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Fire Elemental-California is burning...

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Fire Elemental-California is burning...

Post by BreathingSince72 »

Okay all, this is definitely reaching on my part as I don’t see any other way to fit his info in here without attaching an elemental to it. ;)

I live in California and we currently have 16 uncontained wildfires burning, with two additional fires which have been contained. The sky over my city is gray and I question if it shall ever appear blue again. With that said, I am not even in the fire area. California is burning folks and it is bad. Maybe it’s mama earths’ way of saying, could y’all move further north for a bit but I have my doubts.

The point of me bringing this up is that I know this board hosts a number of very compassionate people, people who pray, people who meditate, people who spell craft, and people who give. If you feel so inclined, those affected could really use some prayer, meditation, spell work or money being sent their way. I give to the humitarian fund of my union as I know this will help some of these folks out. But I truly can’t say enough about the power of effective prayer, meditation, or spell work.

If anyone is interested in choosing a regular time daily to do one of the three things listed here that does not involve money, let me know so we can join forces. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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Re: Fire Elemental-California is burning...

Post by stronglove »

yes, i will focus my daily meditation on the people in california.
may they be safe, may they stay alive and well, may they heal when they have suffered injuries and may the sky turn from grey to blue again
thanks for bringing this to our attention. thanks for asking for help
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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