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What's your Signifier?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 17:57
by Libra
In your decks, are there any cards that you feel really epitomize who you are, or who you want to be? Do you see yourself strongly in a specific card? Is it the same card across all decks, or have certain decks named you certain ways? Do you use a method like birth cards or zodiac associations to find "your" card(s)?

What is/are you signifier cards?

On the other side - are here cards you JUST REALLY don't resonate with? Can you find ways that you might be repressing or rejecting that energy within yourself?

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 19:27
by Nemia
My three signfiier cards - I clicked with them a long time before I understood their astrological relevance for me. The Queen of Pentacles and Cups represent my Sun and Moon sign, and I'm a mix of both. And I loved Temperance before I knew about its connection to my ascendant sign, Sagittarius. I don't use trumps as signifiers, but when I see Temperance, I greet it as "mine". Other trumps I feel closeness to are the Empress, and Death. And in the Thoth, Lust.

I love the Four and Nine of Wands, actually all the Fours and Nines... but I use only court cards as signifiers, if at all.

I find the Knights of Wands and Swords more difficult to understand but I know that in the past, I have acted like them. But when I look back at my younger self - I was the Princess of Disks, and I still look at her with understanding.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 20:40
by litefoot13
When I was doing nightly card pulls to practice learning the cards, I remember there were a couple I got so many times that I felt a connection to them.

I can't remember most of them without checking my notebook, but I do recall one was the King of Pentacles. I had one week where he popped up everywhere. I kinda felt like it was sort of a stern 'Hey. You. You really need to work on grounding yourself and not being so flighty dangit' way, so maybe it's more a scolding than a signifier. x3

I'll have to go take a look and refresh my memory for any others.

Although, thinking on it, I also feel a strong connection to the Moon card. I have a necklace I bought at a Ren Faire that is a miniature version of it. :)

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 21:49
by Tomatosauce
I don't usually use significators, and if I did I would probably pick the court card most relevant to the problem I was having, but in general... If I were picking a card to represent me in a spread, it would be the Queen of Pentacles. Like her, I am very practical-minded and tend to fuss over people. So every time I see her come up in a spread, I think, "Oh, there I am."

The Empress has been chasing me around a lot, which makes sense because I have a small child, and motherhood is teaching me a lot about being more emotionally available, which is not something that comes naturally to me. The Major for my sun sign is Death, which I always think of in partnership with the Empress. (I'm 39 right now, 3*13. Compost.) I don't know anything else about my chart because... I just can't keep track of all that. :lol:

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 07 Aug 2018, 09:24
by aphrophantasmal
My signifier appears to be the Queen of Pentacles and The Empress. I say this since they constantly show up in readings for me. The Queen of Pentacles makes sense to me; she being Water of Earth and myself being a Virgo with a Cancer Moon and Pisces Rising. That's a neat little bit of sync.

The Empress encapsulates the woman I want to be. I like to provide abundance and nurturing to those around me. While I'm not a mother, my political beliefs include the belief in the necessity to care for every being on this planet regardless of their "worth" as ordained by society. "There is more than enough to go around." I also did not have a good childhood/teenagedhood, yet managed to move above and beyond that through hard work, patience, and a hell of a lot of divine intervention/luck.

When either of these cards show up as reversals for me, I know that there is something out of whack that I need to look into but the cards also provide some insight into some of the darker aspects of my nature that need to be continuously worked on.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 07 Aug 2018, 12:27
by stronglove
i have never worked with signifiers and cannot work with birth cards because mine comes down to 8, which is super confusing since it can either be justice or strength......
but the card i tend to identify most with is the knight of wands, because in the RWS it perfectly visualizes me in ADHD mode, rushing off to save the world without realizing my stirrups are way too long for my horse so i will probably stumble and fall minutes after i have galloped off..... (thanks to isobel kliegman for pointing this out in her ‘tarot and the tree of life’)

as an ENFP personality type, my corresponding court card should be the knight of cups, but i never know what to do with that guy, so he has ended up on my list of cards i don’t ‘get’.

another card i can identify with is the queen of wands, particularly in her fiery, vengeful and merciless form, like she is depicted in the thoth card. i can hold grudges for ages and when i put out my claws they can really hurt.....
last year a friend designed this tarot card for my birthday, based on the empress
it was really interesting to see which card he picked, because he knew nothing of the tarot and did some research at biddy tarot before he decided which card best represented me. so this is me as seen through his eyes


Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 18:32
by BreathingSince72
First, I don’t think that any significator could ever top “De Chris”...ever.

I don’t often use significators for myself. And the ones I would choose are only part correct. I am a Taurus sun with a Scorpio moon, a Sagittarius rising and four planets in Gemini...hence my locquacious and communicative nature.

There are three cards I consider significators for myself and this is primarily behavioral. Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Cups and the Empress. The Empress probably has the most interesting reasoning. I am a single mother so I run a mini kingdom. I am the mother of five children, three of whom have made it to adulthood. Oh that sounded weird... the other two are under eighteen. There is a lot of creativity activity in my life...ahem...not referring to the children here but to artistic and musical pursuits. Admittedly, I have seen all of the court cards in bits and pieces in my character but these two queens are the big ones.

Friends who read tarot have said they get a queen of swords vibe because I do some teaching. I’m a Reiki Master and this is one of the things I teach. For the record, I feel really weird calling myself a master of anything. I will always be a student. So the Queen of Swords comment is a valid observation.

Enjoy your now!


Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 00:10
by ParsifalsWheel
Since the beginning I've always used the Thoth Knight of Cups as my Significator from both an astrological (strong Cancer and Scorpio) and biological (male) perspective. But in doing my detailed tabulation of the court cards from the descriptions in the Book of Thoth, I realized that from a psychological standpoint I'm much more like the Queen of Cups. So I guess I have two for different purposes.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 05:32
by CharlotteK
I don't very often use significators but when I have used them they are usually contextual and I would say there are probably four I am drawn to:

Queen of Wands - represents me as a professional at work leading a large team.

Queen of Pentacles - this is related to my balancing work and home life and constantly needing to prioritise and make sure everything gets done.

Hermit - I use this in relation to my spiritual life and ongoing study and exploration of my path.

The Star - when I'm reading about my hopes and dreams and also when I'm embarking on something new. This has always been a favourite card as I'm a natural optimist and find myself in role of cheerleader quite a lot.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 28 Sep 2018, 06:29
by Amoroso
Knight of Cups

Surprising because the correspondences of my birthdate and my temperament suggest a court from the fiery suit. One important reading has established me as a KoC, so I now identify with it.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 08 Mar 2019, 15:55
by Libra
I just realized that I've never answered for myself here!

I'm very very much a Queen of Swords. My boundaries are, to quote Lindsay Mack, unfuckwithable. Makes sense because I'm a Libra.

My birth cards are Justice, High Priestess, with a shadow of Judgement. Again being a Libra, Justice showed up with a double whammy for me!

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 15:24
by chongjasmine
My signifier is the high priestess.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 06:59
by katrinka
Nemia wrote: 25 Jun 2018, 19:27 And I loved Temperance before I knew about its connection to my ascendant sign, Sagittarius.
Sagg rising here, too. *fistbump*

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 07:03
by katrinka
Libra wrote: 08 Mar 2019, 15:55 My boundaries are, to quote Lindsay Mack, unfuckwithable.
I like this word.
This is a good word.
I'm keeping it.
Makes sense because I'm a Libra.
OH HO! My ruling plant, Jupiter, is in Libra. :D

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 22:12
by Rachelcat
My birthday Thothy decan cards are Queen of Cups and 2 of Cups (right in the middle of the sun in Cancer).

My birth card is Hierophant. Yes, that means my life number is 5, which some tarot folks would think of as a bummer. But I think Hiero is appropriate for me. I’m always wanting to learn more about traditional and spiritual things, not that I always believe or trust them! And my theory is tarot 5s are negative because they carry Mars energy, which isn’t all bad, just very full of energy and conflict!

This also means my hidden factor/teacher card (according to Mary Greer’s Who Are You in the Tarot?) is Temperance. I’ve picked Temperance as “my” card (more prosaically, my favorite major). I say I’m a Hierophant trying to be a Temperance. Plus, I feel like Temperance is a highly misunderstood card and sometimes get short shrift from deck creators. So I’ve kind of adopted it as an underdog that we need to give more love to. Not that I totally understand it myself, but I’m always working on it!

According to my homemade MBTI court cards system, as an INTJ, I’m a Knight of Swords. (I’ll never forget that my ex (more or was it less???) tactfully suggested that I was on the autistic spectrum! No, I’m just a quirky introvert who wants people to think she’s smart.)

I promise to post all about said MBTI court card system in a week or so. I’ve discovered that my lovely charts and tables explaining it (speaking of INTJ!) are on my work computer, and I’m on vacation this week.

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 17:07
by Genna
The Queen of Swords(Gemini) and The Magician(1).

Re: What's your Signifier?

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 17:07
by AstralPasta
katrinka wrote: 18 Aug 2019, 06:59
Nemia wrote: 25 Jun 2018, 19:27 And I loved Temperance before I knew about its connection to my ascendant sign, Sagittarius.
Sagg rising here, too. *fistbump*
Same! 😁

I really like the Hermit card and see myself in it but don't see majors as signifiers / signifcators. It's also my birth card though so woohoo for me.

I've been using the Page of Swords but I think who I really relate to is the Knight of Wands.

Astrologically, my sun is in Cancer, so it could be the Queen of Cups, who I also relate to. But it's also in the the last ten degrees which, how I do it, is the King/Prince of wands. I do have a lot of leo in my chart too. But I don't relate to this card. Except in the Thoth deck depiction.

But my rising sign is Sagittarius and I do actually have ADHD so it's kinda perfect hahaha. Also I have a lot of fire in my chart and I really relate to this card in my heart like on a soul level I think, but also I've been trying to calm down in some ways and so maybe partly as an act of magic I've been using the Page of Swords.

I am careless with words too and have always asked a lot of questions and have lead with my mind a lot, and my MBTI is INTP. I relate the cognitive function Ne as fire too. Hm. maybe that should be water though....

Anyway. The only issue is Pages don't have zodiac signs in the GD system and in the Spirit Keeper's tarot even they're used as literal messengers. So I'm wondering if I should change it after all. Plus I'm trying to move from head leasing to heart. Not sure if the Knight would be better for that.

Plus I asked my deck by pulling the Courts out and with and without the Pages in the selection pulled a card, and it gave me the Page of Swords (with them included) and Queen of Cups without. 🤷🏿‍♀️