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Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 13:15
by Joan Marie
I just posted an interview with one of members, dodalisque, who is a licensed hypnotherapist.

He shared some really interesting insights about the conscious and unconscious mind.

You can see the interview here

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 08:59
by katrinka
That's some fascinating stuff. Thanks to both of you!

I think that in many cases, though, the shadow stuff is the stuff that's unresolved.
My big shadow issue, the one that used to eat at me like mad when I let myself think about it, was my adoption. It was a total sealed record, blind, grey-market adoption and I knew nothing about my birth relatives.

My adoptive mother read me a book when I was little called The Chosen Baby. In it, a couple picked out a baby the way you would pick out a hamster in a pet shop. It didn't jibe with the way I'd been told that my parents were on a waiting list for a baby, and as my mom closed the book she smiled and said "And that's how we got you."

That seriously creeped me out. The Chosen Baby stayed on the coffee table for some time. I think my mother must have been told that adopted kids loved that book and wanted to hear it over and over, but I certainly didn't. In time, someone used it for a coaster - I remember it sitting there with a water ring stain on the green cloth cover.

I was told that my birth mother gave me away "because she was poor". (That turned out not to be the case.) Well, then, I asked if I could VISIT her. No answer.

My adoptive parents were nice people, but this stuff was all horrifying and creepy.

And peoples' horrified reactions when I told them I didn't even know my mother, my medical history, or my ethnicity didn't help.

It ate at me, it freaked me out any time I allowed the thoughts to surface. I imagined all kinds of horrible scenarios - prison mental institutions, incest, genocide, you name it.

Finally I got a judge to open my records and I found my birth family. They're interesting, but we're not close. It's OK.

The thing is that it's resolved. I can rest. No more back-of-my-mind going "What the hell did you do to my mother???"

Anything you can resolve, any definitive answer you can find helps.

I started reading cards because I was looking for answers I couldn't get by normal means. And the cards told me a lot, in retrospect. But I still needed a name to make that phone call.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 09:16
by katrinka
Just to clarify: I think of the "shadow" as the stuff we normally tune out. That which doesn't bear thinking about in our day-to-day functioning.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 11:07
by inomminate
I like Jungs idea that the shadow is what we can't face in ourselves. We project it on other people and then hate them for it.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 11:36
by Diana
inomminate wrote: 01 Jul 2019, 11:07 I like Jungs idea that the shadow is what we can't face in ourselves. We project it on other people and then hate them for it.
We actually are attacking ourselves when we project. The other remains unhurt if he or she chooses to do so. But we never come out unscathed.

Pray for your enemies, said the Nazarene. But he also made it clear that the enemies are not out there. They're within. The whole kingdom he spoke about is within so that includes everything. But we can't battle with them on terms we are used to in our daily existence. They're just shadows. You can't fight a shadow with words, with thoughts, with swords, nor even with nuclear bombs. So as a first step one would need to recognise them as mere shadows, however frightening they may seem to our human senses, by questioning their very nature. Once their nature has been recognised, some light should reveal itself and the light will make the shadow vanish. IThe shadow didn't go anywhere. It never existed in the first place. It was just a shadow on the wall.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 13:08
by katrinka
Marigold wrote: 01 Jul 2019, 11:36 Pray for your enemies, said the Nazarene. But he also made it clear that the enemies are not out there. They're within. The whole kingdom he spoke about is within so that includes everything.
Maybe in a kind of Buddhist sense that everything is Mind.
But as far as day-to-day functioning goes, NO.
The nazis locking migrant children in concentration camps, the human garbage torturing animals, raping, etc. etc. ad nauseum are not "within". They are out there, and they are flesh and blood meatsacks that need to be fought and resisted at every opportunity.
I understand that the potential to be like that exists in all of us, but a good many of us DON'T renounce our humanity and become THAT.
I do not claim Christianity and I will not "pray for them". The only thing I pray for is the courage to punch them out if I encounter them, as history tells us that's the only thing they comprehend.
But we can't battle with them on terms we are used to in our daily existence. They're just shadows. You can't fight a shadow with words, with thoughts, with swords, nor even with nuclear bombs. So as a first step one would need to recognise them as mere shadows, however frightening they may seem to our human senses, by questioning their very nature. Once their nature has been recognised, some light should reveal itself and the light will make the shadow vanish. IThe shadow didn't go anywhere. It never existed in the first place. It was just a shadow on the wall.
Sure. It's just shadows. Pass the wine, nothing to see here. Everything's fine.

But I guess it ultimately makes no difference since the planet will be near-uninhabitable in fewer years than I care to contemplate. I'll most likely be in an everlasting embrace with Happy Death, but what about my kids? And my grandson? What dystopia is he condemned to? People killing each other over potable water?

Nothing personal, Diane, but no. Just no.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 13:35
by Joan Marie
I think you're getting way off track here. Sorry.

I think the shadows we need to forgive that were being spoken of were those within us.

Shadow work is about self improvement. Not fixing the world.
That said, we can't do much for anyone until we get ourselves sorted.

I just want to remind that the internet is full of current events and places to discuss them.

This is a tarot forum. An oasis.

I hope you understand what I mean without me needing to explain more.. I appreciate your feelings and agree, it's just maybe not the place for the doom and gloom of the world. I go to twitter for that. ;)

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 14:15
by Diana
Katrinka, I hear your rage and anger. We all feel it. Which one of has not wept bitter tears when faced with the plight of so many? The children break our hearts and we feel helpless.

It was I realise now a bit provocative to mention Jesus on a forum devoted to Tarot. I think I've done it before, and perhaps I should be more careful. The name of Jesus can understandably create strong feelings, particularly amongst people who are into occult practices. After all, the churches burned the witches and banished the sacred feminine and locked her up in a dungeon where she still lies, although she does sometimes break out and have moments of freedom. Jesus' name is so mixed up in people's minds with the Christian churches and all their horrors and false doctrines and lies, that one forgets that he was quite simply one of the greatest spiritual teachers, if not the greatest, that the earth has ever known, along with Buddha, Shankara and others. I just need to just mention here that I am not Christian and that Christianity doesn't float my boat.

As Joan-Marie says, we're not here to fix the world with our shadow work. In fact, no-one can fix the world. It will go on and on like this till the end of time unless people individually heal themselves first. Praying for our enemies in a LITERAL way is useless. "Dear God, please show them the light". People have been praying to this Santa Claus god for thousands of years. He never listens 'cos Santa Claus doesn't exist. (Although it would be cool... presents all year round and HO HO HOS.) When I said "pray for your enemies" I really meant the inner ones. And not prayer as taught in Sunday school. Prayer is forgiveness (in one sense). Can we forgive ourselves for instance ? If we can't, then we're our own enemy. And the arrows will pierce us.

Perhaps I should have kept my comments for the spirituality forum. Although in that case, Jung could go there too. If his shadow work isn't spiritual, I don't know what it. It's certainly not mental.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 18:29
by Tag Jorrit
It's interesting that different cultures have similar sayings about the way we grow into the individuals that we become, that who you are depends on which dog you feed: the good one or the bad one.

Pursuing shadow work in tarot can certainly trigger some insights we may not have already recognized.

Ultimately living peacefully with ourselves comes down to making the best of whatever choices we have to face in our lives and doing what we can in situations over which we have no control. And consulting the tarot is certainly a lot less expensive that hiring a shrink.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 18:53
by katrinka
Peace. <3

And Diane, it wasn't the mention of Jesus that set me off. While there are some horrible people out there pushing horrible ideas and calling it "Christianity", they're actively subverting the actual message of feeding the poor, welcoming the stranger, not being a hypocrite, etc. The 23rd Chapter of Matthew applies - and is one you never, ever hear them quoting. ANY religion can be cherry picked and used to promote an agenda.And Tarot grew out of Christian Europe and has some Jewish elements as well. I cringe a little when people present it as "Pagan" or "Wiccan" - those communities have adopted it, yes, but Le Pendu is not Odin!

Rather, my point is that we have some extremely real enemies outside of ourselves and they can't be written off as "projections". We are living in a time where we need to make a stand and possibly hurt other beings, if said beings are abusing others.

And my shadow, right now, in spite of the bravado, is that I'm scared. Yeah, me - I am very, very afraid. The times call for me to be the person who would hide Anne Frank and her family, the guys who stormed the beach at Normandy, and - well, you know. And I'm not sure I'm up to all that.

Maybe it's OK. Maybe those people weren't sure, either. But they did it.

I don't relish the idea of being imprisoned. But the choices are stand up, or don't be able to look in the mirror, don't be able to live with myself for another day.

I wasn't trying to be rude or ugly. And I get that the topic here is inner demons. That's an important distinction to make. I can deal with what's inside. What's outside remains to be seen.

(Hello, Tag! You'll be hearing from me next payday!)

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 21:05
by Tag Jorrit
katrinka wrote: 01 Jul 2019, 18:53
And my shadow, right now, in spite of the bravado, is that I'm scared. Yeah, me - I am very, very afraid.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 21:39
by inomminate
Rather, my point is that we have some extremely real enemies outside of ourselves and they can't be written off as "projections". We are living in a time where we need to make a stand and possibly hurt other beings, if said beings are abusing others.
nobody is saying that they are all projections just that some of them are.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 03:34
by katrinka
Tag Jorrit wrote: 01 Jul 2019, 21:05
katrinka wrote: 01 Jul 2019, 18:53
And my shadow, right now, in spite of the bravado, is that I'm scared. Yeah, me - I am very, very afraid.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
So. Much. THIS.
All we can do is look at it like we're reading a book - what do you want your character to do?
And our exit - think about the inevitable. We can "go out like a G", or we can "slip in the shower."

And that, perchance, occupies my thoughts moreso than what may lurk within. My inner demons can wait, I don't have the luxury of dealing with them at the moment. Maybe later, if the sadistic fascist horrorshow...well, you know.

So, with that, I bow out of this thread.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 03:53
by Nemia
Dear Katrinka, I agree that we shouldn't neglect to do our thing in the world and only focus on ourselves. But when we're in need of help or self-help, when the Shadow makes us unable to enjoy life or give love to others or feel loved or impacts in any other way on our functioning and interacting with the world around us, then we have to take care of that. In order to be able to do our battles for the Good in this World, as Sam says.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 08:06
by Joan Marie
katrinka wrote: 02 Jul 2019, 03:34 My inner demons can wait, I don't have the luxury of dealing with them at the moment.
Please don't forget the importance of self-care. Remember even Jesus told Judas to f**k-off when he tried to chastise him for having a bit of a chill-out sesh to get anointed with essential oils. Even Jesus knew he needed some self-care time if he was going to be able to carry on.

It's important.

In fact, this gives me the idea that for the next My Celestial Week, (Week 09) I'm going to dedicate it to using the planetary influences of each day to focus on an aspect of self-care.

We all need some these days. 🌹

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 08:49
by Diana
Anger, rage and fear are also part of our shadows. However legitimate they may seem.

When Nelson Mandela was released, a journalist asked him why he did not have more rage and anger after all those years being locked up on Robben Island. He answered more or less with these words (I don't have the actual quote) but I remember reading it at the time. "I don't have time for anger. I have a country to build."

The planet is in turmoil. It's normal as our present civilisation has reached the end. It's probably already died, and what we are seeing are the ruins. (I think this is what is called "The Great Shift".) It's up to us now to build a better world. The last civilisation didn't work. Our shadow work, our own purification, will aid in building a world more harmonious, less individualistic and materialistic. I have great hopes in spite of the appearances.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 12 Jan 2020, 17:49
by Diana
I was looking at Robin Cole's new Kickstarter for a really interesting and beautiful (in my eyes) deck called Emerging from Darkness. ... ot%20decks

She says something odd. Through the process of shadow work, we seek to root out and heal those shadows so we can live better, more fulfilled lives.

That doesn't make sense. You don't heal a shadow, nor do you root it out. How can one heal a shadow. The shadow isn't a sick patient waiting to be cured by some cough medicine or magical herbs. The only thing you can do with shadows is to shine light on them and then the shadows flee. They don't really flee. They just aren't there anymore. Where there is light there is no shadow. (Metaphorically speaking - I'm not talking of the position of the sun in the sky).

Once you shine light on them they have no more power... because they're gone.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 13 Jan 2020, 13:30
by Starlight
Diana wrote: 12 Jan 2020, 17:49 I was looking at Robin Cole's new Kickstarter for a really interesting and beautiful (in my eyes) deck called Emerging from Darkness. ... ot%20decks

She says something odd. Through the process of shadow work, we seek to root out and heal those shadows so we can live better, more fulfilled lives.

That doesn't make sense. You don't heal a shadow, nor do you root it out. How can one heal a shadow. The shadow isn't a sick patient waiting to be cured by some cough medicine or magical herbs. The only thing you can do with shadows is to shine light on them and then the shadows flee. They don't really flee. They just aren't there anymore. Where there is light there is no shadow. (Metaphorically speaking - I'm not talking of the position of the sun in the sky).

Once you shine light on them they have no more power... because they're gone.
I see the aim of shadow work slightly differently. I don't think shining a light on the shadows makes them disappear. You can see them more clearly, and because you can see them, acknowledge them (and understand them, perhaps, to a certain extent) and recognise them when they start acting out in your words, responses, actions, reactions IRL they don't hold any more power. Because once you can recognise them, you can CHOOSE whether to let them have free rein or whether to channel their energy in a more productive/efficient/effective way. :)

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 13:01
by Diana
True shadow work I think is something of an alchemical nature rather than a pyschological one. We're not going to heal ourselves with psychology.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 11:23
by Starlight
I've no doubt you're correct, Diana. I don't know anything about alchemy - are there any good resources you would recommend?

But I think we all have to start with whatever we know and wherever we're at. Perhaps the alchemical process happens just by going on the journey? Turning our attention to something probably does change it - isn't that something they discovered with science experiments? The act of observing had an impact on the final results or something?

This also makes me wonder if we need to understand something in order for it to change?

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 16:59
by Monk
Starlight wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 11:23 I've no doubt you're correct, Diana. I don't know anything about alchemy - are there any good resources you would recommend?

But I think we all have to start with whatever we know and wherever we're at. Perhaps the alchemical process happens just by going on the journey? Turning our attention to something probably does change it - isn't that something they discovered with science experiments? The act of observing had an impact on the final results or something?

This also makes me wonder if we need to understand something in order for it to change?

What you are referring to is quantum entanglement. By merely observing an electron or photon we influence it. For there has to be some form of information. This implies interaction and inevitably influencing back and forth.

I somehow have come to think that the same goes for our shadow side. When we get in contact with it we influence it.


Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 18:00
by Joan Marie
Starlight wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 11:23 are there any good resources you would recommend?
I found this extremely helpful.

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 23:07
by Monk
Joan Marie wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 18:00 I found this extremely helpful.
Yes! This opened some doors for me as well. It's an interesting territory on the shadow side. 🌘And her take on it is very accessible!

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 08:32
by Diana
Starlight wrote: 15 Jan 2020, 11:23 I've no doubt you're correct, Diana. I don't know anything about alchemy - are there any good resources you would recommend?

But I think we all have to start with whatever we know and wherever we're at. Perhaps the alchemical process happens just by going on the journey? Turning our attention to something probably does change it - isn't that something they discovered with science experiments? The act of observing had an impact on the final results or something?

This also makes me wonder if we need to understand something in order for it to change?
I really enjoy your posts. They're always very well thought out and refreshing.

I think this article gives a nice breakdown of the stages of alchemy when applied to spiritual alchemy. ... l-alchemy/. ... l-alchemy/^

The formula “Solve Et Coagula" is also used to describe spagyry - a remarkable aid - and which was discovered and developed by the renowned 16th century alchemist, physician and astrologer Paracelsus. Spagyry is not well known I think in the English speaking world. In Switzerland where I live there is more interest, perhaps because Paracelsus was of Swiss origin. There are a number of pharmacies where one can obtain spagyric preparations and are used a lot by homeopaths as well (homeopathy is recognised in Switzerland and reimbursed by the health insurances).

Re: Some Thoughts on Shadow Work

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 09:28
by Starlight
I'm just about to run out the door, but wanted to thank you, @Diana, @Monk, and @Joan-Marie for your posts. I'll be back later to reply properly! :)