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What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 17:24
by Libra
By that I mean, which can you pull a card and get a clear picture of what it means, without relying on a book or falling back on to a memorized meaning conciously. A deck that spins stories in your mind, makes you remember moments in your life that carry relevance.

For me, Shadowscapes was my first tarot deck and the imagery was just so easy to fall into. The imagery created real personalities and stories, and reading with that deck was kind of like reading fairy tales. You have this beautiful mystical world and the cards spoke of out-of-this-world events. I ended up creating my own fables and characters and stories and the divination portion was more like pulling "the moral of the story" out. It isn't a deck that I can ask "What month will I find true love?" cause it would simply respond with a tale about a fox hunt in the forest and the dangers of falling in step with what is expected of you instead of following your dreams and thus saying that seeking a definite time for True Love may simply be an avoidance of loving and caring for yourself. Like, it doesn't give me the answer I seek all of the time, but if I follow it's signs, it'll always get me to the answer that I need. But, if I were to pull the cards and read them at face value of a rational & traditional meaning, it wouldn't get me there either! I have a lot of faith in that deck to lead me down a twisty-turn little story that comes right around to get to the heart of the matter.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 12:14
by ParsifalsWheel
Different decks do different, very specific things for me in this regard. One of the best examples I can think of for what you're talking about occurs when I'm doing any kind of sociopolitical reading. Brian William's sardonic PoMo (Post-Modern) Tarot couln't be any more expressive for this purpose. The suits of TVs, Bottles, Guns and Bills (Money) neatly cover all the bases, plus he used many famous images from the world of art as the source for his visuals.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 10:52
by BlueStar
Libra wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 17:24 By that I mean, which can you pull a card and get a clear picture of what it means, without relying on a book or falling back on to a memorized meaning conciously.
For me it's the Zen Osho deck, and I didn't expect that. It might be because of the way I chose to learn the deck - I decided to look at the imagery first and see what I saw before looking at the book meaning - and I was surprised to find they were identical or at the very least very close to the same.
I think I'll do that for all my decks, it helps learning too.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 16:13
by Nemia
Quite a lot of decks do that for me. The ones with lots of esoteric content (Thoth, Tabula Mundi, Celestial, Rosetta) give me steps to put my feet on and climb up, up, up until I see the question from a new perspective, in a mixture of intuition and learned knowledge.

The decks with strong art (Peterson, Zillich, Weimar, Stretch, Maria Celia) inspire me with atmosphere and feelings. They set something free in me.

And the seemingly simple decks (Dreaming Ways, Silhouettes, Idiosyncradeck, Kissa) let my imagination roam freely. All kind of insights come into sight...

it's impossible to say which deck will read well for me and which won't.

While I write that down I notice that in the last few years, I have learned to use my intuition better. I think intuition needs experience, it's not a gift that just falls down on you. Practice, learning, like learning to swim.

When I read years ago on AT what Nisaba, wonderful Nisaba, wrote - that she can read with any deck, I thought: that's impossible. By now I start to believe it's possible. Maybe not for me - but it's thinkable.

And that's why I think that a personal tarot journal is the best learning tool, better than even the best book.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 06:47
by Amoroso
Thoth, Sola Busca, Walker

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 05:17
by Elune
I love the Crystal Visions deck. It is so beautiful and it makes me feel like it loves me the way a mother loves a child. I cannot read from it to save my life and it makes me sad.

The Alchemia Tarot on the other hand is not my favorite deck visually (though it is gorgeous) but it shows me a story and makes it so easy to read from. I can look at the cards and see immediately how they apply to my question.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 15:49
by Natural Mystic Guide
I love the Crystal Visions deck.
Wow! That's the first time, I think, that I have closely looked at this deck and it is so pretty! I have carefully looked at the representative card images for all of the decks on Probably it was there and I dismissed it at the time. Beauty is super important to me and this is beautiful. I was probably put off by all of the perfect looking white people. (Maybe I would like it better if I were a perfect looking white person!). I'm always looking for decks that will have a universal appeal for the many different kinds of people with whom I do Tarot.

Still, it is so pretty! How wonderful that you have this relationship with the deck. You have such a deep emotional response to the deck. Maybe it will come with time! Thanks for bringing this beautiful deck to our attention. 🌺💜🌺

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 20:55
by Diana
Elune wrote: 07 Jan 2020, 05:17 I love the Crystal Visions deck. It is so beautiful and it makes me feel like it loves me the way a mother loves a child. I cannot read from it to save my life and it makes me sad.
Mothers tell their children stories. So why don't you use your cards to tell THEM a story. Lay out the cards and tell a story aloud (or in your head, or written down) to your cards. Tell them what adventure they're on, what people they're going to meet, what dragons they may have to slay. Tell them which card can be their ally, and which could be their downfall. Are there any mountains or rivers to cross ? Nice encounters to look forward to ?

Make them come alive.

Or if you don't do that, in another manner. Sometimes mothers talk individually to their children. You could take each one and give it some motherly advice and ask them if they're having any problems with any of their siblings or if they have anything to tell you.

Things like that. Maybe a creative approach of some sort would lead to that final connection you're longing for to occur.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 22:40
by Monk
Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?
New decks :)

This is a cool question :)

UUSI is coming out with a deck that is sure going to need some intuition to work with. Using the periodic table of elements as a structure they've provided for a divinatory device that is a great platform for some lateral thinking gymnastics! Im gonna trust on my instincts and sharpen my intuition trying to work with that piece of art 🥰 When I heard of this decks concept I was just só inspired, that múst be my intuition firing up :)

W E . A R E . A L L . S T A R D U S T - Gonna be interesting to work with this matter of fact through cards.


Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 08 Jan 2020, 08:04
by Diana
That's some cool deck Monk. There's a very well known French tarologist, Georges Colleuil, ... note-RN-12 (wiki page only in French but a google translate should help for those interested - his website is also only in French who had told me once of his interest in the possible relation between the periodic table and the Tarot. I also once started (but didn't continue) exploring this and I was most intrigued. I wrote to him a couple of months ago to ask if he had continued. He told me that in the latest edition of one of his books he has included something about this, but I don't have his latest edition unfortunately. My library stocks an older edition and the bookshops in my town don't stock it otherwise I'd have photographed the relevant pages.

It's anyway something I'd like to continue one day when I have time. Maybe your usage of this deck could reveal some interesting things.

Georges Colleuil also created the Tarot of Marrakech with the French artist Jean-Baptiste Valadié. I'm lucky to have been gifted one by him as I did the English translations for him for this deck.

It's curious that the atomic number of Gold is 79.

You're going to have a lot of fun with this deck, Monk !

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 09 Jan 2020, 12:10
by Monk
Diana wrote: 08 Jan 2020, 08:04
It's curious that the atomic number of Gold is 79.

You're going to have a lot of fun with this deck, Monk !
Hi Diana,

I was a sitting duckling... I noticed this kickstarter too late and will have to wait for a second round to get my hands on this deck. (or pay too much getting it from someone buying multiple as an investment..) So it is not on its way to me yet..
You know by now that I like to free think out of the box and that this is a whole new sort of playing field with the periodic table. Uhmm.. I need this deck :mrgreen:

So how come 79 Gold is curious to you? Is there some numerological aspect? I'm not so much into Numerology, wish I was..
Diana wrote: 08 Jan 2020, 08:04
That's some cool deck Monk. There's a very well known French tarologist, Georges Colleuil, ... note-RN-12 (wiki page only in French but a google translate should help for those interested - his website is also only in French who had told me once of his interest in the possible relation between the periodic table and the Tarot. I also once started (but didn't continue) exploring this and I was most intrigued. I wrote to him a couple of months ago to ask if he had continued. He told me that in the latest edition of one of his books he has included something about this, but I don't have his latest edition unfortunately. My library stocks an older edition and the bookshops in my town don't stock it otherwise I'd have photographed the relevant pages.
Hmm, It would be very interesting to find out, any chance you could pull his sleeve again? ..anything that could lead us/me to these particular passages.


Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 09 Jan 2020, 16:07
by Diana
Monk wrote: 09 Jan 2020, 12:10
Hmm, It would be very interesting to find out, any chance you could pull his sleeve again? ..anything that could lead us/me to these particular passages.
No that won't work. Unfortunately. I baited him in my email but he didn't follow through apart from telling me that there's some info in his book. I'll find a recent edition one day in a bookshop and will photograph the relevant pages when I do.

So how come 79 Gold is curious to you? Is there some numerological aspect? I'm not so much into Numerology, wish I was..
Because there are 78 cards in a Tarot deck. The alchemists look to turn lead into gold. So if one wanted to, one could say that once our journey through the Tarot is completed, that we have achieved the goal of alchemy.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 09 Jan 2020, 17:03
by Monk
Diana wrote: 09 Jan 2020, 16:07 Because there are 78 cards in a Tarot deck. The alchemists look to turn lead into gold. So if one wanted to, one could say that once our journey through the Tarot is completed, that we have achieved the goal of alchemy.
Whoah, Nice observation and beautiful concept! The effort being lead and the reward gold. I like that ⭐︎

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 07:50
by iMoodyCrab
The Sacred India Tarot Deck by Rohit Arya & Jane Adams.
I dint generally read intuitively, but this deck compels me to. Although the deck comes with a comprehensive book, the cards just speak to me and tell a story. There's still a lot of symbolism I need to learn when it comes to this deck, but it's a start, I guess.

The other deck that I attempted to read intuitively would be Thoth. I don't know why, but I just dint want to refer to the book. Haven't still dug deep into Thoth, it's very early stages to comment, but I did one intuitive reading with these cards, and I wasn't entirely off the point (which surprised me).

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 19:09
by Soaring.mama
The Light Seer's Tarot. The imagery is just so beautiful and it pulls me right in.
I'm new at this, though... I don't have a lot to compare my reading to. Nonetheless, I use my Universal RWT for learning the classic symbols/meanings and the LST for intuitive reading. ❤ They're complimentary for a new learner, I think.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021, 15:53
by TheLoracular
The Voyager Deck by James Wanless.

It was the first deck I ever owned as a teenager in the early 80s and all my readings were intuitive back then. There are definitely a lot more decks on the market now that might be a lot more polished stylistically.

I am also lucky enough to have a copy of the Vertigo tarot by Dave McKean with the companion book by Rachel Pollack which I picked up in 1995 when it was first published. I don't use it much because the cardstock is thin and it would be easy to damage but the imagery is probably the most evocative to my imagination and intuition of the 30-odd different decks I own.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 07 Feb 2021, 16:27
by Parzival
Voyager works well for intuitively poetic writing. It also stimulates focus of attention. Arthurian, Mary-El, Alchemical, Influence of Angels, and Alchemical Visions all provide stimulation. Of course, it's all about connection between image before eyes and the Third Eye and the flow of ink.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 02:55
by Kimber
It's so interesting to see all the diversity here as far as what decks speak to different peoples' intuition. For me, it depends on where I am in my life; different decks resonate with me at different times (which I suppose is why I ended up as a collector!). No matter where I am in my journey, some version of the RWS is always near and dear to my heart. I've also discovered over the years that sometimes it's not the deck so much as it is the approach. When I learned how to read using the Opening of the Key it helped me break out of my standard pattern and methodology. My best advice? Lose the Celtic Cross! I never use spreads anymore, but then I don't read for others, so I'm sure that's not a practical solution for those who do. I will say that, jaded as I am after loving tarot for more than 50 years, Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen offers some fresh and intriguing insights. There's some stuff in the book that doesn't appeal to me, but there's plenty that sparked new inspiration in my personal studies; and IMHO, that's always a good thing.

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 11:05
by tarotguy
I can tell you that different tarot or oracle decks can evoke different feelings and energies, which can help you connect with your intuition in different ways. Some decks have more traditional imagery and symbolism, while others have more modern or unconventional themes.

Ultimately, the best deck to stimulate your intuition is the one that resonates with you the most on a personal level. You may find that certain decks speak to you more than others or that you have a stronger connection to specific types of decks, such as those with animal, angel, or fairy themes.

Some popular decks known for their intuitive qualities include the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the Thoth Tarot, the Wild Unknown Tarot, the Deviant Moon Tarot, the Shadowscapes Tarot, the Oracle of the Mermaids, and the Wisdom of the Oracle. However, there are many other decks available that may also be effective in stimulating your intuition, and it's ultimately up to you to find the one that works best for you.