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Magical Seasons

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 10:57
by Joan Marie
Every season of the year is special and beautiful but most of us have one where we feel a little different than usual, a little more in tune with nature, or maybe with the night sky. Which one inspires your spiritual or magical leanings the most?

Re: Magical Seasons

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 11:25
by Nemia
The changing seasons are so lovely - and I love the melancholy of autumn, the colours, the dramatic changes from foggy morning to blue-golden day and rainy evening.... One of my favorite poems, Eduard Mörike's Autumn Day, describes it better than I can. Oh, and Georg Trakl and Theodor Storm also wrote lovely Autumn poetry. It's a time of loss, when the leaves fall, and loss is such a bitter and basic human condition, and learning to live with it so difficult. It's a time when we have to collect all our inner strength and that's what makes it so magical. Beauty and transience.

Re: Magical Seasons

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 14:06
by Seldes Katne
Autumn for me. My life changes in autumn -- I start new classes or go back to school, summer comes to an end and I have free time again, the colors in nature are amazing, and my allergies stop being an issue as the temperatures change (better sleeping weather, too). There's a feeling of purpose, as harvesting begins and people start thinking about the coming holiday season.

Also, Halloween! :D

Re: Magical Seasons

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 06:20
by Amoroso
It's winter for me, with its long and cold nights and Yuletide cheer (strangely).

Re: Magical Seasons

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 21:29
by RavenOfSummer
No surprise to anyone, RavenOfSummer votes summer :lol:

I love the long light days, the warm nights, and the earth in full bloom. And I love being able to go outside without worrying about putting on shoes or a jacket.