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Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 00:36
by Angelus

I am interested in learning if exists any technique using Tarot for getting knowledge about all aspects of oneself´s soul before birth. Thanks

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 03:40
by katrinka
Why not just ask the cards, same as with any other question you may have?

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 06:48
by Diana
Angelus wrote: 10 Jun 2019, 00:36 Hello

I am interested in learning if exists any technique using Tarot for getting knowledge about all aspects of oneself´s soul before birth. Thanks
The soul you had before your birth is the same as you have now. Are you referring to past lives here ?

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 06:58
by Joan Marie
Maybe you would find this interesting: ... d_backing
It's a deck by Carrie Paris that looks really interesting called The Relative Tarot.

An excerpt:
My goal was to create a deck that would highlight what is known as a sitter's Birth and Annual cards. These terms describe a person’s personal cards which are assigned to them at birth and add an accurate layer of insight to their tarot profile. Readers determine a sitter’s personal cards by calculating the numbers from their birthday with the sum total giving a precise and insightful tarot blueprint.
The deck comes with a course.

There's a lot more information at the Kickstarter site about the concept.

I'm not saying you have to get it (though you may want to) but it is a kind of technique and maybe you could learn more about it. There may be books, I don't know.

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 08:53
by inomminate
there is a book:
karmic tarot.jpg

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 10:31
by Joan Marie
inomminate wrote: 10 Jun 2019, 08:53 there is a book:
I see Mary K. Greer wrote the forward. She is also one of the 3 people giving the course that comes with the Relative Tarot Deck.

Here is a link to that book: Past-life and Karmic Tarot

I wonder if anyone has it and could share some of the spreads/techniques.

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 17:55
by qndynes
This reminds me of a reading I once had in the aeclectic forum. It was a past life reading which I kept saved, still have it. I used the spread myself on my son and partner! :mrgreen: It was fun to share in the fun of a past life spread with my partner.

The person had specific questions for each position. I don't remember exactly but maybe you could create one yourself based around what you would like to know.

Who you were before? Where were you before? Why did you incarnate now? Here? Where you did? What is your purpose? Of course, suss out the questions a bit more, maybe get at the details you're personally interested in looking into.

I know I've asked a pack of cards loads of philosophical questions and it's always enlightening to sit with the answers.

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 17:57
by qndynes
Maybe this is more soul oriented rather past lives? Well, ask about your soul? Write down the questions you would like to know about your soul and sling the cards. Maybe even consider a shape for the spread? A circle? Cards in a circle like the astrological spread?

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 22:26
by Angelus
Thank you very much for your answers.

Well, I am not sure if reincarnation(past lifes) exists or not, so, I would like to know tarot techniques and spreads allowing to know about the status, conditions, circumstances,and nature of the soul before birth, where it comes from, why it incarnated here amd now, is there any lesson to learn?... etc

Have you tried such methods? Do you know any spreads suited for this?


Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 07:01
by Diana
Angelus wrote: 12 Jun 2019, 22:26 Thank you very much for your answers.

Well, I am not sure if reincarnation(past lifes) exists or not, so, I would like to know tarot techniques and spreads allowing to know about the status, conditions, circumstances,and nature of the soul before birth, where it comes from, why it incarnated here amd now, is there any lesson to learn?... etc

Have you tried such methods? Do you know any spreads suited for this?

Angelus, one can use a spread that someone designed, but just to say here that I personally never use such spreads. I make up my spreads according to the question. And my spreads therefore are usually all unique to the situation. I write down the different points that I want to cover and decide how best the cards should be laid out. (And there are always "lessons" to learn in our incarnation. Although perhaps the "lesson" is not so apt. It's more of a journey of discovery and creation.)

But I do want to reiterate that the Soul is always the same. Never changes. It's whole and complete since the beginning of time and till the "end of time" (which is just a way of saying forever and ever.) If you don't want to believe me, after all, who I am to state something so grand, you can ask The Tarot and see what it has to say.

edited for clarity

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 00:10
by Angelus
Hello marigold.

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I know soul must me the same, always, but I believe there are different circumstances and evolution grades.

for example I have known a few persons (in different years) who told me, that they knew they had been enlightened or divine spirits before birth, but due to some unknown circumstances they fell into matter and had to incarnate. How could the veracity and exact elements, circumstances and causes of such facts be detailed and discerned using a Tarot spread?(by the way any of you had known sucha case= What´s your opiniones abouut it?) I prefer use already designed spreads. Thanks

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 00:53
by Charlie Brown
Angelus wrote: 14 Jun 2019, 00:10 How could the veracity and exact elements, circumstances and causes of such facts be detailed and discerned using a Tarot spread?
Well, using standard reading techniques, you could ask a question about whether or not this person is a liar, delusional, etc. Otherwise, it sounds like you want some kind of very specialized interpretative paradigm, and I'm not quite sure what that is. Perhaps there are some distinct shades to the card meanings in reference to these topics that a more general reader wouldn't necessarily think of. I would suggest that the Edain McCoy book someone else linked to is probably your best option. I haven't read it, but if Mary K Greer's name is on it, it likely has at least some value.

Re: Technique for knowing about your soul before birth?

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 17:49
by Diana
Angelus wrote: 14 Jun 2019, 00:10 Hello marigold.

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I know soul must me the same, always, but I believe there are different circumstances and evolution grades.

for example I have known a few persons (in different years) who told me, that they knew they had been enlightened or divine spirits before birth, but due to some unknown circumstances they fell into matter and had to incarnate. How could the veracity and exact elements, circumstances and causes of such facts be detailed and discerned using a Tarot spread?(by the way any of you had known sucha case= What´s your opiniones abouut it?) I prefer use already designed spreads. Thanks
I thought of you earlier today when I read this passage from "Conversations with God - Book One" by Neale Donald Walsch, which I recently started reading again after finding it abandoned on a bench three days ago. ... e_dialogue. I'm copying this passage here in case it may give you some pointers as to how to go about doing what you wish to do. It's always good to know oneself better so I hope you have some measure of success.

Question to God by Walsch : Do you mean a soul chooses what kind of life it will experience ahead of time?

Answer : No, that would defeat the purpose of the encounter. The purpose is to create your experience - and thus, create your Self - in the glorious moments of Now. You do not, therefore, choose the life you will experience ahead of time.

You may, however, select the persons, places, and events - the conditions and circumstances, the challenges and obstacles, the opportunities and options - with which to create your experience. You may select the colors for your palette, the tools for your chest, the machinery for your shop. What you create with these is your business. That is the business of life.

Your potential is unlimited in all that you've chosen to do. Do not assume that a soul which has incarnated in a body which you call limited has not reached its full potential, for you do not know what the soul was trying to do. You do not understand its agenda. You are unclear as to its intent.

Good luck with your searching !!