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Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 22 Aug 2020, 21:40
by Divine Tarot
Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Hi, My wife and i have done a lot of free tarot readings for a lot of people over the internet with our streams. We love to help people out by giving people guidance and we do this every day for the people who can not afford to get a payed reading. It is very challenging though because the same people keep coming back everyday. Its not that we don't want to give them a reading but is it healthy to do so?. We would like to know your opinions on this topic. Anyways, if you are interested to join our community ... 99Rz6vLYww

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 23 Aug 2020, 10:46
by Joan Marie
Hi- I moved your post to the general topics area.

if you came here to promote your youtube channel you can do so at the Member's Websites section:

To answer your question, I think giving free readings to vampires sounds exhausting.
Seriously anyone who would take advantage of your offer like that is just sucking your energy and doing themselves no favours.

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 23 Aug 2020, 11:56
by Nemia
I think it's healthy as long as you don't feel exhausted or sucked dry from it. As long as you feel energized and happy with it, go for it. The fact that you ask this question may mean that you should change your "business model".

Maybe explore teaching people how to give their own readings? Like giving people a fishing rod instead of a fish. ;-) Then you still give something for free (I very much believe that generosity repays itself over time) but people have to become active. You push them out of their comfort zone of being read to and teach them a new skill, or at least some aspects of how to read for themselves.

I did the Daily Card on this site and another tarot forum for quite some time - until I felt I had said it all :-)

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 09:50
by Rose Crystal
I did a lot of free readings for people some years ago, and I have to say that I had to stop. People kept calling and coming over all of the time, and only for the readings. They could invite themselves over for a cup of coffee and after a while, the question came, "could you please do a reading for me?" I tried to explain that I wasn't always in the mood for it, and they got disappointed. Some of them would ask the same question over and over again, not accepting the answers they got, and when they started to bring their friends as well, I had enough.

That's actually why I started charging for clients and stopped doing them for friends. People stopped coming when they had to pay :D Professional readers are criticised for charging for services, but I disagree wholeheartedly, because of these experiences.

I love free readings on forums like this, though, then there's something in it for everybody.

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 22 Sep 2020, 15:55
by TheLoracular
Almost every time I find myself in a place in my own life where I am asking myself "Is this healthy?" I actually know the answer already: Not really. (sighs at self).

But things can be a mix of good-bad vs. just bad. Are you enjoying that time spent talking and sharing with the people who are coming back every day? Do you feel like you are being compensated emotionally for your time? The answer might be to just gently ask folks to wait 2-3 days between readings both for their sake and yours.

There is something else you folks might consider. Instead of readings every day, offer a tarot class one day a week where you teach some of your followers how to do self-readings, keep a journal, and basically expand their knowledge base on tarot beyond being just a feeder.

Definitely take at least one day a week for yourselves where you aren't performing a free tarot service in order to rest and restore personal energy to prevent burnout. 2020 is a daunting year, especially for folks with a lot of empathy and loving concern about general wellbeing of others. More self-care isn't selfish. Its a survival mechanism.

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 22 Oct 2020, 21:57
by saturness
Hi! In my experience, if you are not confident to put yourself out there as a professional reader yet, giving free readings is a good way to build your practice. I'm not sure about doing it everyday though - I personally find it a bit tiring. I did that a lot in the past, but after a while I found out that people often didn't value my readings (or my time) when they were for free, which would drain me. I was there, doing all that work, and the person couldn't really care because they hadn't invested anything in that reading.

Nowdays, I only give free readings for very close friends and family, and for strangers when I join reading circles for the fun of it. For everyone else, I ask at least for an exchange, either in service or in products. And, of course, I also accept money from those willing and in conditions to pay. I believe readings are an exchange, and something has be given so that something can be received.

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 03 Nov 2020, 03:11
by mark lewis
If you are new to the Tarot then giving free readings can be a very good thing. You have to get some practice in somehow. However, once you have reached a certain proficiency and have consistently received good feedback then it is time to charge real money. The trouble with free readings is that when people pay nothing for something they tend to put a nothing value on it.

A favourite Tarot book of mine is called "Tarotmania" by Jan Woudhuysen had a quote which in addition to amusing me also made a lot of sense. This was it: "All the best psychiatrists in America agree that charging patients a high fee has a strong therapeutic effect" I imagine that not only does the patient receive the benefit of the therapy the therapist receives the benefit of the money! A win-win situation!

This applies to a good Tarot reader too. If the client does not pay anything they do not get the same value from the reading. I do remember my family doctor once telling me that at one time hypnotherapy to stop people smoking had to be paid for in Ontario. However, one day the government decided to offer it for free. Not surprisingly the success rate went way down.

Another advantage of charging a fee is that you are not going to be driven nuts by countless people wanting readings. That alone seems to me to be good reason to charge money once you have reached a certain level of quality.

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 03 Nov 2020, 05:56
by Papageno
Rose Crystal is spot the Brits would say.

I especially love this excerpt:

"Some of them would ask the same question over and over again, not accepting the answers they got,....."

It's essentially the same situation as with some people who read for themselves, day after day, asking the same question(s) over and over again, not accepting the answer they get.....until they get the one that pleases them.

basically, you end up in a situation that mirrors the famous Rod Serling / Twilight Zone episode:
"Nick of Time", Season 2, Episode 7
twilight zone .jpg
Twilight zone - 3.jpg
Twilight zone - 2.jpg
twilifght zone - 1.jpg

Re: Is giving Free Tarot readings everyday healthy?

Posted: 03 Nov 2020, 13:46
by fire cat pickles
For me it's about balance. There are two sides: filling the vessel and emptying it. Take time to replenish yourself as much as you give out your energy. There is such a thing as giving too much. If you are giving away too much of your energy it can manifest itself in many ways. Part of that could be, for example, what Papa mentions, someone coming back for more. This can lead to addictive behavior on the part of your client, in effect. If I recall correctly, this is what the main idea of this particular Twilight Zone episode touched upon. I prefer to take time for myself in addition to doing free readings for people (I don't charge for reading, by the way). Be careful out there.