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What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 05:25
by chongjasmine
Mine is high priestess.

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 15 Aug 2019, 11:56
by reall
chongjasmine wrote: 07 Aug 2019, 05:25 Mine is high priestess.
me2! :D

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 15 Aug 2019, 15:12
by Diana
I like this kind of lighthearted thread which allow the members of the community to share a bit more about themselves. And to take a break from the "study" part at times. Sort of like having an ice cream down at the beach after a long day.

I was delighted to read that the High Priestess is already the favourite of two of the members... I love her too... but you didn't say why. :?: What does she evoke or mean to you, I mean why is she important to you ? Otherwise why not just do a poll which wouldn't serve much purpose unless we decide to use it to make a psychoanalysis of the forum and its members as a whole !! :lol:

The High Priestess, or rather for me this would be the The Papesse in the Tarot of Marseilles, has always drawn me towards her or maybe I'm drawn to her - she seems so wise and peaceful. So welcoming but not without reason. I trust her implicitly. If I had to choose a card that would provide me with some comfort and healing, I would turn to her.
Papesse II grimaud.png
Papesse II grimaud.png (92.39 KiB) Viewed 1321 times

But my favourite ever, really ever ever, from the first time I set eyes on a Tarot deck, is Le Mat (The Fool) in the Grimaud Tarot of Marseilles.

Now here's a guy who's completely free. No attachments, no desires, nothing. He's a giant - there's no room even for the artist to draw the very top of his head - his head is in the sky - in the heavens. And this guy HAS NO NUMBER. He's not confined to any system!!! When I saw that this card didn't have a number, it was like a light bulb moment. :idea: He can go where he likes, be what he likes. I thought wow ! No Gods no Masters!!!!

But sometimes I think he tires sometimes of his journey - it's a solitary one. And there's not so much scope for creation when you have your head in cloud nine all the time. Or is there ? It is good to create. So I think he's happy, but sometimes I wonder (wander)... there is that little dog you see...

I could go on for hours, but that's not the goal of this thread.

Yes. Le Mat he's my favourite of favourites. He's the only picture of a Tarot card that I've had up on the wall of my room for over twenty years. It's like having a photo of a family member.

Post edited in second paragraph

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 15:07
by chongjasmine
I love the high priestess because she is mysterious and creative, and is the card that represents myself best.

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 31 Aug 2019, 06:45
by litefoot13
I've always liked the Moon. :)
Not really for any particular strong reason, and in fact I can think of a couple of shallow ones (I like nighttime best, I like wolves, I just straight up like the moon. x3)
I also associate the Moon card with creativity, especially the kind that takes chaos and disorder and turns it into, if not order, at least just something else. As an artist, I like anything I feel has something to do with creativity. :)

And maybe I like it a little because I'm not a big people person, am kind of a loner? Almost all of the other cards have people/humanoid figures that are prominent on the card while the Moon is like...just hey, it's a couple of animals out by a nice pond and a stream in a landscape somewhere and the only 'person' around is a figure you can kind of see in the moon and even that person is so far away you don't really have to deal with them unless you want to bark in their direction and even then they'll probably just smile in your direction and overall ignore you and in fact it looks like their asleep and that looks nice maybe I'll rest for a bit too. x3

I actually have a pendant I got at a ren faire that is the Moon. Took me forever to decide which card I wanted to buy as a necklace, and when I finally decided, it was the one I had been looking at from the beginning. x3

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 01 Sep 2019, 12:26
by timeinhereyes
My favourite card is The Star from the Thoth tarot! It just evokes such feelings of peace in me whenever I see the card. It's been my favourite card since I were a child, when I were playing with and sorting my mother's Thoth deck. I have always been drawn to it and when I have to decide whether to buy a deck or not I always look at The Star and if I don't like it, I don't buy it.

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 23:42
by Amoroso
The Emperor.

Besides being hugely interested with the archetype courtesy of Robert Moore, it's also my Tarot birth, personality, and soul card.

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 00:14
by AstralPasta
That's kinda hard. I'm the sort of person who's always trouble picking a favorite character in a story. "I like them all?" I suppose my favorite character would really be the whole story itself?? The narrator? Hahaha! I relate to some characters more than others I suppose. Hm. I wonder if I read more stories where the characters had a similar personality and background (ethnic, class, life experiences) to me or people I know, if it'd be different. Not sure. I do tend to get attached to robot and alien characters in media a lot, but I haven't read that many stories with robots and aliens in them, I think.

I suppose the Hermit and Star cards are very important to me. I haven't outright rejected a deck because I don't like those cards though. Judgement is important too, in terms of how it's portrayed (I don't want to see a justice portrayal of judgement).

I tend to want the Star card (and Hermit, my birthcard) to be blue-toned. Sometimes I'll see them as red and I'll be a bit disappointed. And if I can get a Moon card that's mystical and shimmery then that's nice too, but that part tends to get relegated to the High Priestess, which is fine. But I prefer them as blue because they're supposed to be refreshing, cool, contemplative, and revitalizing, and healing. Like soul cleansing and refreshing. Red doesn't have those sort of spiritual vibes to me, red is more about vitality, energy, power, life and living and heat and list. So it's weird to me to see the Star or Hermit in those dressings.

The only exception I'd say would the the Sun and Moon's Hermit. I like this Hermit. I don't have the deck anymore though. I also love that deck's Magician and High Priestess. I was surprised by the HP at first but I remember her fondly now.

edit: favorite star cards - Shadowscapes, Thoth deck (I don't like a lot of the art but I love the Star card), mine. Ah back to work 💨

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 02:31
by archimedes
Oh, just one? Probably the Hermit, especially when portrayed more as a scholar/sage/crone figure. But also the Magician, and sometimes Emperor.

Re: What Major Arcana is your favorite?

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 09:31
by Diana
Goodness, that Rohrig Magician is very intriguing. That light in his head reminds me of a passage I was studying yesterday from the Holy Qu'ran:

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.
The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp,
The lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star,
Lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree,
Neither of the east nor of the west,
Whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire.
Light upon light.
Allah guides to His light whom He wills.
And Allah presents examples for the people,
and Allah is Knowing of all things.