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Posted: 26 May 2018, 08:22
by Midnight
I have explored many religions and spiritual paths over the years but none have resonated with me as much as Buddhism has. Last year in December I took the vows and officially became a Buddhist. Are there any other Buddhists or people that enjoy Buddhism on this forum? :D

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 26 May 2018, 08:58
by CharlotteK
Hi Midnight.

Yes! I'm a Zen practitioner. I don't sit with my sangha nearly as often as I would like but try and get to the dojo every few weeks. I received bodhisattva ordination 8 years ago this May and as time goes on, the vows and the precepts are increasingly important to me :)

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 27 May 2018, 03:07
by Midnight
Hi Charlotte, so good to meet another like-minded soul! I try and go to my local temple every Sunday for meditation and Dharma talk. The whole Buddhist way has really helped me deal with some major issues like cancer and divorce. I’m very thankful for it. :)

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 03 Sep 2018, 16:51
by BreathingSince72
Midnight wrote: 26 May 2018, 08:22 I have explored many religions and spiritual paths over the years but none have resonated with me as much as Buddhism has. Last year in December I took the vows and officially became a Buddhist. Are there any other Buddhists or people that enjoy Buddhism on this forum? :D
Hi Midnight!

While I am not a Buddhist, I work with a specific tarot deck that gives me a deeper appreciation for the path on a regular basis. You may have heard of it but if not, you may want to check out the Osho Zen Tarot. The Osho Zen is a powerful tarot deck that speaks straight to the heart of whatever is happening in my life at the time, every time. Anytime I do a closet clearing, this deck is NEVER on the chopping block. The colors are beautiful and the art itself is breathtaking. Truly worth a look if you’re not already familiar.

I would love to hear how your faith is influencing your life if you ever feel like sharing more.


Re: Buddhism

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 19:58
by Tarot_scholar
I sat for a while with a Rinzai Zen sangha, until I moved out of the country. My work schedule for the last few years has meant that attending the only local zendo is out of the option. But I do miss the social aspect (...of sitting in silence with other people?) and the common interest, so when I start a new job in October I might look into attending again. I do try to keep up with my own home practice (using the Insight Timer app) but it's not always very successful!

Though much as I feel I benefit from Zen meditation, I wouldn't call myself Buddhist as such. I feel like that entails a stricter belief in and adherence to the precepts than I ever manage.

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 20:15
by CharlotteK
It's four months since I posted a reply and during that time I've switched paths. I would no longer describe myself as a Buddhist. In the end I found it a little too dogmatic. But the Zen practice will always be with me.

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 18 Sep 2018, 21:23
by BreathingSince72
CharlotteK wrote: 16 Sep 2018, 20:15 It's four months since I posted a reply and during that time I've switched paths. I would no longer describe myself as a Buddhist. In the end I found it a little too dogmatic. But the Zen practice will always be with me.

I feel, from my limited experience, like zen is a truly powerful practice. All form of magic and miracle are possible when we are present.

Re: Buddhism

Posted: 05 Oct 2019, 01:53
by Amoroso
BreathingSince72 wrote: 03 Sep 2018, 16:51 While I am not a Buddhist, I work with a specific tarot deck that gives me a deeper appreciation for the path on a regular basis. You may have heard of it but if not, you may want to check out the Osho Zen Tarot. The Osho Zen is a powerful tarot deck that speaks straight to the heart of whatever is happening in my life at the time, every time. Anytime I do a closet clearing, this deck is NEVER on the chopping block. The colors are beautiful and the art itself is breathtaking. Truly worth a look if you’re not already familiar.
I've been reading about Zen since I've started working with this deck and even if I'm Catholic, I deeply resonate with some of its teachings. Still have so much to learn tho.