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Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

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Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Our next cornerstone of the year approaches, and I want you to start thinking about the Sacred Days of Midsummer reading. If you want to know more about the background of such readings, you'll find it here.

Start thinking about a deck you'd love to use for this reading, and how you want to do it. Every morning or every evening one card, or all 12 cards before we start, or every three days...? It has to fit into your daily routine and be pleasurable, not a dreaded duty.

A big thank you to Raven of Summer who wrote this spread.

Sacred Days of Midsummer

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.

4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.

10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

Nemia, Etruscan Tarot
Myperception, Golden Tarot of Klimt
Amoroso, Original Mythic Tarot
Joan Marie, Animism Tarot
qndynes: Wooden Tarot
Rachelcat, John Bauer Tarot
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Nemia's Sacred Days of Midsummer reading 2019

Deck: Etruscan Tarot

This is such a summery tarot. I thought about my star-oriented tarots (Constellation, Celestial etc) but the decided that I need something to reflect the intense heat and light of the midsummer days where I live. And the Etruscan culture is dear to me. This deck is undervalued anyway, like other Lo Scarabeo commissioned decks where RWS motifs were "translated" into another visual language by a team of one guy who had the concept (usually Riccardo Minetti) and one artist who had the skills to paint the deck (in this case Silvana Alessi who also created the gorgeous Nefertari Tarot). After reading the Fey tarot book about such a cooperation I lost my snobbish disregard a bit. Good decks can come into the world in many ways - and such a cooperation is one of them.

I'm happy with my choice and look forward to this reading!

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1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.

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Ten of Wands.

Unfortunately, this is precise. Yes, my inspiration and creativity lie buried somewhere, under money troubles, family cares, and general worries about the state of the world. I have one big project that I'd love to tackle - in theory. Practically speaking: I'm in my middle 50s now, all of my friends have done something with their lives, have put their dreams and inspiration and creativity out there somehow, visibly or for themselves, but I haven't. The feeling of oppression when I think about how I wasted my talents is sometimes hard to bear and of course it reinforces my passivity. Got myself into a lovely circle there.


2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.

2019 06 15_Three of Pentacles.jpg

Three of Pentacles. A little boy picking up olives from the ground. I guess this is the Etruscan tarot's version of the poverty alluded to in the RWS, but it doesn't really work for me here - traditionally, this is how you pick olives. You beat the tree and pick up the olives (usually, people put mats under the tree). The card suggests that he's picking up the leftovers but looking at the card, I don't get anything harsher than frugality from the card. My first association when I saw it was with the favorite coin of my childhood:

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The good old 50 pfennig coin.

Then there is Vesta - one of my all-time favorite goddesses. When I read "Goddesses in Everywoman", I noticed that Aphrodite, Demeter and Hestia/Vesta are goddesses I feel very close to - much more so than to Hera, Persephone, Athene or Artemis, although I admire them all. But Vesta/Hestia is "mine". And what she tells me today that our ongoing financial stress and the resulting frugality have an impact on our hearth and home. And that's true. Now I have to think honestly whether that impact is all bad - no, it isn't, just like the boy with his olives is not to be pitied. He knows to help himself, and there are more olives on the tree.

I actually prefer this interpretation of the Five Pentacles to the beggars in the snow because the boy is actively doing something.

Let's for a moment think about the basic facts of the Five Pentacles. It's the minor card of my birth decan, 1st decan of Taurus. Mercury in Taurus is not very happy there - the stubborn stability of Taurus struggles against Mercury's wish to change things. But what really spoils things here is Gvura, the sephira of Mars - anger that doesn't find an outlet but turns against itself. That's at least how I see it - Taurus is inimical to Mars and feels not happy with either Gvura or Mercury. (The 2nd decan is so much more positive with the beautiful energy of Tif'eret dissolving the anger, and the Moon living in complete harmony with Taurus - just a few days separate my birth date from all this serenity!)

So this is a very personal card for me. My dear Vesta and my birth decan card. All the problems I'm having with myself, my inner struggles, my tendency to self-punishment, this whole inner Rumpelstiltskin - but if I'm totally honest, I must say that I function pretty well under sometimes difficult material circumstances. So the card acknowledges the difficulties but also shows what I do against them. And I try to pick up every little olive. And now I remember that we actually have an olive tree in our garden - it's young but this year, it should carry enough olives to pick them and pickle them (I don't have the equipment to make oil).


3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.

2019 06 16_LadyPentacles.jpg

Lady of Pentacles. Another very personal card - if there's a court card I resemble, it's probably this queen. I have always loved the Queen of Cups more - and I do have some things in common with her (must be my Scorpio moon ;-) ) but some time ago I realized that all the animals I feel close to, the natural settings I love, are more of the forest than the sea. The sea is never far away but I feel closer to the squirrel than the dolphin. In short, I have accepted that I'm a Lady of Pentacles without most practical qualities. And this card in this position is very powerful. So powerful that I really can't share it here. It goes straight to the heart of my shadow work.

Oh, I find this deck works so well for me. I'll put the lady on my altar after the solstice. I also like Lady so much more than Queen. Wonderful card. I can't say more about it here but it's a wow that talks about self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, living with myself although I can't stand myself.

Strange little coincidences. I'm all alone this week - our numerous family is dispersed all over the world, and where we live now, I hardly know anyone and certainly have no friends. To get over the loneliness, I bought a simple little dress (frugal, frugal) in a colour I don't usually wear. I had the feeling 1. that I deserve something new to wear, didn't buy clothes for 2 or 3 years and 2. that I want to expand my colours. Call me completely crazy, but it's an outfit for this Lady. Pattern and colour - nice. I'll wear it tomorrow and feel like the Lady of Pentacles, at home in the world and with herself.

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4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

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2019 06 17 SixPentacles.jpg (42.97 KiB) Viewed 5906 times

It's Pentacles time for me! A wonderful card. Growth and generosity. I'll write about it tomorrow - very busy right now but I pulled my card this morning when the sun went up...

Now I have time. Growth and fertility, important topics for me. For many years, I thought more about the growth of my children, their needs - now my husband and I step into the next chapter of our lives, together again. Right now, in our family, there's a very relaxed interaction, teenage anger and tensions are behind us, and I enjoy the relationships with adult children very very much. (Although I'll always go to pieces over young children, I simply love children and babies and worked with them for many years).

And thinking about the goddess Juno.... she's the goddess I always felt less close to, she's the Wife and I always identified with the Mother. But this card reminds me discreetly of the importance of being a Wife. And also of my own needs for growth. It doesn't stop, even at my age ;-)

I have always loved this card, and it's reassuring after the 5/Pents...


5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

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Ace of Wands. According to the booklet, it's a "mask of sensuality". Diogenes comes to mind... just enjoying life. I try my best.

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That's how my circles looks by now.


6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

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Four of Cups. My strength is worry? indecision? self doubt? alienation from others? No, these are my weaknesses. I need to confront these inner tendencies in order to re-discover my strength.


7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

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Ace of Pentacles.

Another Ace! That has to be a good sign. And another Pentacle!

"Mask of Good Fortune" is the card's name in the lwb. As a blessing to come, dear good fortune, you're more than welcome.


8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun

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2019 06 21 LordPentacles 01.jpg (49.76 KiB) Viewed 5850 times

Lord of Pentacles

The Pentacles really won't give up telling me their message! "A master in his own house" - but I feel that this Lord is me, it's nobody else. I had the lady, now the Lord. Yes, I shuffled the deck very well and I fan it out before I pick a card so there is no shuffling problem in this Pentacles wave. It's my own lack of security, my self doubts and very low income that have change. I have manoevered myself over the years into a position where I really don't earn enough money, and that has to change. I've had chances that I threw away, and time is running out - I'm in my middle 50s and don't know how to translate everything that I have learned to gainful employment. I work a lot but get very little in return. The Lord is exactly what I have to strive for. He knows what he's worth. I don't.

I've been circulating around this problem for years. My private life is happy, I live in peace with everybody, I'm surrounded by beauty and love and I'm very very grateful for it. But somehow I muddled up my professional situation, and I know it, and whenever I try to fix it, it doesn't work.

I want to celebrate this solstice with a card of power, and the Lord of Pentacles is powerful. He is connected to my birth sign, he is the bull that knows to attack, he projects his power to the outside world. It's much easier for me to be the Lady of Pentacles, turning her power to relationships, domestic matters, non-confrontational and supportive. But the Lord asserts himself and that's what I have to learn. The cards have been telling me this for YEARS and I listened and said, oh yes, very true, right you are dear cards - but have continued to work for very low wages that shred my self confidence.

What would happen if I did what I've been thinking about for a long time - open a tarot academy, i.e., offering courses and workshops? In the remote corner of the world where I live, there is little interest in tarot, I fear. I'm also afraid of the criticism from my family - nobody except for my husband and children knows how serious I am with my tarot. I don't want them to think that I wasted many years of academic studies in order to woo-woo and become a charlatan who earns money with broken promises, and all the other prejudices about tarot that abound. I'd have to become really immune against the judgmental attitude of the world I move in. Am I ready for that? Is that the path I should take? Or is it another one of my ideas, more academic-respectable, that I should follow?

This Lord is like my strict father :-( and making me feel small and powerless right now. I will have to think how I can turn him again into a friend.

And that was the moment of the Solstice on Stellarium:

2019 06 21 moment of solstice.jpg


9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.

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Four of Wands.

Two musicians - this image talks to me about two things: socializing and creativity. I stopped making art many years ago, and I nearly stopped socializing about the same time. We moved to an area where I know nobody, our old friends are far away, and we see them definitely less often than we used to. I try to keep in touch but it's difficult, life is so busy.

Oh dear, this card reminds me of one of my favorite works of art EVER.

2019 06 22 berlin painter.jpg

It's an ancient Greek vase by an unknown artist, called the "Berlin painter" because one of his vases is in Berlin today. This one is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, lucky ones who can go there and have a look at it!

I love the way the musician is totally lost in his music, his art, his creation. It's something between art and a prayer - and I want to create again, to paint, draw, embroider.... all the things I loved to do.


10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

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The Five of Swords? I really don't know how I can connect the beautiful St. John's Wort, the plant that catches the Sun and heals anxiety and insomnia, and other sunny herbs, with this image and card.

It's been baffling me since I pulled the card this morning.

There is really no message I can detect here at all. I'll try to dream about it.


11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

2019 06 24 twoSwords.jpg

Two of Swords. Another puzzling card, but no, there is a handle here where I can grasp the card. The teacher I have to give thanks to didn't teach me in harmony... it was a bumpy, difficult, ambivalent experience.

I think there is more to it than just saying thanks to the teacher. I'm a teacher myself and I struggle with all kind of things in my professional identity. I'm deeply undecided and conflicted within myself. I've been delaying certain decisions for many years. And I will continue to do so I guess....


12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

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Seven of Wands. Another totally puzzling card that looks at the negative side... oh. When I teach art, I always emphasize the importance of negative space, of what's NOT there, of the emptiness surrounding the figures, patterns or motifs.... and I should start to do the same. This is pushing me with my nose on the necessity of shadow work. Parvati, the Earth Mother, Demeter, the Matrons - I feel very close to them but I may struggle with abundance more than I care to confess.

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2019 06 25 zz ende.jpg (47.69 KiB) Viewed 5796 times

So much food for thought this year. It started all very nice and empowering... and then came some quite troublesome cards. I know there's a lot to do for me. I'm grateful for this reading.

I had no, not a single major card - interesting.

Wands: 4

Cups: 1

Swords: 2

Pentacles: 5 - among them the Ace, Lord and Lady.

The message is obvious. I have to get financial matters and security sorted out, have to take care of some practical matters. Don't I know it. It really affects everything else....
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Myperception »

Myperception@Sam's Sacred Days of Midsummer reading 2019

Deck: Golden Tarot of KLIMT

It's a deck that my ex bought it for me as a gift from our Melbourne trip. I kept in my wardrobe since July 2015 after we broke up. Time to do some practise on this long neglected deck, a lover deck in my eyes.

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
7 of swords
From this, i need to be more sensitive in feelings or emotions not only myself but as well as others, to have more discoveries, more exposures, and open to ideas. Sometimes let my feeling have more freedom to feel, i was being too focus on planning at times. Need to give myself some freewill to try something that i never been tried before.

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it. 
2 of pentacles
It's such a harmony picture. So warmth. It reminds me that me and brother Alex grew up under the care of our grandparents, and our own parents were working in other countries to earn living. While grandmother was an angel to me, we were well taken care of and she was the center of our life and home. During festive season, all relatives will came to our house to visit grandparents for gathering lunch and dinner. Though income is important for a family. But generous in giving out love, care and educations are the top priority for upbringing. I grown up in very strong influence of asian cultures, we celebrate all festive seasons in a big family, attended all prayers and worship, i like to have daily breakfast with grandmother, she would tell me alot of legends/stories/histories. It did helps in my high school studies.

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
8 of pentacles
I had been gone through alot in career, though I get to the achievement and position/pay as I desire or plan in young age. But I also sacrifise few relationships as I can't cope at that point of time. At my current stage, I am more wise on how to handle my future relationship/partner. I am ready to embrace the good part of a relationship, compare to last time. None of us are perfect, but it's matter of how we make our best of it.

4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives. 
King of wands
I agreed Old is Gold, certain areas of our lives, we need time to grow our wisdom, falls and failures are always the best teachers, we get to stand up on our feet again and we learnt. Life is full of practical move, no rehearsal, everyday is a live show LOL... i become more generous in terms of guiding people in work and life, don't mind to share my skills or knowledge and never fear or reluctant to share my thoughts, guide people of working guidelines and standard operating procedure. One of my ex boss said, I prefer you as female leader, caused more soft spoken and motherly, and the staff get to be more open to accept your advises. Well, I think I had evolved from a strict authority queen to a nanny LOL !!

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
5 of pentacles
I enjoy the current comfort and peace with family, as my youngest brother just came back from worked in Korea for years. We had a great dinner and talk lasnite, it's pleased to see him being more mature as a young father. My parents also very pleased on his return as an family unity. If talk about work, apart of certain things or people i dislike about my current job. But I still appreciate such a good salary was offered to me from my boss. Moving forward, I am planning for an exit plan, will take the following 6 months to work the best way out of it, I will go for a freelance consultant status to work more freely on project development case, since I dislike to get bond or to deal with resistance permanent staff. A shop that I am working towards it.

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength. 
The Lovers
I think from 2016 onwards, i lost my passion in some ways, especially in love and work. Any forms of love, be it self, relationship or family, we will experience unity, seperation and lost, it's life cycle, though the process is hurtful, but we can't escape from it. I believe love do contribute alot to strength. Same goes to passion, if we like what we are doing, we love our life, we will be able to regain the strength in us. Time to rebuild the strength that i allowed it to naturally die-off. Be strong and move forward !

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come. 
Page of cups
I quite prefer this card as it's always representing a message, always positive message or a new opportunity. I hope by this summer, i will something new comes by, regardless career or relationship. Let's hope, if yes, i am bless !

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun. 
King of swords
Among all the king of the elements in tarot deck. My top preference is always king of swords. In my eyes, he is a sign of authority, sharp minded, cool, very protective. He is a success sign to me. I wish i adopt his good points. A strong king that hold swords that can break or fight thru all the hardship, enemies and obstacles. Fearless character !

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves. 
Ace of cups
Basic harmony in life will be the key to free us from worries. I am a family person, hardly spent time outside like last time. Now i love to be at home. Maybe there is also a person stay in my heart, sometimes can think about the person for awhile also bring me joy. Love is not about possession, is hoping the person will be happy, and i am being freely enjoying my life path.

10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us. 
The tower
Changes are always the process that we need to go through everyday in life. Changes are always uncomfortable as it is wanting us to do something that is not our normal practise. We need to protect and heal ourselves by allowing the experiences for destruction of conventions. Dare to change, dare to restart everything again and again, eventually we will getting stronger times to times and endure the sorrow, heal the scars.

11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward. 
The devil
Regardless what was the past experiences that we had been through, no matter those people had hurt us or caused any sorrow to our life, there were still some good memories in it. Thanks for teaching me what's love, how to love. Focus on good will not pile up our hatred. Everything happened for a reason. Life need to move on.

12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
Queen of swords
Be a courage person to deal with good and bad of our lives, has the ability to heal if facing any difficulties. That's my motto. I believe in determination. Be practical, real, grounded, humble and simple are the keys brought me where i am now.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Joan Marie »

Nemia, you are making me want to get a hot, dry, dusty deck for this reading. I like The Etruscan Tarot, but I was also looking at The Minoan Tarot.

I'm not sure I can get it in time though.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

You can do it all at once, as long as you're doing it close to the solstice to get a whiff of the cosmic energy ;-) Even if you do ONE card on the day of the solstice, it will work and tell you something special. But no pressure :-)
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Joan Marie »

Yesterday I happened upon my Animism Tarot deck and decided it was perfect for the Sacred days of Midsummer reading.

One of my favourite things about Summer is all the animals and the images on this deck are so dreamy and lush- really reminds me of summer.

Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Ooooh, I love that deck. Right now I've decided already that I'll do my autumn equinox reading with the Badgers Forest :-)

So, we're getting ready here slowly...?

Think about it, dear Tarot Cultists. You can do it in any format you like, if you have to, you can cut it down to three readings, or even three cards, whatever. The tarot police is too busy elsewhere and won't come for you :lol: but it's such an intense celebration of tarot and its cosmic underpinnings.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Amoroso »

Time is tight, but I can put some aside for this.

In last year's Sacred Days of Autumn, I used the Walker. I'm thinking of sticking to a Gods and Heroes theme for my seasonal readings from hereon. This summer, I'm going to use my first ever deck - the Original Mythic. Its palette suits the solstice well.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Amoroso »

Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019

Deck: Original Mythic

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.


2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.


3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.


4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.


5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.


6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.


7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.


8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.


9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.


10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.


11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.


12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Are you shuffling your decks already? If you want to participate even partly, open a thread now with a copy of the blank reading, tell us which deck you will use, and I'll link you to the opening post.

If you want to take pictures, that's great - but it's NOT necessary. It's better to focus on the cards and the summer solstice feeling than letting the whole thing fall aside because you feel it's too much work. Keep it streamlined but do it. Re-align yourself to the eternal rhythm of our corner of the cosmos - it's a privilege to do so as a group.

Can you tell I'm excited? Naaaah, impossible!
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Joan Marie »

I will be using the Animism Tarot.

Sacred Days of Midsummer
  • 1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
Six of Cups and two little muses, recently birthed, exploring and learning their environment in a playful relaxed way. The mother watches, interested, protective and also relaxed.I think (hope?) my inspiration and creativity are manifesting this way, gently, naturally, unforced, unpressured.

The mother here is giving space to the little muses allowing them to develop. Creativity is such a fragile kind of thing, or it can be. Freedom and space make it strong.


  • 2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
I come from a very large, loud Italian-American family. To "outsiders" our home looked like a bit of a circus. I now live in Germany. It's...different. For example, at dinner, even when there are several people at the table, they only speak one at a time. And making jokes at the table is considered... surprising. The way I grew up, making jokes at the table was pretty much required. Laughter was normal and encouraged.

We did have one rule at the dinner table when I was growing up: no singing. And it was often invoked. "No singing at the table!" my father would say trying to sound imposing. Can you imagine so much singing going on at dinner, (usually in the form of impressions) that there needed to be a lazily enforced rule to stem it?
My sister did a killer Barbara Streisand and my brother did Johnny Cash. Another sister was fond of TV theme songs. BTW- did you know that the theme song from "Bonanza" has lyrics? My sister did.

So what am I going on about here? Well, this card:

This playful Platypus Page of Cups.
Though it is a lot easier to be playful and funny when you have others to riff off of, I still refuse to allow mealtimes and gatherings to be such serious occasions. Food is for enjoying and laughter good for the spirit. I know I bring this kind of life and joy to my home here in Germany. I am a master of subtly changing the subject when I hear people becoming morose or gossipy. I like to bring the mood up. Life is short and our time together with people we love even shorter. It takes energy but what better use of it? It's so easy to communicate warmth and love if you want to do that, if it is a goal, an intention, to make people relaxed and happy.

  • 3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.

the Ibis as The Star

The Star card, from any deck really, always strikes a melancholy chord for me. I don't know why. It's alway one of the most beautiful cards of any deck. It usually has a peaceful or graceful look, like this one. It's a card that always makes me think of the fulfilment of dreams. So why would that make me feel sad? Sad in the face of a benevolent universe?

There are many reasons I think. I am reminded of everyone who suffers from pain and loss, whose everyday existence is suffering and challenge. I am reminded that my turn will come again, I too will suffer pain and loss and just hope it isn't too severe. I am reminded by this card that time is fleeting, good things are fleeting.

I am reminded, and this is really tough, of time I've lost being in bad situations. I recall a time I once was experiencing something really awful and I looked up and saw the most amazing rainbow and I couldn't even look at it. I felt it was wasted on me. That's some real despair there.

And maybe that is the source of this melancholy I feel with the Star card. That I associate the beauty and benevolence of nature (the rainbow was meant to give me hope, wasn't it?) with being underserving of it somehow.

hmmm. This has given me something to think about.

  • 4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.


The Highland Bull, The King of Wands.

First, I have to show you a photo a friend just sent me while on a hiking trip in Tirol:


What a beautiful creature.
So what is the goddess Juno telling me? How does this powerful, fiery animal embody my growth?

I think one area I can really say I've changed and continue to improve on is dedication and staying with things. There is power in this, I can see it in the bull's eye. The drive, the passion. Sometimes I waver. But I plant seeds with intent like I never have before in my life. I can always return even if I slip a bit here and there, I never lose the thread. I feel I have more direction, I'm less prone to giving in to certain kinds of laziness I had a patent on for much of my life.

I like thinking of this gorgeous beast as my spirit, my source of power. Fine!

  • 5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

The Ten of Cups, The Swans.

The sweetness of life indeed. Being with the ones we love. Good reminder to appreciate that.
Well, I have to be careful. It would be very easy to wax poetically right now about a lot of things. I will refrain because I doubt I could say anything new on the subject.

I just might add that we care about more people than we maybe realise. There is something missing when they go, so lets try and remember that. And appreciate all the people in our lives, even the ones we don't have a personal relationship to, but whose work we see, whose presence we feel. That is a kind of sweetness.

  • 6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

The Ccara Llama - The Fool!

My strength indeed!
I have spent most of my life not doing what was expected of me. Often the results were disastrous. Sometimes they were great. But I've got to own all of it.

Every day feels new to me. Even on a bad day, a low day, I look for where each day is taking me.

I like the look of this Llama. She's ready for just about anything. What I really like is this glowing circle behind her. It feels like a protective light, a force that holds things together, somehow. I don't know where that comes from, but I feel it.

  • 7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

The Red Panda, Hermit

Solitude is something I require a lot of. But in my solitude I dream of connections, of community of everything solitude would seem to block out.

The branches on this tree where the Panda sits make me think, in light of the theme, of divining rods. All pointed in different directions, scrying for different things, for different blessings. My antennae, my feelers.

I see a lot of "want" here. And this is why I need the solitude. Because it helps me to really hone my intentions. To keep them from spiralling out into empty desires. You know the saying "be careful what you wish for?" I am careful. I know wishes are powerful.

If I may, once again, quote the lyrics of Nick cave, as I am reminded of them now:
Be mindful of the prayers you send. Pray hard but pray with care. For the tears that you are crying now. Are just your answered prayers.

(from the Nick Cave song, Oh My Lord)
I hope that doesn't come across as a sad note to leave this entry on. It doesn't feel sad to me. It reminds me of the power we have to direct our lives. Of the importance of looking deep within (scrying?) to understand, improve and direct our intentions and to accept our blessings and trials with grace.

  • 8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.


The Golden Tiger - The Empress
Lovely. This deck just keeps treating me right.

What I like about this tiger is how sort of happy/curious/content she seems. That is one beatific smile.
The waterfall behind her seems to be feeding her energy. I just get a feeling of fresh clean air when I look at this.

It's important to take care of myself. Feeling healthy, clear, is when I am at my best mentally and emotionally. I notice this more and more as I get older, the relationship between my physical health (enough sleep, good food, exercise, etc..) and how I can "shine my light like the sun."

I want this Tiger's smile. 😊

  • 9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.

I am so glad I chose this deck for this exercise.

Card XXII - The Happy Squirrel
This is the deck's extra card.
It's a strange image now that I really look at it. It is definitely a night scene and squirrels are not seen at night. At least I have never seen a squirrel at night. And this one is holding and guarding a little flame.

What is this little squirrel trying to tell me? Guard and nurture my flame, my spirit, to give myself strength and courage in the darkness. This preserving of my own real-ness will serve to nurture me.

I think one of the biggest sources of unhappiness is when we are not true to ourselves, when we behave in ways we don't like. We blame others for making us get angry or act fake or whatever it is that is "not really me." This weighs on a person later.

Being able to go through life knowing that I am truly putting my best foot forward (as often as possible) is real happiness. That sounds weird I know but I really believe it. I'm avoiding the word because it is so overused but it's authenticity. Being your own person in all situations. This lessens all kinds of anxieties and makes life more pleasurable.

I think that's what this little squirrel wants me to know.

I would love to have this image on a t-shirt. 🕯️

(p.s. - I just looked in the lwb for this deck and it goes another direction! She calls him "The Little Pyromaniac". Maybe another day!)

  • 10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

The Alpine Cow - Queen of Pentacles

Part of the reason I don't eat meat is because of the horrible conditions the animals are forced to live in. But I have been to the Alps and hiked there and I've seen the cows and goats grazing freely. It's an ideal life for an animal. They are completely connected to nature and to each other. They seem free of the kind of isolation and stress that so many cows are subjected to.

Nature protects and heals me also. I live in a city but am very luck to live close to a forest and to have a very natural garden space. In fact this year we decided not to cut our grass and to encourage bio-diversity for the insects, the bees and bats, birds and foxes and other creatures that hang out in our space. We never had much luck with grass and now that it's gone wild we are amazed at how many different plants are growing there.

I feel the power of nature very strongly, even in it's smallest ways. Seeing little grasses that produce tiny purple flowers that attract bumble-bees is healing to me. Like this beautiful Alpine Cow, I am lucky to have the possibility to be so close to nature. And anything I can do to help it is healing to my soul.

  • 11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

The Chariot

Typically, The Chariot is portrayed with some sort of heavy, imposing vehicle carrying a person.
In this Chariot it is the Horse, the usual beast of burden who pulls the chariot, which is the focus.
I love that.

And the first thing that came to my mind when I just now saw this card is the word "freedom." And I am eternally grateful for my freedom. And I am grateful to the people who have helped me to achieve it. I am grateful for the good luck I have had to overcome the bad luck I also had. And my heart is with everyone who is not so lucky. Especially all the children and young people who are powerless in the face of terrible situations they did not cause but must pay for with their freedom.

I will never forget them and I pray, that somehow, they never lose hope.

  • 12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

The Giraffe - 2 of Wands

Ma first thought was that it was funny to get this card to think about being grounded when hardly any animal's head is further from the ground. But then I considered the amazing view a giraffe must have. Maybe the idea is that to connect with the earth's abundance, you have to look up and around. Sometimes I feel like I get so focused on something I'm working on that I forget how easy it is to just go outside and simply look up.
And nothing takes me out of myself more than just looking around and taking in the scenery. It doesn't matter where. It's all a wonder.

I heard an interview once with one of the astronauts who landed on the moon. He said that sometimes he just likes to go to a shopping mall, buy himself an ice cream and sit and watch all the people because after experiencing the total desolation of being on the moon he found it remarkable to think about how he comes from a planet with so much weather, teeming with life and that there's even something as wonderful as ice cream.

It'a all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

Thanks Giraffe. ❤️
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Joan Marie »

I'm so excited to be starting the Sacred days of Midsummer reading. And so happy to be doing it with all of you.

It makes me feel very inspired.

Thank you all for being here.

I hope some more of you decide to give it a try. It really is very special. ☀️
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

One thing is obvious: I need an Animism Tarot. OT: does anybody know whether it's available in some European shop? Gamecrafter shipping is so high.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by qndynes »

Oh my goodness, this looks like so much fun, can I jump in even though I missed the June 14th start date?
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Of course you can! Choose your own time and how to do the reading. The main thing is to DO it. Welcome!
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by qndynes »

I will be using The enigmatic Wooden Tarot. I've been focusing on this deck lately after receiving it in a trade and want to continue doing so for the summer. Its warm colors and dreamy atmosphere makes for an otherwordly experience.

Will be doing the reading in groups of three, so these are June 14-16.
1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
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With birth of the muses the 10 of stones popped up, a cluster of fiery crystals bursting forth from the earth. There was hard work put into manifesting this cluster of crystals, manifesting polished surfaces, gleaming with life.

Vestalia for the Goddess of the Hearth the knight of blooms burst outward as well, lots of bursting upward arising energy. What kindles my hearth is the movement of water.

The tears of Isis unveiled The Moon, a mythic head holding the moon with a face. I like the golden dawn name given to the moon card and it often pops upnin my head when this cards shows up, the lord of the flux and reflux.

What these cards reveal is that inspiration and the gifts of the muses have been hard won, work and toil has been put into these stones. The fire of my hearth, which I see as the driving force, is dominted by moving waters. A knight of blooms, of waters. I've been driven and aided by feeling, that which is non-discursive but felt. Embodied doing nurturing the work put into the creative processes unfurling. With the tears of Isis swelling the Nile, the moon reaffirms these waters. The processes leading up to the days of midsummer have been punctuated by flux, by emotion and even illusion arising out of too much emotion clouding judgement. Water tempering fires, while these same waters overwhelm and reflect mirages.

I feel, ha! I feel, that there's turbulence, it has been a turbulent ride, one of changing moods. The stones here is heartening because it lets me see that there is reaping in my labors. My creative wanderings hold jewels, if I keep the water churning, nurturing my ideas and putting them into cohesion. The moon is definitely disruptive or dissonant, because I see it as energy that misleads. But it is good to also see it as a message for the now. Something to be mindful of, too much flux and there is obfuscation. Too much water and I can drown, the Nile flooding. So, this message I can take it in doses. Relish the silvery rays of moonlight, but don't overstay your time under its reflexive glare. Make sure to keep nurturing and furthering the knight's movements, polishing the stones of my creativity of the ideas I'vee been working on.

Interesting, definitely a reading to sit with. The days of midsummer reading has definitely started with a bang!
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by qndynes »

Now for the next three days of The Sacred Days of Midsummer.
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

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The cards are 2 of stones, knight of plumes, and Temperance. With Juno, my area of fertile growth is the 2 of stones, a card of balancing strength. The sweetness comes in the form of the knight of plumes, the one who knows how to point and direct ideas. The one who glides the air and the winds. The oak king comes in the form of Temperance.

This is heartening in every way. There is an emphasis of balance, stength in balance in keeping things on an even flow. Equanimity. There is a flow here between wind and water, an interplay between above and below that brings dare I say, comfort and hope. The lessons I'm in the process of learning are not ones of brute force, of piling past obstacles and tearing down walls. The lessons I'm learning are of steady movement, and the patience that allows for sharper vision. This knight of plumes is swift and graceful. Astute in the winds. Teaching me that the sweetness in this process is that once I learn to glide therein lies my strength. Moreover, once I learn to glide onward, I'll find that the space will be fertile for projects and ideas to grow because I will be able to see and recognize the precious stones when they appear. Truly beautiful. May this be so.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Rachelcat »

Ooo, Temperance is an otter! I might have to go for that deck now! (Temperance is my favorite card, and I received otters as a totem animal in a meditation I did a while back!)

I just did my reading for all days this morning. A day late, but hopefully not a dollar short. Happy solstice to you all!

I’m using the John Bauer Tarot. It’s not summery, as in hot and bright, but to me it goes with midsummer night’s dreams and fairytales. Plus, it’s a new deck I haven’t used yet!

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.
6 of Coins
A serious but kindly nun is about to give clothes to a beautiful young woman clothed only in her golden hair. It’s time to clothe my bright ideas in a more physical form. In other words, inspiration is great, but now get to work!

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.
A princess is riding a moose through the night out of a forest under a waxing crescent moon. I first saw this as a depiction of a fantasy, a moony delusion. But then the idea of traveling through the night got me. I am notorious for not using all my vacation days and not wanting to go anywhere. I like being home, and I don’t want to leave my cat. But recently I planned all my days off for the rest of the year, and two actual traveling vacations, one to Denver for a wedding and another to Colonial Williamsburg because I loved it when I went there as a little kid. Admittedly, they are only four days each, but that’s a big step for me. (My son will take care of the cat just fine, btw.) I think this card means that my adventures will teach me to both value my home and value going away from it.

3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.
4 of Cups
A young woman is sitting on a rock in the forest with her head bowed. Is that an armed knight approaching from the lake? Don’t let past hurts and current moods keep me from being aware of what’s going on in my world right now.

4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.
Ace of Swords
A tiny child is offering her shirt to a giant eagle?! I never read THAT fairytale! Here’s that bright idea again! I might feel small in the vast universe of important ideas, but I have something to offer.

5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.
A kneeling naked child views her reflection in a forest lake. Innocence is a channel for spirit. Being open to the sweetness of life and living in the moment is giving ourselves over to innocence, no matter our age, and therefore to the promptings of spirit.

6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.
A robed magician is surrounded by many little people/fairies who are rushing around him in a circle. The magician is gesturing widely with a staff in one hand. Is he summoning them, commanding them to stop running, or trying to chase them away? My strength is going with the flow? Even when something unexpected happens, it’s not necessarily how you control or change it, but how you accept and deal with it, that counts.

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.
8 of Wands
A huge person is swimming through the clouds with three small people on his back. (I never read this one either!) I’ll receive blessings from my travel? It’s not the physical journey but the learning it brings that is important.

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.
A knight in a red cloak rides his proud charger through a vast night of many stars. I should shine my light like the stars, not like the sun. I don’t have to be big and showy to be a beacon of goodness or blessings to someone.

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
Knight of Wands
A man in a fashionable hat and blue cloak rides a shaggy black and white spotted horse through a forest. Enjoy travel again? The way to enjoy something is to just go with it. Accept it on its own terms. I feel like I’m repeating myself here . . . But that probably makes it a coherent reading!

10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.
6 of Swords
A young woman walks in bare feet, leaving red footprints in the snow. I need to protect and heal my feet! Really, this is another travel card! Healing and protecting me this time. And since it’s swords, the travel will bring me clarity.

11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.
Page of Cups
A huge giant (with a huge nose) peers ahead, ignoring the small, well-dressed people greeting him politely at his feet. Gratefully accept what I’ve learned from others, but move on keeping to my own path.

12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.
4 of Swords
A fashionably bearded man sits up in bed to attend to a robed ghost addressing him with one hand raised. When my mind is clear and rested, I can notice and connect with the beauty and abundance all around me.
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by qndynes »

Rachelcat wrote: 22 Jun 2019, 18:48 Ooo, Temperance is an otter! I might have to go for that deck now! (Temperance is my favorite card, and I received otters as a totem animal in a meditation I did a while back!)

I just did my reading for all days this morning. A day late, but hopefully not a dollar short. Happy solstice to you all!

I’m using the John Bauer Tarot. It’s not summery, as in hot and bright, but to me it goes with midsummer night’s dreams and fairytales. Plus, it’s a new deck I haven’t used yet!

Oh the Wooden Tarot is definitely unique, I find it eerie yet striking. The images kind of stay with you. The John Bauer Tarot is a beauty, It's definitely one on my list of decks I'd like to have someday when I have more space.
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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by qndynes »

7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.

9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.
Here with the penultimate installment for the sacred midsummer reading.

For scrying, a blessing to come, the queen of bones appeared. The solstice is the 3 of plumes, shinning like the sun. And the honey moon is the king of bones.

What I get here above all else is strength. Resilience and endurance. The king and queen of bones prove the enduring strength of bones, through death and decay, the bones are still present. As for blessings to come? Furthering my strength to persevere, good rewards on the other side perhaps? The summer solstice with shinning bright like the sun the 3 of plumes, the punctured heart, shows the way. Hm... Again, I get resilience. Despiste being broken, punctured, hurt, there is strength in my bones, that's where I shine bright like the sun. The honey moon, how to relax and enjoy, finding pleasure. It is a nice compliment that the king's bones here shine under the sun. The queen shows the blessings under the moonlight, and the king shows the enjoyment under the sun. I relax my anxieties by taking my bones, my body, and self out to the sun, finding regeneration under the sun's light. Moreover, keeping things clear and levelheaded will aid me in relaxing my tensions.

All in all, the cards are not airy and bright but they have hardiness, so I will take it. May it be so.

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Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer 2019: June 14 - 25

Post by Nemia »

Thank you to all of you wonderful people - for the beautiful decks, insights, and the feeling of connection. For me, this has been a tough reading but very necessary.

I hope you all enjoy the height of summer (on the Northern Hemisphere), the long days and even the uncomfortable heat ;-)

We'll see the wheel of the year start its slow descent towards the Autumn Equinox where we'll again catch a break of 12 days to celebrate our life on this planet and cosmic rhythms, with another reading.
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