We are made of Star Stuff - Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan was speaking scientifically when he made that statement, noting that the same elements that comprise our very bodies were originally created billions of years ago in stars. But as was often the case with him, he made the scientific feel spiritual and vice-versa.
I thought of that quote this morning as I was reading about Crowley's idea that "Every man and every woman is a star."We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff. -Carl Sagan
We live in a new era where we determine our own trajectory and are not the helpless satellites of social structures.
We are all here to become ourselves, independent and shining.
We are not cold planets revolving around a sun that determines our path for us. But the world teaches us the opposite. It teaches us that we are led by, revolve around ideas of family, race, nationality, gender roles, tribal roles, and religion. We look to others for the wisdom to live and clumsily try to follow the directives of others. These allegiances discourage us from exploring our own true will, which is naturally in harmony with divine will.
This is the age of the quest to discover your own way. And despite the current pop-culture idea of what it means to "be a star" I find Crowley's very humbling and comforting.
This is one of the most important concepts Aleister Crowley attempted to get across in the Book of Thoth. It's worthy of exploration.
How does being told you are a Star make you feel? What does it make you think of?