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Lovers + star + 8 of cups future relationship outcome

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 03:05
by Letika
Hi there,

Im a little confused I ask about a future relationship outcome if they are going to be together again someday . The answer (left to right) was the lovers+ the star + 8 of cups

They just decide no to have contact anymore after 4 years, because both of them are married with kids. They also live in different countries and because of the male job they could see each other but after the pandemic it's over . They both really struggling
I'm really confused because for me the lover and star is a yes; a true love story, soulmates and more important a as major arcane than the 8 of cups. Dose the 8 of cups predicts the end or do you think they might have a possible reconciliation?


Re: Lovers + star + 8 of cups future relationship outcome

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 20:14
by JudyK
I wouldn't be able to ignore the 8 of Cups that ends the reading. Whether one sees the Lovers and the Star as signalling "soulmates" or as recognising their decision to choose 'purity', the 8 of Cups says it's done.

Re: Lovers + star + 8 of cups future relationship outcome

Posted: 14 Jan 2022, 13:16
by merlina
Hi. If the lovers want to be together, the have to be free. The Star escaped from a restrictive corset. The star freed herself, she's free. When The lovers really want to be together, they have to leave behind a lot, symbolised by the 8 of cups...Not easy, when kids are involved. Seems to me their love is genuine.

Re: Lovers + star + 8 of cups future relationship outcome

Posted: 06 Apr 2022, 19:05
by Leah
Lovers, Star, 8C

Lovers indicates an important life choice related to a love relationship, star rep hope and joy in relation to their marriages as 8C indicates they have both realised the affair is unsatisfactory and they are dissalusioned, the precursor to walking away and saving their marriages.