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I am having doubts

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 22:47
by Amethyst
Hello everyone,

I hope all is well during these strange times.
I have been having doubts about my relationship that has been on and off almost since the beginning.

I wonded if anyone can help me with this spread.
I have used the daily witch tarot deck.

The cards are

1. Seven of cups 2. Death 3. The devil 4. 4 Ace of pentacles 5. Page of pentacles with hierophant

My feelings have been all over the place. I have been going inward to search for answers.

Maybe the seven of cups is telling that there is more fish in the sea? Or this fantasy of making things out from both sides has become unhealthy? I am confused. Then the Ace of pentacles, might mean a new offer, but we have known each other for three years now but we come across the same issues over and over. It is exhausting me.


Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 16:00
by Charlie Brown
this isn't great, no.

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 10:33
by Galahad
Hi There, @Amethyst -

that's some screwed up line there, for real.
I assume you have brazed yourself already, so here we go - 'tis my take on that only, of course:

7oC with Deady-Dead: Illusions finding an end, or exhaustion of possibilities; introducing the devil, who firmly established himself tainting whatever is represented by the AoP, bringing tension and discord into an otherwise well-rounded matter, thus achieving his goal (AoP).
Which brings us to the last couple, the PoP with "The Pope", the latter can at times have a tendency to advise on diminishing whatever is to his left and enhancing whatever comes up to the right - and so, diminishing it is.
What? The clinging to that rotten Coin.

In the whole thing, the only cup is the 7, and that one killed by the reaper himself, plus the devil, never a harbinger of true love and compassion, the rest is material, so I assume there is a persistent hope for betterment, agency of The Star or Temperance - who are MIA, at least here.
Instead, egregory Diablito shows it's nasty face.

It should be mentioned that the AoP, PoP, Pope can also be read as taking the issue to a professional, like some kind of therapist.
If that strikes your fancy, that is.

Now, without beeing sarcastic: Best of wishes to You!

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 30 Jul 2022, 12:47
by Amethyst
Galahad wrote: 16 Jul 2022, 10:33 Hi There, @Amethyst -

that's some screwed up line there, for real.
I assume you have brazed yourself already, so here we go - 'tis my take on that only, of course:

7oC with Deady-Dead: Illusions finding an end, or exhaustion of possibilities; introducing the devil, who firmly established himself tainting whatever is represented by the AoP, bringing tension and discord into an otherwise well-rounded matter, thus achieving his goal (AoP).
Which brings us to the last couple, the PoP with "The Pope", the latter can at times have a tendency to advise on diminishing whatever is to his left and enhancing whatever comes up to the right - and so, diminishing it is.
What? The clinging to that rotten Coin.

In the whole thing, the only cup is the 7, and that one killed by the reaper himself, plus the devil, never a harbinger of true love and compassion, the rest is material, so I assume there is a persistent hope for betterment, agency of The Star or Temperance - who are MIA, at least here.
Instead, egregory Diablito shows it's nasty face.

It should be mentioned that the AoP, PoP, Pope can also be read as taking the issue to a professional, like some kind of therapist.
If that strikes your fancy, that is.

Now, without beeing sarcastic: Best of wishes to You!
Dear Galahad,

Thank you for your amazing help!!! I was shocked by the accuracy of your insight into this reading. I haven't been able to reply back because I have felt so exhausted by this situation. I was going over it in my mind until I had exhausted myself. I realized that I could not continue this any longer. Because this on and off with us, and the poor communication coming from him and on top of this blaming me. Meaning that he takes zero accountability. I suggested him to seek professional help, as this would be too much of a load on my shoulders. He said he would be thinking about it. Meanwhile my faith and desire to continually being part of this dance has significantly diminished. I have called it quits.
To the point I am choosing to feel secure and calm. I need a relationship that is calm.

Thank you again, you were really helpful. And no you are not sarcastic. I do appreciate that.

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 31 Jul 2022, 13:01
by Leah
1. Seven of cups 2. Death 3. The devil 4. 4 Ace of pentacles 5. Page of pentacles with hierophant

Hi Amy,
7C indicates your state of mind, you are in the process of deciding what might rep happiness to you and what you want in your life. There are opportunities opening up to you in this card hence you are faced with choices as you can't have everything.

The Devil rep a negative cycle or situation/relationship you are tied into and considering, namely the endless on/off cycle you have been unable to resist enabling as it tempted you back every time up until now but with death in the spread we are seeing the end of the situation and relationship, Death is predicting an end to the influence rep by the devil which has been an oppresive influence.

The heirophant in one sense rep tradition and commitment, a long term relationship and marriage so with the death card the indication is this is the end of commitment to this partner.

The ace P indicates a new fresh cycle, a much healthier and prosperous path where long term goals are focused on attainment on the material and physical planes. It may indicate a fresh start on a firm financial foundoundation, the desire, potential and drive for financial security especially with page P in the spread which indicates you are making plans to take the first step towards the longer term goals rep by Ace p by planning, sorting, paying attention to detail, applying frugality and putting plans into action. There is also a focus on the physical under the influence of the ace P, we may improve our health through diet, exercise and the like and there is a focus of self care and self respect.

Considering the page P can indicate studying and the heirophant is the card of commitment, teaching and learning there may be an educational course up ahead especially if the ace P rep a new job or potential career.

Under the heirophant you are seeking rhythym to your days and routine in your life, consistency and predictability will provide the comfort you desire. Your wishes or value system may be very traditional. There is a sense of adventure and a desire for new experiences as you free the shackles that bind you.

The ace P is your new focus and will spring out of one of the cups of 7C which rep desires/choices/wishes, the page P is the action you are taking towards it only once the death card has disabled the devil in your life freeing up your power, energy and drive.

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 09 Aug 2022, 17:23
by Amethyst
Dear Leah,

Thank your for your help. I am amazed how precisely this sounded. I did had problems with being to bound to these shackles. I am still taking it easy to understand why this happened. And also to take back some energy as this situation was difficult. We haven't spoke for a while now since I told him that I was done with his behavior. I wanted things to move forward but for some reason there were these ups and downs.

I am taking it slow and see what happens.

Kind regards,

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 06 Sep 2022, 16:18
by Amethyst
Things have ended again. I could not and cannot deal with emotional agression. And the domination over my free will. Gosh. The cards were so helpful and you guys.

Lesson learned.

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 17:53
by HILDA44
Wow Lea, it is seen that you understand the subject. Thanks for sharing

Re: I am having doubts

Posted: 13 Sep 2022, 22:10
by merlina
Hi. A professional therapist, like a psychiatrist, definitely will be able to help you.