Obviously, the rules to all of this reading exercise are subject to every whim of nature and spirit.
I had an unusual night's sleep last night so I think I'd like to examine it as well as the upcoming night's sleep. Compare & contrast like the old test question asked!
Here is the card I drew:
- A perfect start!
I had an unusually long sleep last night. I awoke once at around 5am to my pet bunny licking my nose. That is an extremely odd sensation I assure you. Also funny. Out my window, which due to a recent re-arrangement of furniture is now directly visible from my bed, the light from a big yellow full moon was pouring in on me. I went back to sleep.
I had what I call a couple of "anxiety dreams." These are dreams where I am late for something and obstacles keep coming up. But what was super unusual was in this one, not only was I relatively calm despite the chaos but there were people helping me. Normally in these kind of dreams I'm all alone trying to solve everything myself and when others appear it's only to add to the chaos, but this dream was different. And not only were people helping me, they were also very calm about it all.
Yes the chaotic situation was there, but I was not alone.
I normally wake up from an anxiety dream exhausted, unrested. But from this one, I awoke feeling very well.
This beautiful card from the Pierre Madenie 1709 Tarot, expresses that calm.
She's busy, both hands full, yet serene.
I'm looking forward to tonight's dream.