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Characters and Themes

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 14:30
by Joan Marie
I snagged these spreads off of a really good blogpost by Carrie Mallon.

Her blog is a tarot blog but I found this one post she made specifically with spreads for writers.

The entire post can be found HERE and I highly recommend it but I wanted to post just a couple of her examples so you can get the idea of what she's doing.

Here is a spread called:
What am I even writing about?: A spread to establish the theme of your story.


Another is called: Multi-faceted Characters: A spread to introduce your cast.


She has more and also explanations. She's also created a video where she demonstrates how she uses them.

Re: Characters and Themes

Posted: 16 Aug 2019, 08:02
by BlueStar
I love how tarot can be used for so many different areas of life, and it's interesting to see how people use them for creative pursuits, I've seen a few examples of this online. It reminds me that I've used the cards to practise my skills by finding out what happens in a novel I have never read (read by someone else who then helps me determine if the reading is correct). Really fun to do.

Thanks for sharing this:)