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I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 27 Dec 2021, 22:12
by TarotNewbie
I used Trusted Tarot's Love Reading. I got Queen of Cups upright, The Sun upright, and the Hanged Man upright. I specifically asked in regards to my future husband's personality and character qualities, but I am also open to these cards commenting on the relationship's personality and progress as well.

My interpretation?

The Queen of Cups is saying my future husband will have a deep emotional nature. Very empathetic, kind, nurturing. Because this is female energy, I see this being connected to lunar/moon energy, which is feminine. Perhaps he has Cancer placements in his natal chart. Or maybe Pisces, because the Queen of Cups is near water. OR, our relationship is characterized by strong emotional understanding and connection. With it being upright, this is not inhibited, but straightforward emotional connection. In fact, Queen of Cups appeared twice, so I can tell this is very important in our connection.

The Sun is telling me, he's...sunny! This is funny, because Solar energy shows up a lot in my Vedic and Tropical chart in regards to future partners. He will be outgoing, adventurous, charming, and brings many people to him easily. Perhaps my husband is a public figure or just very popular - people are drawn to him like people seek out light from the sun. With this being in connection to the Queen of Cups, perhaps he is seen as this shiny, attractive figure by most, but he has a deep emotional nature not seen by many. Perhaps he specifically needs a female figure to bring it out of him or for him to be comfortable to reveal that side of himself - that female figure being me?

The Hanged Man. Ah, this is the one that threw a wrench in things for me. If it means an indecisive partner, I detest that, so I hope that isn't so. Perhaps The Hanged Man means he has the deep emotional nature (Queen of Cups) but feels inhibited to show it. I wonder why. Perhaps our relationship begins stalled in some way - one of us is unavailable when we meet, or we don't quite start off as romantic partners, perhaps meeting as friends then reconnecting years later as romantic partners.

But again, I still feel overall this is a simplistic interpretation, so I would love to hear perspectives from others, especially those more experienced than me. They can be positive, negative, realistic, neutral, whatever interpretations, whatever you're feeling. All second opinions welcome!

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 12:01
by TarotNewbie
Anybody? Any kind souls? :D

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 20:00
by JudyK
I just Googled Trusted Tarot's Love Reading, and if it's this one - - then it's just a Past-Present-Future spread*. If you're reading the three cards as info about a future husband, can we assume you're interpreting each card without any positional meanings?

*Even the generated interpretation isn't geared towards love specifically. Click bait. 😒

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 20:55
by TarotNewbie
JudyK wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 20:00 I just Googled Trusted Tarot's Love Reading, and if it's this one - - then it's just a Past-Present-Future spread*. If you're reading the three cards as info about a future husband, can we assume you're interpreting each card without any positional meanings?

*Even the generated interpretation isn't geared towards love specifically. Click bait. 😒
Yep! I'm not using it as past-present-future. No positional meanings either. Just the 3 cards as an interpretation of his character/personality, and if relevant, what the overall relationship is like. Would you have any ideas?

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 21:39
by JudyK
TarotNewbie wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 20:55 No positional meanings either. Just the 3 cards as an interpretation of his character/personality, and if relevant, what the overall relationship is like. Would you have any ideas?
With no positions to set boundaries, the cards are open to all your ideas and more! (I don't usually use positions, but then I tend to combine cards). I agree the Hanged Man is the tricky one there. Standard meanings aside, just looking at the card it could show he's unconventional. Or from Australia. 😉

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 21:49
by TarotNewbie
JudyK wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 21:39
TarotNewbie wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 20:55 No positional meanings either. Just the 3 cards as an interpretation of his character/personality, and if relevant, what the overall relationship is like. Would you have any ideas?
With no positions to set boundaries, the cards are open to all your ideas and more! (I don't usually use positions, but then I tend to combine cards). I agree the Hanged Man is the tricky one there. Standard meanings aside, just looking at the card it could show he's unconventional. Or from Australia. 😉
Lol! Why from Australia? I wouldn't mind it, of course. :)

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 29 Dec 2021, 19:49
by JudyK
TarotNewbie wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 21:49 Lol! Why from Australia?...
He's upside down! 🙃

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 29 Dec 2021, 20:24
by TarotNewbie
JudyK wrote: ↑29 Dec 2021, 19:49
TarotNewbie wrote: ↑28 Dec 2021, 21:49 Lol! Why from Australia?...
He's upside down! 🙃
Lol, love it!
Hilariously enough, your post reminded me of the Australian actor Hugh Jackman. I looked at interviews of him, and he's definitely got the very sunny, outgoing personality going on (The Sun), and then I see an interview with his wife who says a lot of people don't know how sensitive and kind he is (Queen of Cups). Sounds like the guy my cards came up with!

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 30 Dec 2021, 19:05
by TarotNewbie

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 31 Dec 2021, 02:09
by TarotNewbie
If anyone's interested (and if not, I'm happy to just talk out loud 🙂 ), I added another card/question to my reading: what will sex life be with future husband?

Well, got Ten of Pentacles upright. The first thing it makes me think is a lot of children. 😂 Ten of Pentacles also has a meaning of abundance - I would interpret an abundance of good times in bed together? Perhaps it also suggests we're also each others "end game" -- previous relationships have brought a lot of lessons, yes, but also a lot of struggle or incongruence. But together, we're very satisfied with each other.

But again, those are (albeit very nice!) more general relationship-y things. Wouldn't mind a more purely carnal interpretation of this 😉 - of which I'm struggling to understand from this card.

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 01 Jan 2022, 14:04
by TarotNewbie
TarotNewbie wrote: ↑31 Dec 2021, 02:09 If anyone's interested (and if not, I'm happy to just talk out loud 🙂 ), I added another card/question to my reading: what will sex life be with future husband?

Well, got Ten of Pentacles upright. The first thing it makes me think is a lot of children. 😂 Ten of Pentacles also has a meaning of abundance - I would interpret an abundance of good times in bed together? Perhaps it also suggests we're also each others "end game" -- previous relationships have brought a lot of lessons, yes, but also a lot of struggle or incongruence. But together, we're very satisfied with each other.

But again, those are (albeit very nice!) more general relationship-y things. Wouldn't mind a more purely carnal interpretation of this 😉 - of which I'm struggling to understand from this card.
Oh, anybody! Would love to hear second opinions! @JudyK

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 07 Jan 2022, 14:40
by TarotNewbie

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 07 Jan 2022, 19:23
by Charlie Brown
Since you decided to forego the defined spread positions (past-present-future), you need to read the cards together and not in isolation. Queen of Cups would be you or, more precisely, your emotional state. It's sunny in its disposition but is going to get stifled as shown by the Hanged Man. It doesn't look like a good relationship. A pretty bad one in fact.

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 08 Jan 2022, 00:06
by TarotNewbie
Well...that sucks. :D

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 08 Jan 2022, 13:15
by merlina
A man who seeks the light within himself cannot be bad. Looks like the two of you will get along fine.
You will be the sun in his garden. He will be faithful.In case of set-backs:Do not give up. Durate!

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 08 Jan 2022, 13:35
by merlina
10 of pentacles: your sex-life will be playful (child), mature (adults) and kinky (the bearded man on the Waite-card). It will be rich and rewarding, for a long, long, time to come. Enjoy!

Re: I've interpreted a spread about my future husband, but one card's presence is...weird. Second opinions welcome!

Posted: 08 Jan 2022, 20:05
by TarotNewbie
Thank you @merlina! Your interpretations gave me hope and put a smile on my face (especially the Ten of Pentacles one). :lol: