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What's your esoteric jam?

Discussions of the journeys we make towards something greater, or at least more interesting!
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Besides cartomancy, what esoteric practices do you engage in? (Check as many boxes as you like)

Crystal Healing
Witchcraft / Magick
Kabbalah, Qabalah
Other (you can specify in the OP)
Total votes: 63

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What's your esoteric jam?

Post by Joan Marie »

There are so many beautiful practices that people engage in as they explore the esoteric paths.

This survey is to find out what kinds of things people here are into.

I realise some of the choices are very very broad (Witchcraft for example has so many kinds of) and some are overlapping.

But this is a very unscientific survey, it's just to get an idea. You can check as many boxes as you like.

If your jam is not on this list, (the tool only allows 10 choices) please share it by reply posting here.

Thanks! It's nice to see the variety of people we have here!
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Re: What's your esoteric jam?

Post by katrinka »

I do like scrying - not in the looser sense of the word, but crystal gazing. I compiled some resources here a few years ago: ... -frontier/

I don't consider myself pagan, but I have no problem throwing a little hoodoo when "regular" solutions aren't available. It does seem to work, more often than not!

I'm not an astrologer. I do like classical, but haven't made a serious study of it at this time. And while I sometimes incorporate bits of astrology and Qabalah into my Tarot reading, I don't consider myself a serious student of either. I only know a smattering, enough to get by and be "Tarot literate." :lol:

It's all kind of minimal with me, I don't do esoteric stuff for its own sake. If something works for me, I retain it. If not, I move on.
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Re: What's your esoteric jam?

Post by qndynes »

was hesitant to add more here but as I found myself jumping into threads I caught this one again and thought, why not? :mrgreen:

My esoteric jam, boy oh boy. Well, I really dig astrology but I'm only a novice, learning with absolutely no aspirations to be a master or pro. I would like to know enough to understand planetary relationships. I don't consider myself anything exactly, categories give me the heebie-jeebies! But I do do things. I do a bit of witchcraft, a bit of scrying, and a bit of saintly (as in with Saints and Mighty Dead) and spirit necromancy. With scrying, I really like going with certain techniques I found in the PGM, scrying with water in a vessel while saying certain prayers. With necromancy it's just your basic Saintly and spirit bothering with prayers, candles, and divination. With witchcraft it's just witchy things, preparing baths, candles, apotropaic objects. I do dig the potential of creating astrological talismanic objects using the Picatrix, but I feel I don't know enough astrology to try my hand at astrological talismans. In general, this mostly covers my interests. I love books as well, and I love reading books, so I'm mostly reading on things that interest me. :ugeek:
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Re: What's your esoteric jam?

Post by Nemia »

I'm still more or less where I was a year ago. I'm a star gazer and love and greet the celestial bodies. I have my little rituals. I like my crystals but don't really believe that they do more than all the other materials in our surrounding. I have kitchen witch tendencies and have my herbs and teas and for a time, I made some simple home remedies myself. I also made some talismans and my tarot calendar is turning into a little cult of its own ;-) And I still love Hestia, the nymphs, Hekate, like I did as a girl, and also some Christian saints, songs and prayers....

It's Eclectic Pantheism, and where I see the Divine, I greet and honour it.

PS: Astrolatry is probably my true love!
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Re: What's your esoteric jam?

Post by Opal »

In addition to the things I selected on the list, I also pursue my interests in mediumship, kitchen witchery and other 'witchy ways'. I love to work with essential oils and herbs as well, palmistry, and I'm interested in aura reading too, but not great with this. Also, psychometry, telepathy, Astral Traveling, dream work, energy work, Shamanism and much more. I'm very interested in a lot of things linked as "psychic abilities" and also read tons of books on these.
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