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Occult Book: Compendium of Sigils and other things

The Cult of Mithras, Zoroastrianism, The Etruscans, The Mystery Cults, The Greek and Roman Gods, The Druids,...We look at these worlds and consider their influence.
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Joan Marie
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Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Occult Book: Compendium of Sigils and other things

Post by Joan Marie »

I got this link from a twitter account called occultbot:

It's a link to a place you can download a document called "Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per
celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros. Anno 1057." It's a free pdf ebook of magical and cabbalistic signs, sigils.

The link takes you to a site called Tempsend, which is a document sharing app kind of thing. I'm explaining all this because I know people are careful about strange links and downloads, so I wouldn't blame you if you were wary of it. But Tempsend looks legit (to me anyway) and I downloaded the document.

EDIT: You can see it online without downloading at the Welcome Library.

It's very interesting. Here is a selection of some of the illustrations:

Title Page
Title Page
cr 02.png
cr 03.png
cr 04.png
cr 06.png
cr 08.png (288.92 KiB) Viewed 1444 times
cr 09.png
cr 11.png

There are some pages of handwritten text, in German. I haven't looked at those pages much yet but here is one:

cr 10.png

Translation (by me):
There lies within humans very strong hidden powers, through which one can create incomprehensible effects. This science, however, does not exist in any books. (or maybe better, "cannot be found in any books.)

I don't know anything else about the book. Just one of those strange interesting things that pops up now and then as more and more rare books and things become available on the internet.
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