And here I go
happy feelings!
My empty wheel, waiting for cards!
Sacred Days of Midsummer - Rosetta Tarot
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Knight of Disks
My creativity is indeed right now not manifesting - I'm cultivating it, patiently waiting for the projects in my head to come to fruition. I picked up all the stones from the field - I ploughed and prepared the field - I even did part of the sowing and still have some bags of seeds...
... but nothing is growing. I look at my life, at what I could have achieved, at the many plans I had - and I have not much to show for it all. Something is holding this plodding creature back. I wonder what it is - but I was thinking today that I should bring at least ONE of my many projects to fruition.
This prince doesn't look as though the muses had kissed him lately... and indeed, they didn't kiss me either...
2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
The Star
Oh, how beautiful and how wonderful. Indeed Vesta/Hestia is one of my favorite goddesses, and my home and hearth very important to me. I totally see it suffused with celestial power, with the power of the Star to give hope and harmony and beauty and everything else. It's a most exalted and wonderful card, and this is just how I feel about my home.
After two cards, I feel that the Rosetta really understands me... I love this deck!
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
Eight of Wands
It's the Eight of Wands. The speed of light, Hod; there is a real contrast between the melancholic, introspective quality of the day and the position - and the quick-thinking Mercury card that seems to push the feelings back to the invisible realms. It's an inner conflict. I do cover up my emotional problems with an intellectual layer. It's easy to hide beneath a Mercury varnish... but it's unhealthy in the long run...
Isn't my wheel beautiful as it's filling up?
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Queen of Wands
I have the Queen of Wands today - photo will come later! A very fitting card
I'm a fierce mother and wife and always thought that poor Hera/Juno has been maligned. In that area of my life at least, home and family, I have been fairly successful. Have to run now, but I'll come back later...
Here I am back. I read a bit about this queen in the Liber M, what a wonderful book. Yes, I fulfilled my role as wife and mother with a passion and high motivation that I don't have for other things in my life. And I was also simply very very lucky in Juno's realm. I met the man I totally love 30 years ago, we both fell and stayed in love, and a happy marriage is a gift I was given. I was also lucky to be fertile, to have four healthy children and I can't thank the divine forces enough for that. Juno is really the goddess I would thank daily if I was a Roman matron, I'd keep her altar at home decorated and the powerful queen reminds me of Juno herself. I give thanks to blessings. So often, the cards remind me of blockages, shortcomings, things missing in my life - they're so often a healthy kick in my backside. But this card simply states the truth: I was blessed, Juno gave me her gifts and I rule this part of my life with warmth and passion.
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
Prince of Disks
The Prince of Disks rules my birth decan. And he is supposed to help me enjoy life's sweetness?
This Prince is a worrier, a fusser, a plodder, and he keeps telling himself his to-do-lists. He needs the feeling of being indispensable... the Bull, the Bull...
Do I know to enjoy life? I'm not sure. There were times when I did. I think that for many years now, worries have taken over, and that's of course one of "my" decans. I'm still stuck in the 5 Disks, Worries, and didn't graduate yet to the 6 which would be Tif'eret and Success.
But I think this bullish young man wants to remind me that it's possible to enjoy life at any time. More gratefulness for the ripe strawberries and life's beauty and the black cat nibbling at my nose while I try to write...
I'm curious what the other cards will bring me. Until now, every card had meaning, was deeply connected to my pattern of life. I had the Knight and the Prince of Disks - really interesting to have the two male court cards of the Disks ... I connect more easily to the females but I can't deny that this Prince especially really reflects dominant aspects of my character.
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
What does Death mean in this position? Death is my strength. Maybe my ability to let go? But do I have this ability? I have a strange pattern of letting go. It takes a long time until I give up a project or a person, but when I do, there is no going back. I have cut people out of my life without looking back. I wish them well but they play no role whatsoever, even if they were very good friends before. But that's no strength, it's a weakness, it's a way of giving up without a fight.
What about my relationship with Death itself? For quite some time, I researched depictions and personifications of Death. It's a human thing, this fascination with Death. Where are the people who left us - did they really leave? How can we prepare for our death? How attached are we to life, and how fast it passes.
This card is really difficult to understand in this position. Oak king and holly king. Death. The ability to accept defeat?
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
The World
Another beautiful, meaningful card - the World. I'm totally charmed and overwhelmed by the power of this deck to tell me things I need to know. Sommer Solstice - a culmination but also an ending. What could be a better symbol of this day than the World?
Saturn, Bina, the great mother - and at the same time Malkuth, the daughter. Just like Demeter and Kore/Persephone - they're mother and daughter and yet the same goddess.
A blessing to come - I dance towards it, turning my back to the past, surrounded by the Kerubic beasts. That's what I would like to do.
Half of this reading is over - we have passed this culmination point already. The highest point of the Sun this year was four hours ago. No standstill - no way to hold on to the moment, however happy - and that's my lesson like everybody else's.
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
Three of Wands
Wow, it's a Fire card for the summer solstice. It's the Sun in Aries - it can't be any hotter, stronger, so much light it nearly blinds me. The card is filled with solar symbols. Again, I'm amazed at the level of fine-tuning possible with this deck. It's the Lord of Virtue. Strength of virtue, a new cycle of creativity, are the augur's words in the Book M.
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
Seven of Cups
Oh, I'm so good with anxieties and worries. I could write the manual on "How to Spoil the Moment by Worrying About Everything that Might or Might Not Happen in the Future".
It's Venus in Scorpio, in the seventh sephira, Netzach, associated with Venus, too. Double Venus in a difficult Water sign - the result is not good. It's fermentation, noxious gas, disgustingly bubbly swamp. A bit like the Dead Marshes.
I need to learn a LOT until I dry out this joy-killing swamp. I know some of the poisonous garbage fermenting there. It needs to be dried out. Not in a one-time action but slowly.
In other words, the time for some shadow work has come again... and this time, I'll do it with my Rosetta.
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
The Sun
My first association when I saw this combination of spread position and card was: I should take St. John's Wort. I did for some time years ago and it helped me against fear, worry and insomnia - but not enough to keep taking it. I should try that again.
The Power of the Sun is healing - can I accept that? I blame most of my health problems (that drag emotional problems into my life) that I moved into a climate with cruel summer light and heat that my body can't stand. Can I think it the other way around? I know the winter and spring in this climate are good for me - I don't suffer from cold-related problems any more
The Sun is a key to my health. All I need to find out is which lock it opens for me.
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Five of Disks
Five of Disks - worry and fear. Some days ago the Seven of Cups told me something about the roots of my worries and anxieties. Now the card of worrisome pessimism, Five of Disks, my birth decan card, tells me what I learned and for which lessons I should be grateful.
Again, I have the feeling these Rosetta cards give me the puzzle pieces I need to know - and they all fit. I didn't find the conclusion yet - but I hope I will.
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
The Hanged Man
And my last card. The Hanged Man. How can I connect with the Earth's abundance? By putting my hands in. By seeing things upside down. By letting go of everything I don't need.
There are dreams I have given up and didn't let them go. My inner processes take so long. I'm solving some issues, others wait for me.
The whole reading has brought up the main topics of my life. Quite a lot of court cards, too.
I enjoyed it. I did this reading a year ago and now again. The Harmonious Tarot was beautiful and much more "harmless" than the Rosetta (no tarot deck can really be harmless of course... no matter how harmonious the images are, the cards themselves say tough truths). But the Rosetta is another league. It really is. In a way, I'm glad that this reading is over because now I can take this deck, fresh from the Solstice Reading, and dive with it into my Shadow work.