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Re: Sacred Days of Autumn Equinox 2018 - September 18 - 29

Posted: 28 Sep 2018, 17:33
by Amoroso
Day 1 18.9. Ludi magni games - Roman games in honour of the god Jupiter, celebrated with circus performances. This card reflects the spirit of celebration in your life, and how you can bring more joy and playfulness to yourself and others.
The Death card is a fitting start to the series, since autumn heralds the reaping of harvests and the feast of the dead. I'm tempted to be literal here and say that the card confirms how the sinister and the gothic amuse me, and how my humor sometimes takes a dark turn. Most probably, what the card suggests is that I take delight in strange and novel amusements, and that I must not stick to the mundane and the familiar since they're a surefire ticket to boredom.

Day 2 19.9. Day of Our Lady of La Salette - an apparition of the Christian Mother of God/Holy Virgin. She brings message of hope to humanity. Where is your personal source of hope and spirituality?
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that spiritually, I am more responsive to ideologies which are warm, empathetic, and nurturing, something that's positive and uplifting, more New Testament than Old. Something earthy and not at all ascetic, that celebrates the corporeal rather than the cerebral.

Day 3 20.9. Sedna, Inuit Goddess of the Sea - This card asks you to address your fears and shadows before the winter comes, like the Inuit did in their Sedna festival.
The Nine of Swords is another apt card. It says that I should try to get to the roots of my doubts and worries. At best I may find out that their source may be trifling or even inconsequential, thus eliminating the problem at its very fount. Or if it's serious enough, discovering what serves as a trigger or impetus to some of my anxieties would still be a good start so that I can finally confront or maybe even settle them. Some shadow work is prolly in order.

Day 4 21.9. Eleusinia - an ancient Greek holiday, commemorating Demeter and Persephone. She has to leave the world of of growth and abundance and descend to the realm of death. This card reflects grief, sadness and the traces of tears in your life. Acknowledge and honour them.
The Six of Swords confirms what I've always known - I'm not very good at goodbyes. That only applies to people and stuff that I care very much about though. Since what I hold dear are not really that many, getting separated from them just hurts all the more.

On the other hand, the card may also mean that I must not avoid exploring unfamiliar territory. I shouldn't be afraid to go beyond my comfort zone, lest I end up too rigid for my own good, unable to adapt to circumstances.

Day 5 22.9. Rosh HaShana - beginning of the Jewish New Year. It's a Jewish custom to send greetings and good wishes to people in your life. Use this day to focus on the people who are important to you, what you can do to strengthen your ties to them, and contact at least one person you have neglected lately.
The Two of Swords presents another straightforward answer. The best way for me to strengthen my bond with the people I cherish is to balance my time and make sure that I give them the attention and love that they deserve. I know that aside from work, I have lots of hobbies and side projects that I'm very much invested in. But as they say - if there's a will, there's a way. If I truly wish to spend my time with them, I will make time for them.

I just noticed that I've drawn three Swords in a row. Although the last one is not negative, the Walker Swords have a reputation for being more ill-aspected compared to most decks. I hope it won't become a trend.

Day 6 23.9. Autumn Solstice - Libra - Mabon - the day of perfect equilibrium. A day for two cards. What is growing in your life, what is decreasing? This two-card reading reflects the balance of your energies and, if there is imbalance, what you need to address.
The Emperor and The Moon graced me with their presence, and on the Autumn Equinox, no less! The Emperor (along with Death) is my birth card, and with him on the ascent, I can sense that the stars are finally aligning in my favor. This means that my life is now gaining a patina of order, security, and stability. With the Atu of authority and willpower rising to a position of dominance, I may acquire more responsibilities and clout.

The decline of The Moon suggests an end to uncertainties, anxieties, and delusions. Night is finally coming to an end, and with it blooms the fresh promise of another day. This suggests second chances, an opportunity to leave the dark dreams of the previous night behind to finally begin anew. I leave the cold, sad waters of the Moon-lit evening to turn to the warm, clear, and vigorous heat of the Imperial sun.

It's also fortuitous that I actually got two majors for this dual-card day. I'm very happy with how this reading is turning out.

Day 7 24.9. Brazil holiday of Maiso, mother goddess - what is the role of your mother in your life, how do you mother yourself/father yourself? Reflect on the maternal/paternal archetypes within yourself, and how you can make them work for you, not against you.
The Empress represents another slamdunk for this reading. I mean, we're talking about maternal archetypes this day, and what card would be more apt than Atu III? I've got to give props to my Walker deck - everything has so far been spot on.

Most Empress cards emphasize the natural, nurturing, divine mother, but the Walker presents another approach. Like her co-regent, she herself has temporal power, more dowager queen than mother. She is formidable in her own right. This means that while I appreciate the warm, comforting, and compassionate side of the mother archetype, I'm more in awe of the mysterious, undaunted, and supreme wisdom of the divine matriarch.

The very presence of The Emperor and The Empress in this reading makes me very excited about my prospects. I'm looking forward to unwrapping the gifts that this autumn will bring.

Day 8 25.9. Greek holiday Pyanopsia - Thanksgiving for the fruits of the sun. Wind white or purple wool around a laurel or olive branch, and hang or arrange fruit around it. These don't have to be actual fruit - you can write on a paper things that you are grateful for. What is the fruit of your past action, ripening now?
Ah, another Sword card. The Eight of Swords is unfortunate, but sadly true. My choices in the past have not been altogether wise, and now I find my hands tied. I'm grateful that the other cards have given me hope for the future, but this time I can't afford to make missteps.

This reading is truly helpful - it acknowledges the effects of my mistakes and warns me that I must not let the negativity that they would trigger overwhelm me. I have a way out - I just have to keep my head straight and bring my A-game.

Also, I drew 4 majors and 4 Sword pips out of 9 cards so far. What are the odds?

Day 9 26.9. Holiday of Neptune - This is a card about anger and anger management. Contemplate about how you deal with negative feelings. Is there a way to tranform negative energies into positive ones, making your anger pull your carriage and drive you on?
The Three of Cups is a welcome surprise. Sometimes I have problems in dealing with my anger, tho so far it hasn't led me to do anything that I'd deeply regret. I admittedly still have some trouble curbing my rages.

I guess this card suggests that the best way to deal with it is by distracting myself and turning my attention away from the negativity. Find a suitable outlet - something that gives me joy. I do notice that when I'm very tense or stressed out, working up a good sweat is a good way of draining all the tension. Enjoying myself with good company as the image in the card intimates would also help.

Day 10 27.9. Vendémiaire - month of the grape harvest in the French revolutionary calendar month. Raise your glass to your big and small achievements in the last year, either with wine or grape juice, and enjoy your success.
The King of Wands indicates that if anything, I should celebrate how single-minded I can be in pursuit of my goals. This is something that I've had occasion to prove time and time again this year. I deliver and I get results. I've achieved certain feats that are nothing to sniff at, that I may not have thought myself capable of accomplishing a mere year ago. This year has given me a better perspective regarding the extent and depth of my abilities.

I do have a tendency to downplay my victories, thinking that they didn't give me that much trouble, that other people may have performed better under the circumstances, etc. The Vendémiaire says that I should enjoy them as they come, let them serve as inspiration for later battles instead of shrugging them off.

Day 11 28.9. Maha Navami - a Hindu holiday celebrating goddess Durga's victory over a demon. Part of the celebrations is chanting. Reflect on a victory you want to win over the next three months, and devise a chant for it. Write it down where you can see it and envision the joy you will feel when you reach this goal.
This day talks about victory over a demon, and the card I drew portrays Christ's premier Vicar on Earth. Quite poetic.

The Pope is pretty accurate in that while I wish to progress in my esoteric studies, I still want to balance that by performing as well as I can in order to advance in my career and socially too. That's my aim for this autumn, to be on the up and up materially and vocationally while still having ample time to further my Tarot studies. I know that it can be done!

It can also mean that what I really desire is some divine guidance to help me steer my ship over some very choppy waters. If either of the two gets granted, I would be very happy.

I noticed that I have the two great temporal powers - The Emperor and The Pope - as well as The Empress on my side. This really bodes well for the season!

Day 12 29.9. Meditrinalia - an ancient Greek holiday honoring the goddess of healing. Think about your healing process and how you can continue it. Where do you draw strength from? How can you heal and nurture yourself in the future? Pamper yourself today and close these twelve days of introspection with healing thoughts.
After The Pope comes The Devil. What a way to close my sacred days.

Atu XV holds a special place in my heart, and is actually one of the majors that I feel an intimate connection to. In this position, it indicates that in order to fully heal, I should acknowledge my deepest desires, admit my obsessions and the secret things that tempt and move me. Only by doing these would I be able to exorcise my inner demons. Once I've figured out the name of the devil, I'd finally be able to begin planning how I can effectively address him. The process of genuine healing can then start at last.

I have another interpretation for this card, and it may even be the more accurate one, but since it is personal, I shan't discuss it.

These sacred days have been nothing short of magical. I'm very glad that I finished them. I learned a lot from this group reading. Thanks to Nemia for hosting this.

Re: Sacred Days of Autumn Equinox 2018 - September 18 - 29

Posted: 29 Sep 2018, 09:58
by Joan Marie
I just made my 12th and last entry for this.

I feel like I learned a lot of important things. My last entry, about healing, I drew a card that reminded me of the importance to connect to the sacred. This last 12 days was exactly that, a sacred connection to the change of seasons, of nature, of myself.

12 days seems just right. I have much to think about now and I feel so grateful for the guidance.

Re: Sacred Days of Autumn Equinox 2018 - September 18 - 29

Posted: 29 Sep 2018, 10:56
by Nemia
This reading ends today, and how wonderful to have had so many participants with beautiful decks. I added a list of participants and their decks at the beginning of the thread, and I want to add it here, too. You can add to your readings or this thread whenever you wish to.

Participants with decks and link to their reading:

Nemia, Nova Tarot

Seldes Katne, the Good Tarot

Stronglove - Carnival Tarot

Joan Marie - Haindl Tarot

Velvetina - Victorian Fairies Tarot

BreathingSince72 - Voyager Tarot and Druid Animal Oracle

Shadowrose - Chrysalis Tarot

CharlotteK - Wildwood Tarot

Byron - watercolour interpretation of the Visconti Sforza Tarot

I Sunshine - Tarot de St. Croix

Mabel - Sasuraibito Tarot

Chiscotheque - Shakespeare Tarot

Amoroso - Barbara Walker Tarot

Thank you to all the wonderful readers who ushered in Autumn and Libra - and hope to see you again for the Sacred Days of Yule.... :-)