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Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 11:00
by Papageno
I love the Today's Card: Alfred Hitchcock, Rear of my all-time favorites.

Yes, yes, during this COVID-19 madness and everything being canceled left and right, we need some distraction.

This is an African Violet propagation that's doing very nicely for me:


I'll post updates on its progress.

This took FOREVER to happen, but it finally did.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 22:14
by HRU's Muse
Here is a picture of something that made me really happy recently. Last fall, I put some apple seeds in a wet paper towel and stuck them in a baggie in my refrigerator. The other day I opened the fridge and noticed they were growing and several inches tall!

Sorry about the orientation of the picture, and they may not look like impressive plants yet, but they have a strong life force and are raring to go. In all the doom and gloom, this was a sign of life and hope.

Now, I know apple seeds will not grow true to variety, so no one grows them from seed anymore. But some of the the seeds I saved, I have no idea what the apple type is, but they came from some apples I really like that grow where my partner works. They have never been sprayed and are always in really nice shape regardless and are very tasty and last long. So while they may not prove true to type, they might - or they might be cross pollinated with other apple trees on the property that also have not been sprayed and do well regardless. This is how new varieties of apple get discovered!

I also saved some seeds from Winesaps, an old variety, from a 100 year old orchard my friend caretakes. These would only have crossed with other old varieties there.

Who knows, I could discover the next great apple! Not that anyone will know. I do not even know if I will live long enough to see them bear fruit. Perhaps my decendants will. But I love apples, they are a symbol of health and forbidden knowledge and so tasty! I am going to plant these and see.

It is said normally they do not have a high rate of germination. But almost every seed I saved sprouted. I planted the sprouts a couple days ago and they look happy, no transplant shock at all. Life wants to live! Go Venus, go Mother Nature!

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 17 Mar 2020, 02:08
by Papageno
HRU's Muse wrote: โ†‘16 Mar 2020, 22:14 Last fall, I put some apple seeds in a wet paper towel and stuck them in a baggie in my refrigerator. The other day I opened the fridge and noticed they were growing and several inches tall!

they have a strong life force and are raring to go. In all the doom and gloom, this was a sign of life and hope.
(The Force is strong with them LOL :lol:)

Apple seeds sprout in the twinkling of an eye.
I used to just stick some in soil and in a few weeks, they would emerge.
Why you put them in a damp paper towel in the fridge? ๐Ÿค”
HRU's Muse wrote: โ†‘16 Mar 2020, 22:14 Now, I know apple seeds will not grow true to variety,
Really!, that's interesting, I never knew that.
HRU's Muse wrote: โ†‘16 Mar 2020, 22:14 so no one grows them from seed anymore. But some of the the seeds I saved, I have no idea what the apple type is, but they came from some apples I really like that grow where my partner works. They have never been sprayed and are always in really nice shape regardless and are very tasty and last long. So while they may not prove true to type, they might - or they might be cross pollinated with other apple trees on the property that also have not been sprayed and do well regardless. This is how new varieties of apple get discovered!

I also saved some seeds from Winesaps, an old variety, from a 100 year old orchard my friend caretakes. These would only have crossed with other old varieties there.
that's really amazing and informative, thanks for the education.
my favorites were Honey Crisp Apples, unfortunately, I developed terrible food allergies recently,(hence, the past tense) and that includes apples. :evil:
I used to bake the most decadent apple pies just using plain old inexpensive Granny Smith's.......oh well.
HRU's Muse wrote: โ†‘16 Mar 2020, 22:14 Who knows, I could discover the next great apple! Not that anyone will know. I do not even know if I will live long enough to see them bear fruit. Perhaps my decendants will. But I love apples, they are a symbol of health and forbidden knowledge and so tasty! I am going to plant these and see.

It is said normally they do not have a high rate of germination. But almost every seed I saved sprouted. I planted the sprouts a couple days ago and they look happy, no transplant shock at all. Life wants to live! Go Venus, go Mother Nature!
I'm all for hybridization and all that good stuff.
There's a new apple variety that was recently introduced that's a cross between Honey Crisps and something else.
It's supposed to be just as wonderful as the 2 parent varieties but with the additional benefit of longer shelf life.
I saw them recently at the grocery store but they're much smaller than the Honey Crisps and much more expensive.

Thanks so much for sharing, truly ๐ŸŽ

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 17 Mar 2020, 21:11
by Papageno
Sansevieria "Starfish" plant is growing a new offshoot.



It's growing rapidly and I'll post new pictures to show it's progression.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 17 Mar 2020, 22:45
by stronglove
thanks for this post, papageno, really inspiring! made me go out into my garden to see what was coming up and coming out


btw your images are not visible, donโ€™t know why, i saw the african violet earlier on but now it says image not found.....

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 00:08
by Papageno
stronglove wrote: โ†‘17 Mar 2020, 22:45 thanks for this post, papageno, really inspiring! made me go out into my garden to see what was coming up and coming out

btw your images are not visible, donโ€™t know why, i saw the african violet earlier on but now it says image not found.....
Thanks for letting me know about my images suddenly disappearing, I had cleaned them out of my imgbb account and didn't realize that would affect the "direct link" embedded code.....pain in the A** this tech stuff is.....learning curve and all that.

I got it all fixed now.

Anyway, that's a really beautiful bloom you've got going there, gorgeous color, what kind of tree is that?

BTW, I would really love to see a picture of that when it blooms.....please. :D

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 23:29
by stronglove
itโ€™s a magnolia

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 03:37
by Papageno
Here's an African Violet that is allegedly named "Edelweiss" (yeah yeah, Sound of Muazk and all that ๐Ÿคฎ, God I remember being dragged to that movie on a Thanksgiving Day to get us kids out of the way while the adults prepared a feast for 40+ people)........a much later Thanksgiving gave way to James Bond's Thunderball, which was a lot more fun.

(apologies to fans of that legendary 60's move musical, too treacly for my tastes)

Anyway.......I purchased this from a "big name" retailer of African Violets, who sent me an immature seedling (bad people, smack their hands with a ruler), but I persevered and I've managed to bring it into adulthood, well......adolescence at least.

The blooms are alleged to look like miniature orchids, at least that's what the photos looked like.
Yes, everything with that company (who I will never do business with again) is "alleged".

As usual, I'll post updated pictures.


Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 03:59
by Papageno
This is my "green shelf", part of it anyway.
The cascading greenery is a Pilea Mucosa, it's basically a ground covering plant that grows (very easily) like wildfire......however, if panted in an elevated pot, it cascades beautifully and profusely, and is very pastoral in appearance. During the summer, this requires fairly frequent watering, depending on your soil mixture.

It's a propagation that was taken from a much larger (elevated) pot that I'll post pictures of, once I get it back to its old self.........needs some TLC after the winter, even being grown indoors.
Basically these were strands of Pilea that broke off during unpacking and untangling, but I just stuck them in wet soil and they grew like magic.

This is the plant dealer, they are fabulous: and they have approx.3 varieties of Pilea.


Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 09:58
by Joan Marie
Papageno wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 03:37 Here's an African Violet that is allegedly named "Edelweiss" (yeah yeah, Sound of Muazk and all that ๐Ÿคฎ, God I remember being dragged to that movie on a Thanksgiving Day to get us kids out of the way while the adults prepared a feast for 40+ people)........a much later Thanksgiving gave way to James Bond's Thunderball, which was a lot more fun.

(apologies to fans of that legendary 60's move musical, too treacly for my tastes)
When my mom passed away, I was staying with my dad for a while. It was a really rough time for him. It was Christmas time and it was hard to find anything on TV that was emotionally neutral. "The Sound of Music" was on one night and I thought, okay, this'll be fine.

At some point during the film I heard my dad crying and I looked over to him and he said, "Your mother hated this movie."

I laugh/cry every time I think of it. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 10:27
by Papageno
Joan Marie wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 09:58 When my mom passed away, I was staying with my dad for a while. It was a really rough time for him. It was Christmas time and it was hard to find anything on TV that was emotionally neutral. "The Sound of Music" was on one night and I thought, okay, this'll be fine.

At some point during the film I heard my dad crying and I looked over to him and he said, "Your mother hated this movie."

I laugh/cry every time I think of it. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ
Thank you for being such a good sport, Joan Marie, and that's quite a touching story btw.
Yeah, memories, they're a real kick in the pants.

Well, you know me, just a cranky 'ole thing, like smart a** Rocket Raccoon (build-a-bear).
Best to keep me sequestered in my little greenhouse corner, and I'm more than happy to discuss house plant tips, although I'm sure there are plenty of green thumbs here as well.

In the near future, I'll be sharing my stories and pictures of the dreaded batch of rescued Phalaenopsis Orchids saga.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 18:37
by Pen
Joan Marie wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 09:58
Papageno wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 03:37 Here's an African Violet that is allegedly named "Edelweiss" (yeah yeah, Sound of Muazk and all that ๐Ÿคฎ, God I remember being dragged to that movie on a Thanksgiving Day to get us kids out of the way while the adults prepared a feast for 40+ people)........a much later Thanksgiving gave way to James Bond's Thunderball, which was a lot more fun.

(apologies to fans of that legendary 60's move musical, too treacly for my tastes)

When my mom passed away, I was staying with my dad for a while. It was a really rough time for him. It was Christmas time and it was hard to find anything on TV that was emotionally neutral. "The Sound of Music" was on one night and I thought, okay, this'll be fine.

At some point during the film I heard my dad crying and I looked over to him and he said, "Your mother hated this movie."

I laugh/cry every time I think of it. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ
All your plants look wonderfully healthy, Papageno. Most of mine live in the conservatory, which is a bit like a jungle. I have a palm tree that was rescued from beside a dustbin 20 years or more ago. It had two leaves and was about a foot tall but has now reached the apex of the roof where it keeps company with a very skinny rubber tree and a monstrous monstera. (I'm not good at pruning.)

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ Sad and funny, but I have to confess to laughing aloud. As for the S of M, my sister-in-law saw it an unbelievable number of times - I could barely sit through it once.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 19:56
by Papageno
Pen wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 18:37
All your plants look wonderfully healthy, Papageno. Most of mine live in the conservatory, which is a bit like a jungle. I have a palm tree that was rescued from beside a dustbin 20 years or more ago. It had two leaves and was about a foot tall but has now reached the apex of the roof where it keeps company with a very skinny rubber tree and a monstrous monstera. (I'm not good at pruning.)

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ Sad and funny, but I have to confess to laughing aloud. As for the S of M, my sister-in-law saw it an unbelievable number of times - I could barely sit through it once.
My cat who has thyroid issues also doesn't approve of the muzak movie and decided last night to imitate the barf emoji.
He's not a well child, but he has impeccable taste.

You have a greenhouse? How lucky for you (or rather the plants), but it's a lot of work I'll bet.

Some of my plants struggled a bit this winter, basically because they're true-to-tropical in nature such as my dracaena marginata and the rubber plant, although the rubber plant has fared better than the marginata.

Indoor plant lighting is a science all unto itself, which I've finally figured out.
I l also figured out how to get rid of the fungus gnats, it was so simple and obvious. Don't listen to 99.9% of the misinformation on youtube.

Rescue plants can be very rewarding, although it can involve a lot of work and TLC and the process teaches you a great deal about plants in general.

Speaking of the Sound of Muzak, (and briefly get this back onto a Tarot topic) I just purchased what appears to be a splendid 1981 Grimaud TdM from a retailer in France and is now awaiting shipment (almost indefinitely) because the seller informs me Paris is in Lockdown mode.
How could I resist, if you're going to collect TdM decks, a copy of the Grimaud - Marteau is de rigueur.

It's really disheartening to see pictures of the entrance to the Louvre empty like a ghost town.
At this rate, everything will soon start looking like the movie, Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, which prominently features said Grimaud TdM.
Admit it, ya gotta love the Chariot card with SM emblazoned on the front :lol: (get yur mind outta the gutter) :lol: ๐Ÿคฃ.......I know, just incorrigible.

anyway, this is for you Ms. Pen:


Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 20:58
by Diana
Those are very nice plants indeed. I love watching plants grow.

I must have seen the Sound of Music at least 20 times. It's one of my favourite movies along with My Fair Lady which I think I've seen at least 40 times. I also watch Mary Poppins regularly. Those are the three films I'd take to a desert island along with The Matrix.

I can sing every single song of those movies in order. And maybe even backwards. I've been a fan since I was a kid. Except for The Matrix because that came afterwards.

When I watch Edelweiss when it's sung for the second time at the singing competition, I always cry.

Lonely Goatherd has some references to the L'Amoureux VI in the Tarot of Marseilles.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 21:49
by Papageno
Diana wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 20:58 Those are very nice plants indeed. I love watching plants grow.

I must have seen the Sound of Music at least 20 times. It's one of my favourite movies along with My Fair Lady which I think I've seen at least 40 times. I also watch Mary Poppins regularly. Those are the three films I'd take to a desert island along with The Matrix.

Lonely Goatherd has some references to the L'Amoureux VI in the Tarot of Marseilles.
My Fair Lady with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn is a splendid classic indeed, the couture by Cecil Beaton is mind blowing and stunning!
Of course, the embassy ball scene is unforgettable......they never achieved coiffures like that, even back in Edwardian times....and of course the splendid diamond tiara.

"Raindrops on roses
And whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite BLING"

.........C'mon girl sing along :D

The Queen of Transylvania indeed bwhaaaaaaaaaa :lol: she even looked like an old dragon. :lol:

Mary Poppins, meh......I remember seeing that as a child also.

Matrix: Definitely a winner, and yes, I'll have a chocolate chip cookie thanks very much.

Frankly, I'm really NOT a fan of musicals (on stage or screen, as you may have already guessed) and I abhor Disney musicals especially with all those animated dancing teapots and candelabras......I always feel like I need an insulin shot before lapsing into a diabetic coma just thinking about those saccharine productions.

sorry, I can't bring myself to preview the Goatherd scene, it probably references the whole thing about choices and such.
I'll take your word for it......although I will admit the Christopher Plummer, Edelweiss scene is a tear-jerker......I'm not completely heartless.

Pour votre plaisir:


Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 06:24
by Diana
Papageno wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 21:49

Frankly, I'm really NOT a fan of musicals (on stage or screen, as you may have already guessed) and I abhor Disney musicals especially with all those animated dancing teapots and candelabras......I always feel like I need an insulin shot before lapsing into a diabetic coma just thinking about those saccharine productions.

I can't stand musicals. Except for the three movies I mentioned. As well as a fourth : Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I run away from the others. Disney I can't stand either. Frozen was nice though. I cried like a baby when Elsa saved Anna. Mama Mia was fun also. But I'm making your thread here hugely off-topic. Not my fault - someone mentioned Sound of Music. I therefore don't claim responsibility for this.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 06:52
by Papageno
Diana wrote: โ†‘22 Mar 2020, 06:24 But I'm making your thread here hugely off-topic. Not my fault - someone mentioned Sound of Music. I therefore don't claim responsibility for this.
:D no problem and nobody is holding you responsible for anything, after all, I'm the one who mentioned the Sound of Muzak.....although I am extremely pleased about the "Edelweiss" African Violet.

perhaps tomorrow I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the orchid repotting epic.

they started out (last year) as $1.00 apiece rescue plants and a couple of orchid plants I purchased at the supermarket.
Yeah, last year was all about plants. Now that it's getting warmer, I have to re-think a lot of stuff.

Now THAT was a learning curve, rotting root systems and all. Commercial orchid nurseries employ all the tricks of the trade to force blooms and make them pretty and marketable, unfortunately to the overall detriment of the plant.

So far, my Oncidium orchid plant has been surprisingly cooperative.

.........details at 11:00

provided the cat doesn't barf again or something worse.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 06:58
by Pen
Papageno wrote: โ†‘21 Mar 2020, 19:56

anyway, this is for you Ms. Pen:

Thank you! And not a speck of dust anywhere...!

Re. films and musicals, I think my dislike of S of M and most of Disney (Bambi and Old Yeller broke my heart when I was a child) is because I realized at around 10 years old that they were pure emotional manipulation. I think I was damaged by Old Yeller (the ending is pure wickedness to inflict on innocent children) and Bambi, which I saw at about 3 years old and which convinced me that my mother would almost certainly die in the immediate future - it hadn't occurred to me until then). Phantom of the Opera is more my thing - I saw it three times. Spectacular!

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 07:09
by Pen
Papageno wrote: โ†‘22 Mar 2020, 06:52
perhaps tomorrow I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the orchid repotting epic.

they started out (last year) as $1.00 apiece rescue plants and a couple of orchid plants I purchased at the supermarket.
Yeah, last year was all about plants. Now that it's getting warmer, I have to re-think a lot of stuff.

Now THAT was a learning curve, rotting root systems and all. Commercial orchid nurseries employ all the tricks of the trade to force blooms and make them pretty and marketable, unfortunately to the overall detriment of the plant.

So far, my Oncidium orchid plant has been surprisingly cooperative.

.........details at 11:00

provided the cat doesn't barf again or something worse.
I only have to look at orchids and they die... :(

Hope the cat is better soon.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 08:52
by Joan Marie
I'm finding this thread so inspiring and I so admire your brilliant green thumb Papageno.

This week we had some very fine weather here in Germany so I set up my little "greenhouse" and planted my tomato seeds.
I'm growing 4 different kinds this year. I'm so glad I sent away for the seeds some weeks ago.

Here is a pic I took. That's my one-eyed Bunny guarding everything from the squirrels.

All Along the Watchtower
All Along the Watchtower

I've got some more stuff to plant but the weather has turned a bit chilly.

In these times when making plans of any kind is really impossible, the thought of "the garden" is really comforting.
You plant the seeds, you water the seeds, the seeds sprout, the seeds grow, etc.
Something makes sense!

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 09:25
by Papageno
Pen wrote: โ†‘22 Mar 2020, 07:09
I only have to look at orchids and they die... :(

Hope the cat is better soon.
The cat is not a well child, let's just leave it at that. Hyperthyroidism, old age.....I give him lotsa love and as good a life as I can possibly provide.

As I said before, Orchids purchased anywhere, whether it be the supermarket or at a fancy plant store, are all "churned out" of a nursery like on an assembly line. Lord only knows what industry secrets they employ, but they're not good from what I've observed.

The best thing to do when you get an orchid plant home is to cut off the bloom stem and enjoy the flowers in a vase.

Now comes the nightmare, take the plant out of the container and carefully assess the condition of the roots and the rest of the plant.

Phalaenopsis are always touted as "popular" and "easy to grow", which is BS. They're popular but far from easy, especially if the roots are rotted which is more often the case than not.
Examine the entire plant and check for algae growth, fungal infections, insect infestations, and other unpleasantries.

Cut off the rotted roots and disinfect the entire plant and remaining roots liberally with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
Actually, even before all that, you have to remove the hideous rotted coco coir (coconut husk fibers) from the root system.

Coco Coir is very popular now for almost ALL plants because it's so cheap, but it essentially chokes and suffocates the plant's root system and makes a mess of everything.

I've spent hours soaking the stuff off in buckets of water and dumping it down the toilet, repeat, repeat until you get as much as you can off.

The Orchid plant will then go into deep shock, after having all the rotted roots removed and only a few viable ones left.
At this juncture, you have to begin attempting to coax the plant into growing new roots, that's first and foremost.

Don't pack (expensive) sphagnum moss and bark around whatever roots remain because 9 out 10 times, the remaining roots will rot because the Velmen membrane that envelops the roots is already weak and prone to rot.

I spent months soaking the plants in water mixed with orchid food and rooting hormone, once a week.
Some pants survived, some didn't....most did actually.

The plants were then left in open-air containers and I finally began to witness fairly robust root growth.

I'll take pictures of some of these plants with the new root growth so you can see.

Phalaenopsis are rather touchy about aeration and hydration, they do better on the drier side and prefer lots of air circulation.
I even made my own planters out of plastic coffee cake containers from Trader Joe's and just punched tons of holes all around.

The Oncidium likes lots of moisture, so it has done remarkably well, sphagnum moss and all.

Class dismissed, there will be a short exam. Attendance is required.

Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 02:05
by Papageno
Good morning, afternoon, evening class ๐ŸŽ

I finally got the Phalaenopsis Orchids repotted.

BTW, if you suffer from allergies, you better be wearing a mask and examination gloves.
I dread mentioning the use of masks and gloves during these stressful times of COVID-19, but it's a necessity for some people.
On the bright side, this is a very constructive way to pass the time if you're self-isolated.

Here are pictures of how it got started. Pots, sphagnum moss, orchid bark/hydro stone.
It's easy to see which were the commercial containers and which are the homemade ones.

I work out of an enormous heavy-duty plastic tub, which is actually a huge cat litter box that's no longer used for that purpose.
It sits in the bathroom tub and is indispensable for plant projects and laundering needs.

Dried, twig-like roots were trimmed off and the plants then soaked before transplanting.







Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 02:16
by Papageno
Here are pictures of the plants with new root growth ๐Ÿ˜










Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 02:21
by Papageno
Here are pictures of the repotting process.







Re: Brighten Up The Day/Evening with Plants & Fun Stuff

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 02:25
by Papageno
The finished products:

