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Your first experience reading for others?

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 12:39
by chongjasmine
What is your first experience like, reading for others?
Me, I remembered I read for my dad and he told me my reading wasn't accurate and it was so discouraging for me.
It was my first reading for others and it wasn't accurate.
I wanted to give up tarot there and then.
But I persevere, and other readings came and they were more accurate.
And my confidence grew... by a little.
I am still nervous when giving a face to face reading for others.
Which is why I tend to do online readings.
Enough about me. What about you?
What is your first experience like, reading for others?

Re: Your first experience reading for others?

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 12:59
by Joan Marie
chongjasmine wrote: 07 Aug 2019, 12:39 Me, I remembered I read for my dad and he told me my reading wasn't accurate and it was so discouraging for me.
It was my first reading for others and it wasn't accurate.
I wonder if you remember if in fact your reading for your dad was not accurate.

I find that some people, even if they are asking for a reading, are resistant to the result. And it is disheartening. But it doesn't mean you were wrong.

Good that you are able to persevere. It takes good nerves to read for people face-to-face. But I imagine the confidence builds over time, and the more people sense your confidence the less likely they are to tell you your wrong.

Re: Your first experience reading for others?

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 13:54
by Diana
chongjasmine: The first readings I did for others were awful and even embarrassing ! It was once I realised that I could trust my intuition, say things that came to my mind, even things that didn't seem to make sense according to the "method" I was using, that at last my readings started to have some validity.

But still today, I sometimes pull back from saying what my "intuition", my "heart" tells me, because it sometimes sounds too crazy. I always regret afterwards for not having the courage to state what was not obvious in the cards. It's usually when I get the feedback that I realise that my initial feelings were correct and that I shouldn't have doubted them.

Re: Your first experience reading for others?

Posted: 16 Aug 2019, 08:36
by BlueStar
It's good you persevered chongjasmine:) As already suggested it's possible that your reading was in fact accurate but your dad didn't want to hear it. Or perhaps it was just miscommunication, what you were trying to express was not being understood by your dad. This happens to me sometimes that I know what I am feeling and seeing in the cards but find it difficult to 'translate' accurately in words so as to convey it correctly to the sitter.

My first experience reading for others was back in my teens when I first discovered tarot. I wasn't really that knowledgeable about all the tarot meanings but read for a friend and did start to get information about her home life and things she was feeling via the cards. I found it so interesting because I hadn't known these things prior to that. So I knew then that there was definately something to Tarot and that it did work.

I think confidence does come the more you do readings (readings don't always have to be for other people) and finding your own way of connecting with the cards. One bit of advice I heard somewhere was to not worry about whether you are going to be right or wrong in the reading. Just do it. See what you see, try not to second guess it too much. If you worry too much about all that you can hinder yourself from seeing what is really there in the cards.

Re: Your first experience reading for others?

Posted: 05 Oct 2019, 18:39
by Amoroso
AFAIR my first serious reading was for my mom just a few years ago. She was worried about something very important and I offered to read for her. I performed a one-card reading using the Thoth, and the answer was crystal clear. Later on it proved to be very much on point.

I only read for family and friends and in reading circles too and never for strangers.