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Feelings and intentions

Posted: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04
by Pyat
Hello everyone!

I would like to ask some input about my reading. It has been a while that I turned to Tarot about this man, but every time I came to this forum in connection with us the reading turned out to be spookily accurate.
A little context: he is a friend to whom I confessed months ago. He rejected me, saying that he understands what I saw in our connection but he is not over his ex. After months of silence he approached me again, so we are again "friends", and I'm getting mixed signals, but I don't know what to expect...

1. His intentions right now: Strength + 5 of cups: It may mean that he wants to put effort in this connection in order not to get separated again, even if it is hard for him next to his rigid working schedule.

2. How attractive he finds me as a woman: 9 of wands + King of wands: I see it as quite a positive sign, wands are fiery and passionate... But I am curious what you think. (King of Wands represents him most of the time, he is a fire sign)

3. What he wants to happen between us: 2 of cups + Tower clarified by 5 of pentacles: Two of cups means union. But right now he is having severe financial hardships, I know that, so perhaps he cannot concentrate on anything like this until this situation changes drastically?

4. His feelings for me: 10 of Swords + Page of Wands with the Lovers falling out: Well here I am a little bit lost. Ten of swords meant for me many times that someone is overwhelmed with their problems and cannot really invest in anything else. Page of wands is at the same time enthusiasm and intention to communicate, spark. Lovers is well, welcomed here but I try to avoid wishful reading...

5. What is blocking a romantic connection between us: Two of Wands + Knight of cups: Inability to decide perhaps, sitting on the fence about coming towards me...? I asked for further clarification, then I got King of Wands again, the card representing him, so actually, it is him.

6. Advice for me: 4 of swords + 9 of wands: Rest, not to think about it too much, do not let myself be hurt.

7. Outcome: Fool + King of Wands: A new beginning and a leap of faith - of him, or for him...

If you have any thoughts about any of these aspects I would be glad to read it ♥

Thank you!

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 12 Nov 2021, 12:23
by WaterPuppy
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 Hello everyone!

I would like to ask some input about my reading. It has been a while that I turned to Tarot about this man, but every time I came to this forum in connection with us the reading turned out to be spookily accurate.
A little context: he is a friend to whom I confessed months ago. He rejected me, saying that he understands what I saw in our connection but he is not over his ex. After months of silence he approached me again, so we are again "friends", and I'm getting mixed signals, but I don't know what to expect...
If you have any thoughts about any of these aspects I would be glad to read it ♥
Thank you!
Hi Pyat,

My reading was slightly different from yours.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 1. His intentions right now: Strength + 5 of cups: It may mean that he wants to put effort in this connection in order not to get separated again, even if it is hard for him next to his rigid working schedule.
(Strength) He wants to find some balance in his romantic life and physical attraction may mask emotional issues that he has first to solve. (5 of Cups) He is still grieving from his break up although the lowest point may be behind him. A meaning of the 5 of Cups is reconnecting with old friends and restarting a social life.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 2. How attractive he finds me as a woman: 9 of wands + King of wands: I see it as quite a positive sign, wands are fiery and passionate... But I am curious what you think. (King of Wands represents him most of the time, he is a fire sign)
(9 of Wands) The 9 of Wands has been called "the wounded warrior" and he wears a bandage around his head. It may means that he's healing from a wound and his stance seems to be defensive. In the worst scenario it may indicate that someone is invading his territory and not respecting his boundaries. (King of Wands) He can be passionate, but he is also a free spirit. In some circumstances this card may symbolise a person who is not interested in comparing his views with those who don't agree with him and wants to get his own way. If this card doesn't represent him but someone else, the same characteristics may apply to the other person.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 3. What he wants to happen between us: 2 of cups + Tower clarified by 5 of pentacles: Two of cups means union. But right now he is having severe financial hardships, I know that, so perhaps he cannot concentrate on anything like this until this situation changes drastically?
(2 of Cups) I am cautious on my interpretations of the 2 of Cups. I often see it as two people coming together. It could be a friend, colleague, , and perhaps romantic partner, but not necessarily the latter. The cards so far have not given imo an indication of a romantic liaison and the next two cards are also not auspicious. (The Tower) If he has an otherwise regular life, he could be experiencing an intense attraction, which may however originate from his previous (5 of Cups) breakup and recovering from it. The Tower has great power and its effect may extend to you, in which case you may also feel extremely physically attracted to him, but this may lead to a breakup and sorrow.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 4. His feelings for me: 10 of Swords + Page of Wands with the Lovers falling out: Well here I am a little bit lost. Ten of swords meant for me many times that someone is overwhelmed with their problems and cannot really invest in anything else. Page of wands is at the same time enthusiasm and intention to communicate, spark. Lovers is well, welcomed here but I try to avoid wishful reading...
(10 of Swords) Personal bonds may fracture, whether a romantic liaison or friendship. If this card refers to his previous breakup, it may show that he's not over it. That has occurred in other questions, where his past relationship seemed to be on the foreground. (Page of Wands) This card may indicate getting in touch with an old friend, with whom he can talk about the old days and forget his current woes. The Page of Wands may signify an enthusiastic but disruptive young energy that may not follow things through. (The Lovers) I see this card as a decision about his prospective new partner. I agree to avoid wishful thinking here.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 5. What is blocking a romantic connection between us: Two of Wands + Knight of cups: Inability to decide perhaps, sitting on the fence about coming towards me...? I asked for further clarification, then I got King of Wands again, the card representing him, so actually, it is him.
(2 of Wands) This card could be interpreted on the one side as a new romantic liaison that grows from a friendship, work relationship, or social contact. On the other as an unreliable or untrustworthy partner. (Knight of Cups) The Knight of Cups is equally inconclusive as it could swing from Prince Charming to someone who plays the field. (This is one of the reasons why I use reversals – in this type of situation it can help decide in what direction the interpretation should lean). Since your question is asking about what is "blocking" a romantic connection between you, I tend to lean towards the more challenging interpretations.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 6. Advice for me: 4 of swords + 9 of wands: Rest, not to think about it too much, do not let myself be hurt.
I agree with your interpretation here. (4 of Swords) Take time out, nourish yourself, find peace from within yourself and not an external source. (9 of Wands) Think about your boundaries and be consistent. Perhaps even time boundaries.
Pyat wrote: 11 Nov 2021, 16:04 7. Outcome: Fool + King of Wands: A new beginning and a leap of faith - of him, or for him...
(The Fool) The Fool may symbolise the leap of faith, as you interpreted, but it could also be an irresponsible leap due to desperation. (The King of Wands) You mentioned that this card symbolises him, but which characteristics? Perhaps integrity and high standards, being passionate and demonstrative? But court cards may also flip, and his dark side may be rigid and bossy. It's very difficult to establish who's feeling the urge to make the "leap of faith", him or you.

I hope that my notes were useful in some way and I wish you the best.

Please leave me your feedback when you can.

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 12 Nov 2021, 21:24
by Pyat
Hello Waterpuppy! (You have such a cute username ♥)

Gods, thank you so much for this insightful and thorough input. It resonates very much in the most parts... I am amazed. Beside the personal importance it is really interesting for me to discover new aspects and meaning of the cards. Not to mention the importance of an objective reading... Most of the time I can trust my readings but this connection turns me upside down :D

1. No doubt that he wants to find balance in his life. He is really closed-off relationship-wise... He concentrates nearly all his energy to work. Yes, his former relationship may still haunt him. But looking at the whole reading I get an optimistic feeling, that he is about to get things together in general (so not about me). This is what matters for me the most.

2. Oh yes! He is really defensive, or to be more precise, he tries not to promise more than he can give right now. Hopefully, it is not about me being intrusive, since it is usually him, who reaches out, I never bother him, and for now I keep my feelings for myself. About attractiveness, he often makes subtle comments about my perseverance (9 of Wands) in sport and how it shows on my body :lol: King of Wands is a tougher question. I still think that it symbolises him, but now that I am challenged it is harder to put my finger on it in the context of the question...

3. Yes, I know that 2 of cups is not that straightforward, not necessarily romantic. It was 5 of pents after the Tower, this is why I thought that the Tower is not necessarily in connection with his emotions, but a more practical side of his life (he is really struggling financially). It never came to my mind, that Tower could be attraction! Well, yes, I am really attracted to him, but keep this "beast" in chains if you see... After what happened I will not make a move again until he does it :shock:

4. Ten of swords really challenged me, so I pulled a clarifier for it: I got Ace of cups. That kind of reinforces your interpretation! And resonates with what I have just said, that he is closed off relationship-wise. And Lovers, I absolutely see it as a choice to be made, Two of Wands in the followings really supports that and it makes sense.

5. Wow, I have never seen Two of Wands as a potential new romantic relationship. It always represented a choice, at least for me - I was contantly getting that when I was sitting on the fence about confessing to this man...

6. Yes, it is nearly obvious now, and this is what I intend to do too. :)

7. It's interesting! Well, sooner or later something will change, but I have already done what I could, so no desperate action from my part anymore. You are right, he is indeed demonstrative, also kind of prideful and not necessarily bossy but really stubborn. He also has high standards.

Thank you very much again for your input! I am so grateful I cannot even tell ♥

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 12 Nov 2021, 21:54
by WaterPuppy
Thank you for your feedback Pyat.

I'm glad that some of my reading was useful to you. As you said, it is always difficult to do a reading for yourself especially on emotional matters.

I wonder if I could ask you why you prefer to use upright cards for your readings? I've only ever used both upright and reversed cards, which was rather complex at the beginning (twice as many interpretations to learn) but after a while I found that the cards were giving me more hints on how to interpret them. In certain way, I find that readings with upright cards only is more difficult because there is a wider range of possibilities. I would appreciate to hear your point of view on this.

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 13 Nov 2021, 17:59
by Pyat
It was more than useful, thank you again!

Actually, I gave a shot to reversals earlier, but I have been studying Tarot only for a year, I am not really an expert, and I felt like it was better to only work with upright cards first. Reversals were a little bit confusing for me. I still do not have a clue how to shuffle! Would you please share, how you prepare the cards for your readings? You pre-shuffle them, turning a part of the deck upside down, and then use it throughout the whole reading? Or you turn them over before each question? I am curious.

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 13 Nov 2021, 19:13
by WaterPuppy
Well it does take some time to get familiar with both upright and reversed meanings. I hear that there are experienced tarot readers who only use upright cards. However I find that confusing at times and I don't seem to get the same amount of precision. It's really a matter of experimenting and see what works best for you.

First of all find good resources with both upright and reversed meanings. At the beginning just use one or two resources, or you'll get overwhelmed. They could be websites or books.

I usually cut the deck into two and I rotate one pile 180˚ so that the cards in that pile end up in a reversal position from before. Then I do a riffle shuffle from the corners:
And I repeat it even up to 12 times.

Then I use the overhand shuffle. Now and again I turn a bunch of cards upside-down while doing that.

Some times I wait for a single card to fall off while I'm shuffling (overhand) and I use it in my spread. If multiple cards fall off, I turn them upside-down (they wanted to be reversed), put them back in the deck, and I continue to shuffle until the next single card falls off. This technique can take some practice.

Other times I just cut the deck into 3 piles, place the 1st pile on top of the 2nd, and that whole lot on top of the 3rd. Finally I start placing the cards on my spread (for instance the Celtic Cross) starting from the top of the deck.

By the way if I'm using an expensive deck that I don't want to scuff, I use the smoosh shuffle and I pick the cards one by one.

I learned shuffling from a dear friend who is an experienced tarot reader. She also has a successful YouTube channel. She basically told me that there isn't a wrong way and a right way. Just shuffle long enough and turning the cards so that you don't keep getting the same cards and in the same upright or reversed position.

Let me know if your shuffling improves.

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 18 Nov 2021, 17:29
by Leah
1. His intentions right now: Strength + 5 of cups: Right now he seems to be in a period of mourning and grief in 5C which is dissipating with the influence of strength in the picture, where he's been is coming to a close in 10S and where he's going is up in the air and calling for decision making with 2W indicative of pondering a choice or decision, that choice or decision seems to be highlighted in the lovers which often manifests as a choice around a romantic connection or relationship, seemingly he's wondering if you're worth it.

2. How attractive he finds me as a woman: 9 of wands + King of wands: 9W may indicate activation of one's boundaries or defensiveness, the King W is very energised and filled with a world view of self belief, we can achieve highly under it's influence and in common with the fool it is a very expansive, vitalising card rep his mood, perception and energy as he finds himself pondering should I stay or should I go? at this stage coming to the end of the period of grief in 5C he finds himself on the cusp of a new energy wave as the lovers brings spiritual healing, everything that was holding the situation of 10S in situ suggesting a difficult period reaching it's outer limits and coming to a close hence the death and finality brought by the swords but caused by the tower and it's promise of change and disruption causing the situation of 10S and the underlying 5C to dissipate and move out.

3. What he wants to happen between us: 2 of cups + Tower clarified by 5 of pentacles: The tower promises change and disruption in this case around hardship in 5P enabling 2C to manifest, that's a wish not an actuality.

4. His feelings for me: 10 of Swords + Page of Wands with the Lovers falling out: PW is the spark of an idea around something and this relationship idea may be nothing more than that at the moment, the lovers seems to point at a choice between death in 10S or initiation in Page W.

5. What is blocking a romantic connection between us: Two of Wands + Knight of cups: This is very telling, a keycard in the spread, 2W in relationship readings is not a good sign, in an existing relationship it indicates one partner is developing itchy feet and withdrawing from the other partner, is the grass greener?, possible resentment of ties, strong focus on travel and cutting the ties that bind us.

6. Advice for me: 4 of swords + 9 of wands: You may be acting in a defensive manner in 9W and the advice may be relax your boundaries or else wait for him to relax his.

7. Outcome: Fool + King of Wands: There's a fresh start for sure and he's on top of the world, what is not clear is whether his future involves you on a romantic level.

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 18:07
by Pyat
WaterPuppy wrote: 13 Nov 2021, 19:13 Well it does take some time to get familiar with both upright and reversed meanings. I hear that there are experienced tarot readers who only use upright cards. However I find that confusing at times and I don't seem to get the same amount of precision. It's really a matter of experimenting and see what works best for you.

First of all find good resources with both upright and reversed meanings. At the beginning just use one or two resources, or you'll get overwhelmed. They could be websites or books.

I usually cut the deck into two and I rotate one pile 180˚ so that the cards in that pile end up in a reversal position from before. Then I do a riffle shuffle from the corners:
And I repeat it even up to 12 times.

Then I use the overhand shuffle. Now and again I turn a bunch of cards upside-down while doing that.

Some times I wait for a single card to fall off while I'm shuffling (overhand) and I use it in my spread. If multiple cards fall off, I turn them upside-down (they wanted to be reversed), put them back in the deck, and I continue to shuffle until the next single card falls off. This technique can take some practice.

Other times I just cut the deck into 3 piles, place the 1st pile on top of the 2nd, and that whole lot on top of the 3rd. Finally I start placing the cards on my spread (for instance the Celtic Cross) starting from the top of the deck.

By the way if I'm using an expensive deck that I don't want to scuff, I use the smoosh shuffle and I pick the cards one by one.

I learned shuffling from a dear friend who is an experienced tarot reader. She also has a successful YouTube channel. She basically told me that there isn't a wrong way and a right way. Just shuffle long enough and turning the cards so that you don't keep getting the same cards and in the same upright or reversed position.

Let me know if your shuffling improves.
Dear WaterPuppy!

Thank you very much for your advice! I gave it a try, and now I went much better than last year. It expands my readings. Of course I need much practise and time to learn the reversed meaning, and the ability to read the messages, but it is very cool!
About the shuffling, I have been practising in the last couple of days. My hands are sometimes a little bit clumsy, but it is nice to do it in an other way as I used to.

It is so nice to get tips from such an insightful and talented Tarot-lover, thank you so much ♥

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 18:38
by Pyat
Leah wrote: 18 Nov 2021, 17:29 1. His intentions right now: Strength + 5 of cups: Right now he seems to be in a period of mourning and grief in 5C which is dissipating with the influence of strength in the picture, where he's been is coming to a close in 10S and where he's going is up in the air and calling for decision making with 2W indicative of pondering a choice or decision, that choice or decision seems to be highlighted in the lovers which often manifests as a choice around a romantic connection or relationship, seemingly he's wondering if you're worth it.

2. How attractive he finds me as a woman: 9 of wands + King of wands: 9W may indicate activation of one's boundaries or defensiveness, the King W is very energised and filled with a world view of self belief, we can achieve highly under it's influence and in common with the fool it is a very expansive, vitalising card rep his mood, perception and energy as he finds himself pondering should I stay or should I go? at this stage coming to the end of the period of grief in 5C he finds himself on the cusp of a new energy wave as the lovers brings spiritual healing, everything that was holding the situation of 10S in situ suggesting a difficult period reaching it's outer limits and coming to a close hence the death and finality brought by the swords but caused by the tower and it's promise of change and disruption causing the situation of 10S and the underlying 5C to dissipate and move out.

3. What he wants to happen between us: 2 of cups + Tower clarified by 5 of pentacles: The tower promises change and disruption in this case around hardship in 5P enabling 2C to manifest, that's a wish not an actuality.

4. His feelings for me: 10 of Swords + Page of Wands with the Lovers falling out: PW is the spark of an idea around something and this relationship idea may be nothing more than that at the moment, the lovers seems to point at a choice between death in 10S or initiation in Page W.

5. What is blocking a romantic connection between us: Two of Wands + Knight of cups: This is very telling, a keycard in the spread, 2W in relationship readings is not a good sign, in an existing relationship it indicates one partner is developing itchy feet and withdrawing from the other partner, is the grass greener?, possible resentment of ties, strong focus on travel and cutting the ties that bind us.

6. Advice for me: 4 of swords + 9 of wands: You may be acting in a defensive manner in 9W and the advice may be relax your boundaries or else wait for him to relax his.

7. Outcome: Fool + King of Wands: There's a fresh start for sure and he's on top of the world, what is not clear is whether his future involves you on a romantic level.
Dear Leah!

Thank you so much for your amazing input! It is so impressive to see how many shades you give to this reading, it really inspires me and also helps me to get clarity.
I think your interpreation is really spot on about him being confused and also holding onto negative feelings. He is really, really exhausted and battle-weary so to say, and your interpreation reinforces that thought of mine, that is he he might ponder on our relationship and its nature but for sure it is not among his greatest priorities right now.
I am doing exactly what you and all the three of us actually read out of the advice cards: chill and withdraw my energies from this. I feel quite relieved. I love him but for now he is on his own journey.

I fully agree with you about the outcome, me interpretation was quite the same. He will start over, but the cards cannot really tell if this startover includes anything with me since it is not even decided yet. Sooo much instability and incosistent energy :D

Thank you so much, again, Leah ♥

Re: Feelings and intentions

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 19:05
by WaterPuppy
Don't mention it

It's all about helping each other learn