6 of disks from Rosetta Tarot:

It's amazing how something as simple as bees can take a very abstract geometrical image and give it a story so it makes sense! My first thought was definitely a law-of-attraction type situation, where invisible strings are bringing something to you. A queen bee putting her little worker bees to work! I love this, and I love the interp "Even if you cannot see it, the underlying symmetry of things is protecting you and is leading you."

Thanks Joan Marie!

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 15:48
by RivkahSmith
About "Divine Timing" from the Inner Compass Oracle

First of all, I love the look and feel of this card. I suspect I would love this deck! I have a thing for collages.

I think this picture eloquently captures that we are both limited and freed by the outer forces of the Universe, and by our dedication to them. The five clocks kind of reminds me of the 5 of Pentacles in Waite-Smith decks, and it's how we can feel when we have to wait for something.

Lately I feel like I'm 100% on the Universe's clock. This isn't just me being unwilling to take things into my own hands. I've tried! It isn't a bad thing, in fact, it means I can sit back and relax, do more inner work and development. But it's definitely not time to be impatient or pushy, and when something isn't ready to happen, it's usually for a good reason. I will often see things click into place and go "Ah, that's what I was waiting for! Thanks Universe!"

Also I love your description, Joan Marie. <3

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 16:04
by Diana
I never miss the daily card. Just love them !!

Today's "Divine Timing " which reminds us not to hurry reminded me of one of my favourite poems that I sometimes read to my granddaughter - she's five now and we have a very special relationship. This poem makes me feel good about myself too and there's no harm in feeling good about oneself:

Walking With Nana

I like walking with Nana,
Her steps are short like mine.
She doesn’t say “now hurry up”
She always takes her time.

I like to walk with Nana,
Her eyes see things like mine do,
Wee pebbles bright, a funny cloud.
Half hidden drops of dew.

Most people have to hurry,
They do not stop to see.
I’m glad that God made Nana
Unrushed and young like me!

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 16:17
by Joan Marie
I love that poem Marigold. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

And RivkahSmith, I like the look of that card too with big old slow Saturn kind of having a laugh at the clocks.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 30 Nov 2019, 12:21
by Diana
The Today's Card. I love it to bits. In fact I get very annoyed with Joan Marie sometimes that she doesn't put her alarm on every morning at 7am latest to post the current Today's Card !!! Sometimes we have to wait for HOURS!!


I always wait for it with curiosity and expectancy. They're about 90% relevant my life and that's a huge percentage. I think Joan Marie may have even skipped one the other day or somehow I missed it - probably the day when everything went horribly wonky for me this week.

Like the today Today's card from the Kamienie Wróżą Oracle :

The natural state of things is to be in balance. As humans, we tend to upset balances without knowing it. And then over-correct.

I received at the same time a very interesting reading today from urbanmystic.. and this fits SO well with it. It's actually a description also of the Justice card in the Tarot.

THANK YOU JOAN MARIE !!!!!!!!!! 🥰 (Now go and set your alarm clock!)

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 01:51
by RivkahSmith
I have this deck! (The Crow Tarot.) I was just looking at this card the other day.

Usually in the 7 of cups I see what is being chosen. But this time I saw *how* one moves forward. Like how I might choose... where to live. Or how I might approach a creative project.

With the heart? With logic? Will you focus on nostalgia? Success? etc.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 11:09
by Joan Marie
RivkahSmith wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 01:51 Usually in the 7 of cups I see what is being chosen. But this time I saw *how* one moves forward. Like how I might choose... where to live. Or how I might approach a creative project.

With the heart? With logic? Will you focus on nostalgia? Success? etc.
That's really interesting because the choices we make at any given time are going to be influenced by the circumstances or state of mind we are in. So "how" we make decisions is not some static thing and it really is a grave mistake (I think) to pretend it is. It's limiting ourselves.

This reading I did was about self-acceptance, not even forgiveness, just accepting that we can surprise ourselves by our own behaviour and choices and it's important to reserve harsh judgements and disappointment.

I had never thought of that before in terms of the 7 of cups, but now I really see it and it adds another layer of depth to this card for me. I always tended to see those images as "distractions" like temptations (thanks catholic school). The question is, or could be, as you said, how we choose and becoming tuned into ourselves enough to know this, to understand our circumstances and needs at any given time and to know they change.

You've really opened up this card for me.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 18:18
by Pen
My first visit in I don't know how long (apologies for absence) and lovely to see my Hanged One as Card of the Day. Good to read Lon's interview too.

Sorry to have had to miss Button Soup - maybe next time if you'll have me.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 18:36
by Joan Marie
Pen wrote: 20 Feb 2020, 18:18 Sorry to have had to miss Button Soup - maybe next time if you'll have me.
Oh we will definitely "have" you!

I'm hoping to get another one going at some point, maybe late spring or so.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 21 Feb 2020, 18:59
by Pen
I'll look forward to it! :)

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 08:10
by Libra
I feel like the card of the day has been like ... pointed by some stroke of luck these past couple o' days.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 08:14
by Joan Marie
Libra wrote: 04 Mar 2020, 08:10 I feel like the card of the day has been like ... pointed by some stroke of luck these past couple o' days.
I swear on my eyes, it was the actual card I drew for today.

But I did choose the Button Soup Deck especially for guidance today since it is the deck created by the people on this forum.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 08:16
by Libra
Joan Marie wrote: 04 Mar 2020, 08:14
Libra wrote: 04 Mar 2020, 08:10 I feel like the card of the day has been like ... pointed by some stroke of luck these past couple o' days.
I swear on my eyes, it was the actual card I drew for today.

But I did choose the Button Soup Deck especially for guidance today since it is the deck created by the people on this forum.
Honestly, that's tarot for ya, lol.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 09 Feb 2021, 18:56
by ZhanThay
Thanks for the card of the day. The messages are pertinent to me because I am feeling a bit like the Hanged Man and woke up in the middle of the night with unfinished business on my mind. I had to get a few things off my chest and spent about an hour composing a group text for a bunch of guys for which I am the nominal leader. I will send it later and see who responds if any lol. Have a lovely day everyone ❤️

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 18 Aug 2021, 09:00
by Blue_Tigger
The first thing I do when visiting this site, is to read the tarot card of the day - unfailingly. It's such fun anticipating what the message will be or what I might learn about any thing really. Today's Page of Cups reminds me of all the little gifts I receive daily for the sheer experience of being alive.

Something that comes to mind I would also like to share with you. This card from 'The Stretch Tarot' describes my card slinging experience which usually begins without necessarily formulating a question beforehand, yet, discovering that the message perceived is directly related to my thoughts and feelings whilst shuffling and getting into the vibe of the reading.

Thanks Joan 💛

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 19 Aug 2021, 03:14
by archimedes
Blue_Tigger wrote: 18 Aug 2021, 09:00 The first thing I do when visiting this site, is to read the tarot card of the day - unfailingly.

Thanks Joan 💛
Me too, one of my favorite features of the site. Do we have a 'previous cards of the day' list? I was going to mention one that had resonated but I can't recall which it was. No matter if not.

I'm enjoying seeing the range of decks. I feel I deserve a new deck but I'm lingering over the decision process. I'm a little in love with the Pocket of Peers.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 19 Aug 2021, 07:39
by Joan Marie
archimedes wrote: 19 Aug 2021, 03:14 Me too, one of my favorite features of the site. Do we have a 'previous cards of the day' list? I was going to mention one that had resonated but I can't recall which it was. No matter if not.

I'm enjoying seeing the range of decks. I feel I deserve a new deck but I'm lingering over the decision process. I'm a little in love with the Pocket of Peers.
Every day I post the previous day's card in an ongoing thread called "Yesterday's Card"

I just added a link to it on the "Today's Card" page.
You can also (usually) see a link to the most recent addition to that thread in the "Recent Topics" box on the home page (upper right)

Regarding "Pocket of Peers," I interviewed the artist Jamie Sawyer a while back.
You can see that here: From Tattoo to Tarot: The Art of Jamie Sawyer

Thanks so much for your comments!

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 21 Aug 2021, 12:20
by Ciderwell
The Mama of Buckets/16th August 2021, was interesting. I was wondering if you were aware of Banksy being in the news this month? He's been out and about in Norfolk. There's a really good 3 minute video of the man himself at work A Great British Spraycation.

I've only ever seen one of his paintings, while on a day out in Bristol - the 'man hanging from a window ledge'. I'd never heard of Banksy at the time and thought it might have been commissioned, so was surprised to learn he was actually a graffiti artist.
I've seen 'the man hanging from a window ledge' tarot card somewhere on this site.

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 22 Aug 2021, 08:05
by Joan Marie
Ciderwell wrote: 21 Aug 2021, 12:20 I've seen 'the man hanging from a window ledge' tarot card somewhere on this site.
I have seen that video in the past few days. Brilliant.
I was myself kind of indifferent to Banksy's work before, but then the artist of this deck, Shiloh Lewis, had a talk with me about it and I started to really see what he's doing and I read some more and saw a couple of movies and I really grew to appreciate what he does.

And, yes you have seen "the man hanging from a window ledge" here.
It is in the deck as, The Hanged man, of course!

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 22 Aug 2021, 13:11
by Ciderwell
Joan Marie wrote: 22 Aug 2021, 08:05I was myself kind of indifferent to Banksy's work before
Yeah, me too. The video has helped change the way I think about the tarot deck as well.

I read somewhere that the graffiti painting of the rat sitting on the deckchair was a satirical statement on the decline of British beaches. I can't help thinking about the scene in Angel Heart, with Mickey Rourke talking to the guy at Coney Island -
"What do you do here in the winter?" Angel asks.
"I bite the heads off rats!" he replies.
"So what do you do here in the summer?".
"Same thing, bite the heads off rats". "Here..." he says, "have a plastic nose guard.
I found a box of them under the boardwalk".
"This'll come in handy where I'm going." Says Angel.
"Where's that?"

:oops: Slight distraction there.
The Hanged Man! Of course, what else could it be.


Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 16 Dec 2021, 17:43
by Pilar
Hi all, just logged in again after such a long time, and happy to see so many updates! Today's Card: the Hermit from the Guided Hand Tarot :-) it made me smile, because when i go into Hermit mode, I looove listening to music as well, it helps me with all sort of things, to focus, to express myself to dance to dream, music and tarot any time of the day!! I will be checking out this deck, since my tarot journey started (3 years ago) I gave into quite some tarot urges and collected a lot of decks. I am under strict embargo now, but who can resist this Hermit??? :-)

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 09:06
by Joan Marie
Pilar wrote: 16 Dec 2021, 17:43 I am under strict embargo now, but who can resist this Hermit??? :-)
I know, right?
Guided Hand Tarot<br />by Irene Mudd
Guided Hand Tarot
by Irene Mudd

I have a special fondness for this one too. My husband (I can't get used to saying that :D ) has collected vinyl records all his life and this year opened a record shop. Unlike a lot of collectors who buy and store away their rarities, he actually loves to listen to them and takes any chance he can to play them for people.
This card is him. ❤️

Re: Today's Card: Questions & Comments

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 16:18
by Ciderwell
Pilar wrote: 16 Dec 2021, 17:43I looove listening to music
That is kinda amazing, reminding me of the Hanged Man.
I noticed this Banksy graffiti art a couple of weeks ago. I've walked past it many times but had never really looked at it. So I'd planned to photograph it some time this week.
As it turns out, there is also a plaque next to it that I hadn't noticed before either. It commemorates the career of the local hero Delia Derbyshire, and her contribution to the world of electronic music.

Though I don't know if 'The Sculptress of Sound' made it into the Banksy Tarot deck?


Re: AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot by D. W. Prudence: 15 Feb 2022

Posted: 16 Feb 2022, 16:40
by dodalisque
Joan Marie wrote: 16 Feb 2022, 10:45 AlcheMystic Woodcut Tarot
by D. W. Prudence
I'm really enjoying this thread. Our exertions with the TdM feel like pulling teeth in comparison. What an amazing looking deck. I read a very thorough review of it here on a fascinating website: ... -prudence/

Interested to see that her only criticism was the production of the deck by the publisher Schiffer, who also did a bit of a hatchet job on chiscotheque's phenomenal Charles Dickens Tarot. Though they certainly have good taste and an eye for thoughtful decks that are a cut above. His original self-produced version is infinitely more satisfying. Some of their editorial decisions were quite bad, but I suppose production costs were a factor. They turn out a nice glossy product that catches the eye, but...However, it feels churlish to quibble. Schiffer are one of the more interesting companies making tarot decks.