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NWT #17 : Waiting for Godard

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NWT #17 : Waiting for Godard

Post by chiscotheque »

Question: Where did the notion of God come from?

Card: 6 of Water - Alphaville / Forever Young
6 alphaville.jpg

Answer: The notion of God comes from youth - our "Alphaville", or first home. As children, our parents are our protectors and our authority figures. They have created us and as we grow into adults we persevere with the idea of a parental figure who has created the universe.

Youth is also a time when we are learning and growing and generally speaking, our physical experience of the world is hearty and tinged with the magical. As we age, we look back romantically to our youth and wish we had the innocence, vitality, and magic we lack as adults. In short, we wish in a sense to stay forever young, which God and His reward of heaven promise to fulfill.

The human faces on the Forever Young card both have their eyes closed, suggesting ignorance. It may also suggest humans, looking within, see and experience God, the implication being that notions of God are innate and deep-seated in the human animal. The human hand holding 2 thin objects suggests with the notion of God we are simply clutching at straws.

The German band Alphaville got its name from the 1960s French sci-fi film Alphaville, where the futuristic city Alphaville is controlled by a dictatorial computer. This suggests that the notion of God comes from fears about the future and the human compulsion to control other people.

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