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Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 03 Sep 2021, 21:44
by newoldians
Hi All

What would be the best decks for Kabbalah methods / spreads readings?
If you are using Kabbalah ways of or based reading, any ideas which deck would suit better?
Or would it be ok to use any type decks? Why or why not?

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 04 Sep 2021, 18:10
by Rachelcat
Hi to you!

I know this isn't exactly what you're asking, but my pick for the best kabbalistic deck is the Tabula Mundi by M.M. Meleen.
app.php/t-tarot-decks-1#TabulaMundiTarot It's so smart and so beautiful. Anyone who is at all interested in kabbalistic tarot needs the deck, and the book.

To be completely contrary, for kabbalistic spreads or methods, it might be best to use a pips deck, historical or contemporary, so interpretive illustrations don't get in the way of the your kabbalistic interpretations, numerological, planetary, or whatever.

I don't use very complicated kabbalistic methods or interps, but I have studied the Thoth system in the past. I now use a very simplified Golden Dawn basis for my minor interps that work for me. Some mesh with RWS-style minors and some don't. Plus I'm really into historical decks now, so pips are good all around!

Good luck with your deck quest and your studies!

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 05 Sep 2021, 19:34
by newoldians
Hi Rachelcat

Thanks for your info and the link to lovely decks.
Really enjoyed seeing the the Tabula Mundi deck.

I have been using a RWS and Thoth, but was wondering if there would be something more suitable for the Kabbah based readings. The one I was studying was Tree of Life spread as well.

As you say, I could try going back to the pip based decks such as TdM. It would be then numerical and element based reading with the traditional meanings on the major arcana.

Thanks & kind regards

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 06 Sep 2021, 13:33
by Mokona
I think The Gill Tarot would work well for your purpose because of the way the minors are semi-illustrated with an emphasis on the numerology.

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 07 Sep 2021, 22:43
by newoldians
Mokona wrote: 06 Sep 2021, 13:33 I think The Gill Tarot would work well for your purpose because of the way the minors are semi-illustrated with an emphasis on the numerology.
Indeed. Thank you.

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 09 Sep 2021, 14:32
by TheLoracular
Robert Wang wrote a book called the Qabalistic Tarot that goes through his Hermetic Tarot (based on Israel Regardi's Golden Dawn deck) as well as the RWS and Thoth decks and he mentions the BOTA deck too. BOTA and Wang's Golden Dawn decks are pip decks.

Wang's writing style is a little stuffy and very reminiscent of Dion Fortune and Regardie himself. But he is terribly (almost painfully) thorough in laying out what the Golden Dawn tradition for Qabalah. If your interest is more in the Jewish tradition, I have other suggestions :) Likewise if it is in the Renaissance style Cabala with lots of Alchemy, Rosacrucianism, that sort of pre-Eliphas Levi goodness.

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 12 Sep 2021, 15:44
by newoldians
TheLoracular wrote: 09 Sep 2021, 14:32 Robert Wang wrote a book called the Qabalistic Tarot that goes through his Hermetic Tarot (based on Israel Regardi's Golden Dawn deck) as well as the RWS and Thoth decks and he mentions the BOTA deck too. BOTA and Wang's Golden Dawn decks are pip decks.

Wang's writing style is a little stuffy and very reminiscent of Dion Fortune and Regardie himself. But he is terribly (almost painfully) thorough in laying out what the Golden Dawn tradition for Qabalah. If your interest is more in the Jewish tradition, I have other suggestions :) Likewise if it is in the Renaissance style Cabala with lots of Alchemy, Rosacrucianism, that sort of pre-Eliphas Levi goodness.
Sure, I have the book by Robert Wang. I have had the book for a few years now, and read part of it. It was a great book for Kabbalistic Tarot reading I thought, and at the time when the TarotForum site was active, this book had been mentioned many times by the members. As you pointed out, I thought Wang's writing style was too dry and not too much inspiring. And I was using the book to read the meanings of the cards came out in the readings, and it was not really what they book was intended to be used with. The book would be really good for grasping the knowledge of Kabbalah system and how it should work with Tarot readings, now thinking back.

I forgot about this book even I had it, but your post reminded me that I have the book. I will take it out, and re-read it. For the readings I am just using either the Crowley Thoth deck or TdM, and sometimes just a RiderWaite deck, and seems be doing OK.

I also have a book by Paul Foster Case on the Alchemy and Tarot, which also looks an excellent book for the topic.

Many thanks for your info and advice.

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 12 Sep 2021, 23:19
What about tarot of sepheroth?

Re: Best decks for Kabbalah ways of reading

Posted: 13 Sep 2021, 20:21
by newoldians
HOLMES wrote: 12 Sep 2021, 23:19 What about tarot of sepheroth?
That also looks a nice interesting deck. Thanks.
But couldn't locate any of them for sale both Amazon UK and eBay. :(

I managed to buy a Tree of Life Tarot, which has no pictures in the cards, but just the sepheroth and the signs only.
It looks like it will be good for learning and memorising the attributes of each cards for Cabalistic connections.

Now I would like to learn how other people are reading with Cabalistic way with their Tarots, but will create separate thread for that one.

But please keep letting us know what decks you are using for Cabalistic readings.