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Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 18:24
by Hugh
Greetings All!
I am new to the world of Bullet Journal’s and was getting rather “blah” about the whole idea as I am not a constantly driven sort of personality type, not a sloth but surely not planning out all my minutes of my days either.
Then the idea of using the Bullet Journal to study Tarot or for that matter, Lenormand or Kipper dawned on me. There are some YouTube videos out there that I am watching but I am wondering if anyone has done this and has any helpful tips they might share?
Thanking you in advance for any assistance, thoughts, or general support you can give!!!

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 20:49
by Charlie Brown
If it helps you, then it helps you. For me, I think having to fit together two different things that I'm inexperienced and/or uncomfortable with would probably be an impediment.

For what it's worth, when I was studying tarot early on, I had a lot of success by taking notes on my readings and things I read and then, a couple of weeks or a month later, re-transcribing and editing those notes in a different notebook. So, for example, if I had notes from different pages and different days on a particular card, I could put them together, compare them, see what seemed important and what seemed off-base, etc.

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 19:56
by PhoenixRose

I haven't used a tarot journal in years. I would just make notes on readings then I would make notes on feedback from the querents. I started bullet journaling in May and I love it, has helped me in the day-to-day life. I recently considered setting up one for tarot studies, although I'm not even sure how I would set that up. I'm curious too of others experiences.

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 20:42
by BlueStar
I don't do 'bullet journaling' (only just heard of it) but I do have a tarot journal - just a large notebook where I write down any questions I intend to ask in the future, or ideas for practicing tarot, and my actual readings.

I always right down my question and the spread before doing a reading. It really helps me formulate the question so that I know I'm asking the right question (e.g. not vague or ambiguous) and also consider the spread to ensure it fits well with the question and what I'm trying to find out (quite often I devise my own spread or adapt one). I've found using a journal invaluable, not just for doing those things, but as it allows me to go back and look at past readings, to see outcomes, review my spreads and cards, and so generally to learn from past readings. For me it's an important part of progressing with Tarot.

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 22:58
by katrinka
BlueStar wrote: 18 Aug 2019, 20:42 I don't do 'bullet journaling' (only just heard of it)
Same here.
It strikes me as a trend - a lot of people will pile on the bandwagon and start one, most will abandon theirs, a few will continue to find it beneficial and stick with it.
but I do have a tarot journal - just a large notebook where I write down any questions I intend to ask in the future, or ideas for practicing tarot, and my actual readings.
I have some old ones packed away somewhere, just readings I recorded and followed up on, for the purpose of tracking accuracy and making adjustments when needed. It's a good thing to do for a few years, but you shouldn't have to do it forever (unless you just love journaling!)

When I see something online that I might want to refer to later, I copypaste it into an email to myself. It takes maybe ten seconds. Then I can just use the search function to find it, even if it was a dozen years ago. Hard drives come and go, but gmail storage is forever (knock wood). ;)

I recently bought a nice leather journal on etsy ... ro=1&frs=1 but it's going to be used for recipes and random information and hacks. Some card stuff will doubtless make it in, but that's not the whole focus. I'll probably end up giving it to my daughter.

I bought an actual fountain pen to write in it with. So I need to practice with it first, so I don't get blots all over the thing.

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 08:55
by archimedes
I thought a bullet journal is a quite specific approach to planning, though it does include 'collections', and now it seems to have really expanded into all sorts of notebooking variations, with some really involved artwork. A lot of people still go the minimalist route too, though.

I keep thinking I need to journal, and I started doing an online one but then felt uncomfortable about putting that much of myself online in a public space even under a pseudonym.

Sometimes I find that the writing process helps me to think, and so journaling is good in that regard. I actually type very quickly, and my handwriting is rusty, so online or at least typed journals probably make more sense than a paper one at this point. I have a bit of a tendency to rush readings, so journalling is a good way to help slow things down and make me give it some proper time and to reflect more deeply and to dig a little deeper.

I love the idea of a beautiful journal, but it's probably going to remain a random collection of email drafts on Google docs.