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Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 19 May 2018, 16:27
by Nemia
As former art teacher, I'm a great believer in doing things by hand as part of the process of understanding. I know that people have different learning styles, so if this is not for you, just for get it.

Interestingly, I read just today in Yehuda Ahslag's little book "Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah" that attainment, hasaga, is the "ultimate degree of understanding" and derives from the phrase "that thy hand shall reach (כי תשיג ידך), meaning that understanding is concrete (in German: be-greifen - grasp). So let's be concrete.

For me, making my own Tree of Life was an important step in learning about the sephiroth. I didn't make it for its beauty but just as study object. Whenever I read something about a sephira or path, I wrote it down on the tree. I used coloured pencils to give some colour to the sephiroth etc.

It's not difficult to make your own Tree of Life. You need a big piece of paper - I always use my old art calendars for such projects, they're made of nice heavy paper.


All you need is a pair of dividers and a bit of patience. You make a circle. On the diameter of this circle, you make another circle. Where the circles meet, you make another circle... You simply add circle after circle, and you see the Flower of Life emerge.

Then you see the dots that belong to the Tree of Life within the Flower of Life once it is big enough. You can emphasize them with smaller circles. And that's you Tree of Life.

Now you can start adding the names of the paths, the sephiroth, additional information... in fact, anything you read or think about the Tree that you don't want to forget. This can become your kabbalah cheat sheet.

I find that when I write something down manually, it's easier to keep it in mind and understand it.

Re: Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 16:33
by Vox Populi
Yes, this is a great idea!! I've tried to draw my tree but i'm not satisfied with it.

Would it be okay to ask you a couple of questions on my progress with the Kabbalah?


Re: Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 18:40
by Nemia
If you promise to take my answers with salt, pepper and some thyme.... you're welcome ;-)

Re: Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 20:28
by Vox Populi
taken with a pinch!

Re: Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 13 Sep 2018, 18:55
by Nemia
Here is mine:


Super easy. Making a Flower of Life is really so easy that anyone with a compass in his/her hands can do it. You just add circles and where they cross, more circles.

It's even easier to pick out the ten spots where the sephira go. You can put stickers, draw them in, or, like me, simply put glass bubble magnets in the right colours.

Re: Make your own Tree of Life

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 07:11
by Vox Populi
very effective, but so simple! how big is your cardboard/paper? can't get a perspective on photo.

just had an idea about drawing the circles in light pastel shades ... infinite possibilities, just the The Tree