I've been drawing a major + minor before bed recently in order to have something to think about before drifting off. No question, so no firm definitions/interpretive grounds, just inspiration, association, etc. Although the crap jpegs don't do it justice, I was impressed by the this draw I made with my Grimaud.
The thing that struck me most immediately was the rising of the blade from the ground to the sky. Likewise, the crown and the vegetation ascend.
Sometimes the things we call cliches become that way because they're so basic and essential in their wisdom that they must be shared and, in there sharing, they lose their power to grab us. Seeing something like that when we don't expect it can have a powerful effect as the message bypasses our normal filtering. I think that's what's happened here. Out with the old, in with the new. When one door closes another opens. Out with the old, in with the new. I like Winston Churchill's "If you're going through hell, keep going."
In any case, this pair was inspiring and disarming to me. I probably should have taken a picture instead of using my deck scans. IDK.
Thinking about these cards from a more Thothian perspective, we have the trump of Scorpio (fire) and the seed root of Air. Elementally compatible, the
fire warms the air, showing that this pairing/progression as collaborative. Endings and beginnings are interdependent; two sides of the coin. Together, these cards likewise seem to argue for taking an active role in this. Become the change you wish to see in the world.
I'm reminded now (perhaps for no reason) of the opening verse of the Dharmapada "Our lives are shaped by our minds, we become what we think."
"Art is about building a new foundation, not just laying something on top of what's already there." - Prince
Finally, there's a lyric from a Hall & Oates song that's stuck with me ever since I first heard it around the 4th grade or so:
The strong give up and move on, while the weak.. the weak give up and stay.