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Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 19 May 2018, 05:32
by Nemia
Many people use tarot as focus or inspiration in meditation, but I'm not good at meditation (I pray a lot but didn't get the hang of meditation yet). The only form of meditation that really works well for me is walking meditation. I have a route that I love to walk and I meditate while walking. It's nothing formal, I just focus on my body walking for the first part of the walk. I love Emil Zatopek's words, "fish swim, birds fly, humans run", and even though I walk and don't run, it's still true (and sometimes I run, too, but I prefer to walk).

Sometimes, I connect my tarot practice with walking meditation. When I did a strong reading for example I took my regular walk and let it all go through my mind, and had some wonderful insights. It seems the moving body has wisdom that the body sitting at a table doesn't have.

I'd like to meditate in a more structured fashion while walking, and I'll try it soon. I'll do a three card reading before I set out. One card for the warm-up, one for the walk itself, the third for the cool-down. I might even put the cards into my little pouch; my new Nova Tarot seems ideal for that.

Let's see how it works, I'll keep you updated.

Re: Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 31 May 2018, 21:06
by I Sunshine
Nemia, I ran across the idea of looking at your surrounding and seeing if there are any Tarot type symbols that jump out at you when you are on a walk. Have you heard of or practiced this??

Re: Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 06:08
by Nemia
In my surroundings, I see tarot symbols everywhere... pomegranate trees, apples, sea shells, stones, birds, ruined castles... enriching my morning or evening walks. Good idea to focus on them more!

I didn't try my pre-walking reading yet but I do focus on my daily planetary cards when I walk.

Re: Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 06 Jun 2018, 02:38
by I Sunshine
What you say about the moving body have a different type of wisdom or more wisdom than the sitting body has always been true for me, since I was a teenager. But I have never consciously combined that type of meditation with my tarot cards or readings. Now I am intrigued! Want to try this.

Re: Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 04:38
by BreathingSince72
Nemia wrote: 19 May 2018, 05:32 Many people use tarot as focus or inspiration in meditation, but I'm not good at meditation (I pray a lot but didn't get the hang of meditation yet). The only form of meditation that really works well for me is walking meditation. I have a route that I love to walk and I meditate while walking. It's nothing formal, I just focus on my body walking for the first part of the walk. I love Emil Zatopek's words, "fish swim, birds fly, humans run", and even though I walk and don't run, it's still true (and sometimes I run, too, but I prefer to walk).

Sometimes, I connect my tarot practice with walking meditation. When I did a strong reading for example I took my regular walk and let it all go through my mind, and had some wonderful insights. It seems the moving body has wisdom that the body sitting at a table doesn't have.

I'd like to meditate in a more structured fashion while walking, and I'll try it soon. I'll do a three card reading before I set out. One card for the warm-up, one for the walk itself, the third for the cool-down. I might even put the cards into my little pouch; my new Nova Tarot seems ideal for that.

Let's see how it works, I'll keep you updated.
I really enjoyed walking meditation! I think many of us struggle with meditation because we try to empty our minds. I think in reality, we have to learn to be present before we can be still.

Re: Tarot and meditation - an idea for a walking meditation with tarot

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 19:41
by Tanga
3 years later Nemia - I have seen your post. :lol:
I just joined this forum.
I love the idea of drawing cards before a walk and will try it out.
I'm not a morning person - so I hardly ever do card draws or anything in the mornings - but I now have a cat
(lockdown kitten :roll:) who loves being accompanied on a morning walk in the coppice behind my house - so I'm usually
stumbling around half awake out there...