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Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 11:34
by Katalieni
I'm new to tarot and I was wondering if I could decide what the symbols, colors, and images mean to me, rather than read based on historical meanings. I find it a lot more interesting to create my own meaning than follow someone else's. Is this the wrong way to go?

Re: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 12:27
by Joan Marie
Katalieni wrote: 04 Aug 2019, 11:34 I'm new to tarot and I was wondering if I could decide what the symbols, colors, and images mean to me, rather than read based on historical meanings. I find it a lot more interesting to create my own meaning than follow someone else's. Is this the wrong way to go?
This is a really good question and I am assuming since you posted it in the "Intuitive Reading" section, you are maybe really asking if Intuitive reading means not needing/using any traditional knowledge of symbols, correspondences or any of the other esoteric learning that typically goes with the craft of Tarot.

I think this is something that a lot of people coming to tarot start out thinking. And you might have some fun practicing it that way for a while. But in my opinion, that gets a bit dull. Eventually you will want to have more tools to work with. It can be a little tough to find your way in at first, but once you get the right book, or find the right website, or deck, your interest in the depth of the craft will be piqued and you find there are a myriad of rabbit-holes and roads to travel happily and insatiably down.

It's a whole lot more than "this-card-means-that."

Think of it like any craft, woodworking, painting, acting. You can skate around on the surface for a while, but the limitations of that will soon become apparent.

Do intuitive readers use anything but "intuition?" What is Intuiton? Could you intuitively perform surgery? But if you were a surgeon, would intuition ever help make you a better surgeon at times?

There are lots of threads on this forum discussing just these kinds of things. there are also a lot of good recommendations for books and ways to find your way in to the craft.

Take your time. You'll find your way. You got that first deck, right? ;)

Re: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 15:34
by Katalieni
Yes, I have my first deck. It came with a book giving basic description, and I bought the book"Tarot Interactions" by Deborah Lipp to get a better idea of the way cards affect each other.

Re: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Posted: 27 Jan 2020, 21:22
by Libra
Katalieni wrote: 04 Aug 2019, 11:34 I'm new to tarot and I was wondering if I could decide what the symbols, colors, and images mean to me, rather than read based on historical meanings. I find it a lot more interesting to create my own meaning than follow someone else's. Is this the wrong way to go?
I think something that is important here isn't really so much which way you read, but rather that you don't second guess yourself. The cards you pull will be the right ones for YOU to answer the question you asked, based on your experiences, knowledge, history.

So much that's out there about symbology, color theory, e.t.c is pretty ... white-person-experience based and it just isn't universally true you know? A tarot deck in my hands will carry different meanings based on my upbringing than it does yours. I'll use The Hierophant as an example - traditionally it might stand for higher knowledge, a spiritual leader, etc. In my queer native hands, the imagery of The Pope is a symbol of oppression, of people falling in step without considering the harm that they do to others while believing that they are doing something for "the greater good" or that their god will laud them for. The Hierophant has proven itself to be a card that shows up in my polls to be talking about institutionalized racism. It's not a card that I pull often, but that's what it speaks of when it shows up in my personal readings. Interestingly, it doesn't always say that when I pull it for clients - when he's not coming for me, he's usually showing up as a curator and teacher. Someone who has the ability to take vast amounts of information and parse it into something palatable to a mass audience. He often directs my clients into roles in their life where they can embody that - podcasting, teaching, blogging.

Intuitively reading for me means not allowing myself to be limited to what a card has meant to an audience of, mainly, one worldview. It means allowing the cards to speak to me, what I know and have experienced, and to read from there.

Re: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Posted: 29 May 2023, 14:41
by Juperkocom
Not at all! Tarot is a highly personal and intuitive practice, and there is no "wrong" way to approach it. If you find more meaning and connection by interpreting the symbols, colors, and images based on your own intuitive understanding and personal associations, then that is a valid and empowering approach.

Tarot cards are rich with symbolism, and each individual may resonate with different aspects of the imagery. Your unique perspective and intuitive insights can bring a fresh and personal dimension to your readings. By allowing yourself to connect with the cards on a deeper level and explore the meanings that resonate with you, you can develop a more intimate relationship with the Tarot and your own intuitive abilities.

While historical meanings and established interpretations can serve as a foundation, they are not set in stone. Tarot is a dynamic tool that evolves with each reader's personal journey and experiences. Your interpretations may diverge from traditional meanings, and that is perfectly fine. Trusting your own insights and developing your personal symbolism can lead to a deeper understanding of the cards and a more authentic and meaningful reading experience.

Remember to approach Tarot with an open mind and heart, allowing the cards to guide and inspire you. The most important aspect is the connection you establish with the cards and the wisdom they can reveal to you. Embrace your own intuitive interpretations and enjoy the process of discovering the layers of meaning that resonate with you personally.