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Hedera's Autumn Equinox - Tarot in Wonderland

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 21:45
by Hedera
Autumn equinox readings 1

Sat 18th of September 2021
Tarot in Wonderland: 7 of Cups


I stand before a huge cupboard, filled with all kinds of possibilities and treasures!
I can let my imagination run wild, and discover what kinds of treasures and adventures are hidden behind the doors.

It will not be an orderly, boring, safe journey; the candles are tilted at an angle, the little doors are wonky and there might be monsters behind them...but I can’t wait to explore each and every one of them!
Even the dangerous things will be interesting and fun.
(the one I trust the least is the scary face in the lower right hand corner)

The image also reminds me of an advent calendar.
Perhaps I can purchase or make one this year? Or make some kind of countdown-to-Halloween calendar?

(I'll try and replace the photo with a better one tomorrow, when there is daylight)