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A few more questions for readings

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A few more questions for readings

Post by dodalisque »

Is noticing a coincidence brought about by an anticipation of significance?

Is it more sincere to be who we are or to strain to be what we are going to become?

Is something exactly right the door through itself?

If consciousness is a block of cheese made up of remembering and forgetting, is remembering the cheese or the holes in the cheese?

Why is one so reluctant to use the impersonal pronoun?

Is telling lies like running for a bus, something you only do when you have to? Or if not, what is it like?

Do words matter less to actors than to ordinary people?

Where is THIS question coming from?

Is it better to be perfectly rather than partially misunderstood?

Do the feelings we get from art have anything in common with human feelings?

On the subject of the Covid-19 pandemic, what is the difference between "social distancing" and "physical distancing"?

Life is not justification; life is illumination. Discuss.

In order to be great, is it necessary for some part of an artist's work to be repellent?

What does it mean to have a flexible sense of self?

Why is it that close application to the physical somehow releases the mind from the physical?

What is the difference between Faith and blind faith?

Are small details fascinating because we instinctively know that sooner or later we all need to pass through the tiniest pinhole?

Can, or should, the meaning of a poem be separated from the words used in that particular poem?

Why is any tiny self-enclosed system that is internally consistent (such as mathematics, astrology, tarot) capable of connecting us to Truth in its broadest sense?

Where do ideas come from?

Might blundering be generative? That is, can searching through haystacks sometimes bring a needle into being?

Why is "projection" regarded as an unfortunate tendency in psychiatry, but a vital necessity in religion?

Is awful art better than Great Art?

If we want to see far, is it necessary to be less in love with the foreground?

One of the advantages of old age and approaching death is that you no longer need to avoid admitting to yourself and the world what a complete fool you are. Discuss.

Why do long words separate us from actual phenomena more successfully than short ones?

Is a saint merely someone with a mad fealty to serial perfections?

Why is laughter a common response to shock?

Does every married couple find their own way around society's expectations of marriage?

What is the difference between art and narcissism?

You have to know yourself well to be prepared to act wisely in an emergency, and writing a poem is an emergency. Discuss.

Why is an ironic sensibility always ahead of the fashion?

If thinking is a form of translation, what can we call the language we are translating from?

Without infinity would there be enough room in the world for imagination?

Is Experimental Art capable of producing moments of giddy delight precisely BECAUSE no-one is interested in it?

Is a tolerance for paradox the mark of a civilised mind?

In the university of life, simplicity is an advanced course. Discuss.

Should we think before we think?

Why do we not have one language for jokes and another language for truth?

What is the difference between Surrealism and the surreal?

When we stare into a mirror, where does the reflection go?

Finding is a gift given to us by loss. Discuss.

Is it necessary to live in order to be alive?

Is forgetting a clever way of remembering more important things?

Containing a complexity we cannot resolve is a bigger kind of understanding. Discuss.

Are the heroisms and rewards of abstinence as great as those of courage?

Work that first pleases itself snips away so many binding strings in the minds of other people. Discuss.

Why is it that in order to listen we must be a little bit relieved of the intention to understand?

Do diaries and snapshots blunt our appreciation for the truly memorable?

Is spirit nothing more than a readiness to know the spiritual?

Are higher truths entertaining?

Why do most of us waste so much of our available life energy on adaptation?

Why should we struggle with things that are too hard?

Should we always take an extreme position for the fun of battle?

Suggestion is more powerful than direct statement because can trick its way past the mind's penchant for denial. Discuss.

If there is no God, can we safely forget about the future?

How can we explain the paradoxical vacation of perfect attention?
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