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Is this a creative time?

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 15:27
by Joan Marie
I know there are a lot of creative people here. Artists and writers and bloggers and designers of all kinds.

I think to most of us the idea of everything shutting down and being forced to stay in with very few outside expectations or distractions would have sounded pretty ideal at one time. And maybe for a lot of you it kind of is.

But I find myself nearly unable to work on anything.
It's not for lack of ideas of or of projects needing attending to. I don't know what it is, but despite this time seeming like the perfect opportunity to be churning out all kinds of great stuff, I'm simply unable.

Then today I read this. (Please forgive me for so often quoting Nick Cave's Red Hand Files, but I just find that he so often is speaking to exactly what I'm dealing with) He was thinking how his usual response to crisis its to bury himself in work, to make art. But this time, it's different.
Why is this the time to get creative?

Together we have stepped into history and are now living inside an event unprecedented in our lifetime. Every day the news provides us with dizzying information that a few weeks before would have been unthinkable. What deranged and divided us a month ago seems, at best, an embarrassment from an idle and privileged time. We have become eyewitnesses to a catastrophe that we are seeing unfold from the inside out. We are forced to isolate — to be vigilant, to be quiet, to watch and contemplate the possible implosion of our civilisation in real time. When we eventually step clear of this moment we will have discovered things about our leaders, our societal systems, our friends, our enemies and most of all, ourselves. We will know something of our resilience, our capacity for forgiveness, and our mutual vulnerability. Perhaps, it is a time to pay attention, to be mindful, to be observant.

As an artist, it feels inapt to miss this extraordinary moment. Suddenly, the acts of writing a novel, or a screenplay or a series of songs seem like indulgences from a bygone era. For me, this is not a time to be buried in the business of creating. It is a time to take a backseat and use this opportunity to reflect on exactly what our function is — what we, as artists, are for. -Nick Cave
I sort of get this, though I don't pretend to be on his level, butI also I feel very reflective. I also feel like I should be using this time "better" but I'm wondering now what that even means.

And to his question, "what are artists for?" , I would add "What is art for?"

I'm wondering how the rest of you are feeling about this. Are you working on anything? Do you find this time stimulating or inspiring? Or is it affecting you differently as an artist, as a creative person?

Have you reflected on any of this?

Because I'm wondering if when this is all over, will this experience change how we approach our work? And how might it/ could it change the kind of Tarot art we may see?

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 16:21
by Merrick
I know this isn’t to the same scale, but I keep thinking about the art that came out of the plague period. The dance of death, ring around the rosy, etc. I always felt the Death card in the Marseille was a holdover from the depictions of death in art that the Black Death inspired. I would expect to see art come out of this that has people wrestling with ideas of death, isolation, loss. Of course Nick Cave has already been exploring many of those ideas because of his own personal losses in the last few years (I’m a huge Nick Cave fan).

I would also expect to see art that highlights togetherness, community, and uplifting themes as people try to combat the darkness we’re facing.

For me, diving into the tarot at this time has reignited my personal creativity. Reading deeply into the cards has brought out the poet and storyteller in me. Right now I’m finding it’s enough to just engage with the cards but I may eventually want to create something more tangible.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 17:17
by Merrick
And right after posting that I had a synchronicity! I was entranced by the card of the day, which is from the Venetian tarot, so I looked up the Venetian tarot and when I went to the creator’s website I came across this Dance of Death oracle that he created: ... at_5&frs=1

I normally don’t use oracle decks but this one seems like it’s timely and pertinent and designed specifically for an existing system of divination. I’m definitely considering grabbing one!

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 17:25
by Papageno
Repurposed "Art"

Small (damaged) vintage cloisonne trinket dish

Center design is the "Flaming Pearl of Wisdom" amongst clouds

A dragon is often depicted chasing the Flaming Pearl of Wisdom, a traditional motif in Chinese art
Image Image

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 21:03
by Nemia
I think about that quite a lot, and I guess, most people do so now when we're thrown out of our regular routine.

On the one hand, I have started again, after c. 15 dry years, to draw and may even dare to paint again. that's huge for me. My hand is totally out of tune but I don't care, it's good for me to let the pen travel. So there is definitely a break from routine and a re-discovery of old creative habits.

On the other hand, I have a number of creative-intellectual projects in my drawers that have waited for years for a time like this. I should be sitting and writing away at the three or four very-nearly-finished books, the dozen articles - but somehow, I can't.

I'm too worried and stressed out. I admire people who can use that pressure to create. Maybe I'll reach this point. Right now, like an automaton, I keep organizing and cleaning the house (after we moved from a huge house to a normal-sized one, and after three adult children left home but left behind mountains of stuff, there were many unsolved corners that disturbed me, so my time is not wasted).

I hope I'll be able to put the house into a state that I find relaxing, and then find a rhythm between demented housewife and creative individual....

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 07:44
by Diana
Just want to share the creative work of David Hockney that he's been doing since the beginning of the virus.

I'm also not having the same motivation to write the book I've started. I'm still working on it regularly but without the same momentum that I had at the beginning. But when I do achieve a certain goal that I've set myself, I feel very fulfilled. It gives me something to think about apart from the pandemic. I'm a news junkie in the best of times so this period is like a free giant fix for me. So doing some creative work is really a good respite.

But mostly I think this period is a time for us personally to delve deep inside and think about the meaning of life. And death. And what goes on inbetween. And to take care of our friends and our families and neighbours. And to thank the low wage workers with a smile or a thumbs up for keeping our countries running. After all this is over, we mustn't forget them... and maybe remember them when it comes to the politicians we vote for in the future.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 08:49
by Pen
I was working on a project but having a short break when everything began to change. So I picked up an unfinished project that worked well at holding concentration to the extent that I was able to forget the news while I was working on it - a bit like meditation. Having finished that I became involved in a group tarot with a month's deadline that provided an opportunity to shift style and be a little more experimental. I have lots to do and find immersion in creativity fairly easy - it's picking up the pencil that's the hardest part.

As for housework and gardening, if I have something creative going it tends to get only essential attention. And the same for the news, which I've had to cut myself off from in the past as I find it engenders an awful 8 of Swords feeling if not rationed.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 08:53
by Diana
My creative project for the next couple of days is something like this which I will place somewhere where it will be seen by the people it's aimed for. I decided to do this on waking this morning when I saw the photo on the BBC website. The low paid workers are keeping our countries running. I hope we won't forget this when it's over. They should receive a huge bonus. But they won't of course. The world doesn't work like that.

Thank you key workers.jpg

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 08:55
by Pen
Papageno wrote: 31 Mar 2020, 17:25 Repurposed "Art"

Small (damaged) vintage cloisonne trinket dish

Center design is the "Flaming Pearl of Wisdom" amongst clouds

A dragon is often depicted chasing the Flaming Pearl of Wisdom, a traditional motif in Chinese art
Image Image
Such a lovely arrangement, Papageno - thank you! :gem:

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 08:57
by Papageno
Pen wrote: 01 Apr 2020, 08:49 it's picking up the pencil that's the hardest part.
Image This Might Hurt Tarot - Isabella Rotman

I think this is one of the most brilliant 9/wands

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 08:58
by Pen
Diana wrote: 01 Apr 2020, 08:53 My creative project for the next couple of days is something like this which I will place somewhere where it will be seen by the people it's aimed for. I decided to do this on waking this morning when I saw the photo on the BBC website. The low paid workers are keeping our countries running. I hope we won't forget this when it's over. They should receive a huge bonus. But they won't of course. The world doesn't work like that.

Thank you key workers.jpg
It's super, Diana. Many windows in our street are displaying children's rainbow drawings - there are even some chalked on the pavement.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 15:22
by stronglove
Joan Marie wrote: 31 Mar 2020, 15:27 I know there are a lot of creative people here. Artists and writers and bloggers and designers of all kinds.

I think to most of us the idea of everything shutting down and being forced to stay in with very few outside expectations or distractions would have sounded pretty ideal at one time. And maybe for a lot of you it kind of is.

But I find myself nearly unable to work on anything.
It's not for lack of ideas of or of projects needing attending to. I don't know what it is, but despite this time seeming like the perfect opportunity to be churning out all kinds of great stuff, I'm simply unable.

Then today I read this. (Please forgive me for so often quoting Nick Cave's Red Hand Files, but I just find that he so often is speaking to exactly what I'm dealing with) He was thinking how his usual response to crisis its to bury himself in work, to make art. But this time, it's different.
Why is this the time to get creative?

Together we have stepped into history and are now living inside an event unprecedented in our lifetime. Every day the news provides us with dizzying information that a few weeks before would have been unthinkable. What deranged and divided us a month ago seems, at best, an embarrassment from an idle and privileged time. We have become eyewitnesses to a catastrophe that we are seeing unfold from the inside out. We are forced to isolate — to be vigilant, to be quiet, to watch and contemplate the possible implosion of our civilisation in real time. When we eventually step clear of this moment we will have discovered things about our leaders, our societal systems, our friends, our enemies and most of all, ourselves. We will know something of our resilience, our capacity for forgiveness, and our mutual vulnerability. Perhaps, it is a time to pay attention, to be mindful, to be observant.

As an artist, it feels inapt to miss this extraordinary moment. Suddenly, the acts of writing a novel, or a screenplay or a series of songs seem like indulgences from a bygone era. For me, this is not a time to be buried in the business of creating. It is a time to take a backseat and use this opportunity to reflect on exactly what our function is — what we, as artists, are for. -Nick Cave
I sort of get this, though I don't pretend to be on his level, butI also I feel very reflective. I also feel like I should be using this time "better" but I'm wondering now what that even means.

And to his question, "what are artists for?" , I would add "What is art for?"

I'm wondering how the rest of you are feeling about this. Are you working on anything? Do you find this time stimulating or inspiring? Or is it affecting you differently as an artist, as a creative person?

Have you reflected on any of this?

Because I'm wondering if when this is all over, will this experience change how we approach our work? And how might it/ could it change the kind of Tarot art we may see?
wow, this is exactly how i’ve been feeling. not creative at all.... so good to know that more of us are feeling this way. i find that buddhism really helps me to remain observant of what’s going on, both within me as well as in the world outside. that’s what am becoming, have been becoming for a long time actually, an observer.... there is no desire in me whatsoever to create. i’ve been feeling really uncomfortable about this, because it’s not who and what i used to think i am. but hey, everything is impermanent, isn’t it? 😜😜😜😜😜

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 09:24
by Nemia
Now is confession time - I had a mini-breakthrough in my creative work. After missing the train for the beautiful Button Soup Tarot and feeling totally unable to produce ANYthing I returned to drawing and doodling - and then, for the TTM tarot project, to simple collaging. Old postcards etc. And I made two cards for the We are One deck, and one additional card for myself.

Three of Earth


the Emperor

These two cards are for the deck - after the Emperor, I made an Empress just for myself (my husband is Aries, I'm Taurus, so we're the Emperor and Empress)


The Empress

Pictures are bad (from my phone) and I'm not totally satisfied with them, I'll continue to tweak them a bit, but hey, this is the first time in 15 years that I did anything "artistic". I'll add some of my doodles too. They're nothing special but I'm so glad I can doodle again!

22 schleier im all II.jpg

I embroidered and crocheted all the time but dared not even doodle, it was all gone. Now I have hope to recover some things! Even if not - it's relaxing. And who doesn't need that right now?

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 10:02
by Joan Marie
Thanks for sharing these. Beautiful work.
How lucky TT&M is to get 2 cards from you!

I'm hoping we can do another deck here soon. I'm thinking of going with "Thoth Inspired" deck this time.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 10:23
by Nemia
Without the Button Soup Tarot kick in the ass I wouldn't have done it. (And since there are probably copyright issues with at least one the pictures I used, I'll probably have to do something else anyway....)

And YEAH for a Thoth-inspired deck! Lots of sephiroth and אבגדהו and planets!

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 13:22
by cloudberry
I dont know were to begin explaining...
I love my school. I love to study and learn new things. Im devoted to every little piece in an assignment or project.
But now?
When i have al the time to study and create I just cant.
I feel lost. I feel lonely. But mostly...i feel unimaginable. I simply have no ideas of what i should do.
I miss my classmates. I miss my teachers and professors.
I miss my rutins and schedules.
Does anyone relate to this?
My daily card today was the fifth of cups (upright), explaining why i cant be inspired.
best regards and stay safe
/ cloudberry

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 14:00
by Pen
cloudberry, are you allowed out to exercise where you are? It might help if you could walk or run somewhere quiet - perhaps very early in the morning when it's easier to social distance. I'm finding that when working on the current project I can quickly get into it and forget all the present problems - the most difficult part is sitting down and picking up a pencil. For me, it's the 5.30 early meditation that's fallen by the wayside as that's the time I now leave the house for a while. Are you unable to stay in contact with classmates via phone or internet? It might help.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 14:07
by Pen
Nemia wrote: 10 Apr 2020, 09:24 Now is confession time - I had a mini-breakthrough in my creative work.
That's wonderful, Nemia! Thanks for posting the lovely Empress and doodles, which I haven't seen before. You've time now to create a complete collage tarot... (or perhaps a doodle tarot?) Your doodles remind of a YouTube video called Peter Draws.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 14:49
by Nemia
Oh Pen, this guy is great!!! I'm nowhere near his league but he has great advice about materials! the moment I'll be able to leave the house after the lock-down, I'm going to buy pens :-)

I think, and that may help others who feel stuck, for me, the process started again when I didn't think: I want to draw something, but rather: I want to doodle a bit to relax. The lower my expectations, the easier it is. The result doesn't matter - moving those hands again does. Especially in this crazy and frightening situation we all find ourselves in.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 15:43
by Papageno
Nemia wrote: 10 Apr 2020, 10:23 Without the Button Soup Tarot kick in the ass I wouldn't have done it. (And since there are probably copyright issues with at least one the pictures I used, I'll probably have to do something else anyway....)

And YEAH for a Thoth-inspired deck! Lots of sephiroth and אבגדהו and planets!
your own art "doodles" are so lovely, and no copyright issues, why not just submit your own creations.
Even if your "doodles" aren't up to snuff (by your own exacting standards), they're still far superior to a collage.

Re: Is this a creative time?

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 16:16
by Nemia
Don't you like collages in general? I actually do. I like my collage decks and enjoy collecting the material, tearing, cutting, pasting. But small collages are more difficult than big ones. I can only scan them and the format limits the possibilities of playing with three dimensional stuff.

I don't think I can doodle the Emperor but maybe I can do something about Three of Earth.